About Me

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Aku, Dia dan Doktor Gigi...

The good thing about living in England is that the health authority go out of their way to look after you (in my experience lah..) Every year, the GP you're registered with will send you a letter, wishing you this and that,and ask you to come in for a general check up.All sorts of check up, smear test lah,blood test lah...anything that deemed necessary to ensure better health.

Yesterday, I got a letter from my dentist.By the sound of it, she have been missing me, all this 6 months we were apart.Technically, kalau takde aral melintang, you are only required to see your dentist every 6 months.Unless you are the type of person yang aral nya melintang hari-hari...maka kena lah jumpa doktor selalu.

My dentist is a young woman (possibly younger than me) and of an Indian origin.When we first met, I don't know what to address her, nak panggil Dr ke..hapa ke, since bukan most dentist is a doctor.They might be called doktor gigi but they are just not doktor but a trained individual to look after teeth.Well, honestly, I don't know what to make of that.Maybe they have got that title 'Dr' by slogging themselves into a medic school.So, any dentist out there, if you're reading this, care to explain to me yang buta ilmu ni...ye ke doktor gigi bukan nya medical doctor or anything sewaktu dengannnya yang membuatkan mereka ni tak layak dipanggil 'Dr'?

Speaking of my dentist, we both have a love hate relationship, as in she loves me and I hate her.To those yang compliment gigi I cantik, meh sini nak bagi tau, yang bahawasanya, gigi I ni tak lah lawa mana, bahkan ada yang dah tertanggal and dan bertampal-tampal.Pulak tu, my gigi bertindih-tindih and selalu pulak menjadi bahan kutipan my dentist ni (ye ke ayat ni, I'm try to put it as since gigi dah buruk, my dentist is always picking on that)

Nak jadikan sejarah, my mother told me that it was all my father's fault, gigi I jadi tumbuh melata gitu.My mother worked in a hospital, so as a child and until now, we all have easy access to all department in that hospital.My mother will kow tim with all the nurses from every different department to get us checked up and my mother is very strict with anything to do with medical attention...like kalau terpijak paku, jam jam tu jugaklah misti pergi cucuk,itu cucuk, ini cucuk, cuci telinga, check darah...makan ubat cacing...waaa....

As a child, I hate makan ubat and hate to see a doctor.When you're little, most doctor have liberty to tell you what cross their mind, as if macam dia sorang aje dalam dunia ni yang perfect...and you can still hear their nasihat 'jangan keluar rumah tak pakai selipar, nanti cacing masuk kaki' berulang-ulang.Podah lah..besar mana pulak cacing tu boleh masuk dalam tapak kaki hah? Nama je doctor, tapi bodoh...what I used to think.I also can't help to think my mother mestilah dah pesan kat doctor ni yang I ni sekian-sekian, so,this doctor always tell me to makan sayur and will story me about how this people mati tak makan sayur.Jangan asyik makan biskut aje.So, macam mana lak doctor tu tau my eating habit kan? (I tell you, when I was very young, I substitute nasik with biskut Jacob segi empat, all crush in a mug of black tea, pastu makan basah-basah cam tu, pernah try tak?) Ni mestilah dah di pre amp dek my mother yang bersekongkolan dengan doctor itu.

Same with the dentist, when I was little, this nyonya (who is also my neighbour) selalu lah lecture I, Oooohhh...Auntie tau you selalu makan gula-gula, (lagipun, I kena pass her house to go to the only sweet shop in this housing area) tengok..apa suda jadi sekarang..ini gigi suda lobang...nanti kalau semua gigi sudah tidak ada, macam mana mahu makan...nanti suda tidak cantik..., (honestly, I lagi cantik dari nyonya ni...pepandai je kutuk gigi orang) And I really hated that thing where they insert certain needles and drill your gigi...and you have to keep your mouth open wide (bukak lagi besar!!) for substantial amount of time.How you wish that time you have the energy of Dr David Banner, bertukar jadi Hulk pastu baling dentist ni jauh-jauh. I even tried to lie my way out by swerving away from the 'Kilinik Pergigian' but as you know, my mother will then double check too see if I dah jumpa the dentist ke belum.So, tak boleh lah nak tipu.

Because I am my father's favourite, I always tell him how horrible the dentist was, asking me to open wide (cam lain je bunyik nya) when I can't.I will merengek-rengek...'sampai nak koyak angah punya mulut'. From there, everytime when I am scheduled to meet up with the dentist, I will always ran towards my father, hang on to his army belt yang besar tu, begging him not to let my mother to take me to the dentist.And I succeeded.My mother gave me this 'jaga kau' look.Because of that, most of my milk teeth, did not come out naturally and the permanent teeth have to tumbuh terpaksa at the gum allotment that wasn't theirs.Of course when you're young, nasihat-nasihat ibu semuanya tak laku, and now, you're the victim of your own stupidity and stubborness.Habislah gigi dah tak cantik....cam gigi Tuanku Zara kan?

