About Me

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Someone Famous Called....

Receptionist Garang

Yesterday,somewhere between 3pm and 4pm.At some point semalam, I have to pull myself away from the computer,nak paksa diri mandi.Kalau tak nanti kena kutuk like..hah,kau dok umah sepanjang hari tak mandi? Bla..bla..bla...

So bila I dalam shower room tu (tengah bertelanj bul) receptionist garang pun ketuklah pintu bilik air tu,Hoi..your friend, Lee from Cambridge telephone....Sentapz lah I.Baru aje email phone number,terus dah call.Nak terjun keluar from shower cubicle,badan tengah berbuih-buih pulak, so I pun cakaplah dgn my receptionist, aku mandilah...

My receptionist pun cakap, do you want him to call you back? I katalah..if he want to..Pastu from afar I heard, ohh..you heard that...

So,people.The famous Lee Novotny...aka Kak Melah...aka Kak Nita called me yesterday and we did have a brief chat.I haven't been speaking Malay for a long time.So yesterday was a practise.I asyik kelakar Sarawak ya...

What next? pasni, I akan bagilah Lee & Avang my postcode,pastu sidaknya bolehlah bubuh kat sat nav sidaknya,and datang umah kamek.Boleh ka sik?

Baca Utusan Malaysia yesterday,Awie and the wife got divorced.Macam mana expressnya nak kahwin,camtulah 'rapid KL' nya nak bercerai.Kesian.But a couple's divorce is something too complicated to discuss about.You never knew what is the truth.It's between them and with a sound mind,nobody wants to share with anybody their dirty laundry.

I have succeed in infecting Liza with Cold and sekarang ni turn dia lah pulak memakan Lemsip.As we speak,my sister's text just came in telling me that Selasa next week raya.So it gives me ample time lah nak mintak chotti.

I'm back to work today.The first thing to do is to company my Asperger Boy to see his psychiatrist.Tengoklah apa diagnosis.Commonly is always BBG (Buat buat gila) and then will be served with a long list of evalution plan,cognitive counselling la..psychodynamic la...hapa la...

I received my first raya card yesterday from Malaysia and the second one today from Australia.Both are two schoolmates yang I terjumpa masa renew passport kat Damansara last year.How nice.They're both happily married and happily menternak anak.

So, Lee..thanks for kolling kolling and Sam, dimanakah card raya ku?


Anonymous said...

Hi nok!! Hahahah mati mati mak ingat u ols tengah ermm ermm... ehh lupa bebulan posa, kan?? :P

Anyway..femes katanya..femeskah mak?? Starkah mak??? Meh kita tanya Kak Melah..musti dia terpinga pinga who's is this Lee pemenang BI 2006 ehh 2005?? :P

Anyway, we'd like to visit you but hopefully Avang can have a day off too...actually he already booked Monday off so kalau raya Monday we might go to london.. kalau tak ke rumah u ols, we ols akan ke Malaysian hall kat Queensborough Terrace ittew.

Heyy ni nak jumpa ni jgn we ols kena infected ngan u ols nyer cold udahler...mrasa mak pulak yg kuar ingus! hik hik... ehh kim salam kat minah saleh friend of yours ittew yek i.e si Liza!!! **larik!!!!

p/s tu gambo sapa tu?? U ols ker?? Chanteque!

Makji Esah said...

Liza lah tu..the puteri santubong

sam zahri said...

haiyo kakak!!!! kad raya dah ku kirim la minggu lepas..tak sampai lagi ker?? adussss...