Back to my current dentist, well, since gigi dah berbatang-batang tercabut dek buruknya, I decided that it is about time I take more responsibility untuk menjaga gigi-gigi yang sedia ada dan yang dah tak banyak tinggal ni.I still have the drilling machine phobia but tooth extraction is more smooth than before.Up until last year, NHS did not charge for the dental visit until all this tamak haloba dentist started to go private and goverment decided that people who earned more than 14,000 must now pay for their treatment.Sialan betul....

Now that I have to pay for the visit although tak lah mahal because my dentist love me...wa cakap lu, still, I masih gak tak suka nak pergi.6 month ago, si Dentist ni clean up my teeth.My gum bleed badly and she announced that I suffered from gum disease.Eh..ko pehal? Yang dia bantai cuci gigi I kuat-kuat, haruslah gum tu berdarah kan? I think it was so bad that made my dentist decided to gave me a quick crash course showing me how to brush my teeth.I was forced to tengok this slides show about how some budak-budak (terasa sungguh masa ni, yelah, kita kan dah tua) menggosok gigi...

I was so insulted that I terasa nak gi cari dentist lain aje, but you know lah how things work over here, you can only register with Dentist & GP yang letaknya within 3 miles radius from your address.Tak cukup dengan kelas tambahan menggosok gigi tu,dia pergi pulak refer I kat Orthodontik (betul ke ni) people just to give me advise on what brand of dental floss and berus gigi to buy.Celaka betul.

And now, even though I pretend that I moved on from peristiwa memalukan itu, the letter from my dentist brings back evil memory. Here I am with a letter signed by her, asking me to come, open myself wide (again!!) to her. After what happened? You got nerve.


Cik Kiah said...

Alo Hajah, i think as of 1997, the dentists in UK can be called doctor. Zaman dahulu kala kerja2 cabut gigi ni dibuat oleh barber, butcher, sebab tu la diaorg tak leh dipanggil dr. Tapi sekarang ni, masih ada yg kekal nak di panggil Mr or Miss because diorg perasan diaorg surgeon and not physician. Laa, you panggil je la your dentist 'love'..ni kan gelaran standard org2 sana..

(Entah2 gigi ko yg penuh karat ko salahkan dentist ko buat scaling darah2....oops hhee..ampun hajah!)

P/S i tau ada dentist yg lembut dan menawan bak Ezzah Aziz Fauzi kalo you berminat nak jumpa...tapi sayangnya dia dah tak tengok org2 yg panjang lebih dari sedepa .

Anonymous said...

rajin tak menjenguk ke sini,maknyanya mka rileks n off lah nie kan.**tetiba**. noks, sapa tak suka cicah biskut dlm air teh,mok sker gok. tu lah mak ni terpaksalah g check gigi kan demi memutihkan lagi gigi ku yg tak jugak putih ni ha.......

Makji Esah said...

Dr Kiah, alright LOVE!!!!

Capt, biskut segi empat makan basah-basah sungguh lah nyaman berperisa oren kan? Clorox jo lah gigi mung tu,nok beri putih.

Anonymous said...

hahaha kelakanyer! makan biskut jacobs dgn teh tu mmg sedap!

Formerly known as Superwomanwannabe! said...

hee hee- makdatok how come you escaped the army dentists haaa..my memories are still v fresh of being smacked by the army dentist masa membesar dulu...dentist kat uk adagak budibahasa (altho i used to just go when I got pregnant to qualify for freebies!)

Anonymous said...

hehe, nie dah masuk 11 tahun dah tak gi dentist, phobia uols, last time pun masa still kat form 6 kat klinik sekolah.MAsa kat tadika dulu, kana cabut gig yg rosak, tapi takmau, sampai kat klinik hspital nun, 4 org misi tangkap tangan n kaki i dari meronta2 dan menjerit2 bagaikan anak babi yg takmo disembelih...hahhaha... yup, its true, tu lah, susah nak jadi parents nie kan, eh, melalut sampai bab parenting plak, eventually, i won, gigi tak jadi dicabut hahahaha..... but tak tau mereka guna charm apa, last2 gi klinik kat sekolah, the misi punyalah nice n all, and my gigi kena cabut juga without any fuss, i baring diam jak....

Belladonna said...

Han, sejak jumpa si Kiah dan semenjak banyak gambar mu ko publish..terus niat aku untuk memakai braces berkobar-kobar :)