About Me

Friday, May 18, 2007

Friday Updates...Not A Good One

My ayahanda was a bit cross with me today.Well, I was asked to meet up with his friend yang datang visit anak dia kat sini.My father ni kadang-kadang suka took liberty to mengurus acara-acara social I kat sini...millions miles away from him.This person is here and there, go and see them.Be at your best.Waahhh...my usual self tak best ke? But as you can gather, that is what I respond dalam hati.I usually obliged tanpa banyak cekadak.Unless I really,really can't. I have agree to meet this friend of his today as I also took liberty not to go to work today.Friday is always the day to do case referencing for me, so understandably, I need not to be disturb.But I never do what I am suppose to do, and Friday is officially a bloghopping day for me, sambil menambah dosa mengutuk orang lain.

I got up feeling really ill with my cold returning.Sok sek sok sek.Benciiii!!! I thought it has gone away, after bermacam-macam kapsul aku telan.I even cancelled F, and the good thing is dia pun tak nak dijangkit oleh my cold (ni ke dia cinta sejati? Tapi that day, I promise to cherish you in sick and in health...I do, I do) and sempat jugak meleterkan I, yang I ni dok sakit-sakit because kerja kuat cam nak gila. I wonder what people might think of my relationship with F, dah kahwin tapi, duduk asing-asing, pastu nak jumpa, buat appointment.Mad as a hatter kah? But the clear message is that duduk bersama akan mencepatkan proses-proses penuaan dan juga proses-proses kematian, kalau I tak bunuh dia, dia lah yang akan bunuh I, or we both could die of natural causes like sakit jantung.

Obviuously, I have to cancel this pakcik.But before I call him, being a responsible anak that I am, I call my father, telling him that I am not up to meet this man.Before I stretch further, let me tell you that this is not the first time I cancel meeting his friends.Not only that his friends will opt to duduk area-area yang kena bayar congestion charges and susah parking, some pre arranged meeting will require me to duduk melepak berjam-jam kat tempat orang tu sambil berdinner ber lunch bagai.No.Is not about menolak rezeki.But being the anti social that I am, I cannot hold any meeting or conversation more than 1/2 hour.My father, as if he tak perasan, dari mana I inherit perangai ni? It is easy for him to pung pang pung pang dengan his friends because he knows them, but, my stint kat boarding school, uni and habit tak suka keluar bilik bila orang datang rumah made me as good as tak wujud.Another thing yang tak syok tu, this friends of his selalunya ada ad hoc responsibility pulak nak jadi agency perkahwinan yang tak bertauliah and segala macam jantan nak di propose nya kat I.But I must admit, kedatangan agency-agency perkahwinan tak bertauliah ni dah berkurangan since I dah warning my parents siang-siang,kalau dia cakap pasal ni ni ni...I will not go.So the responsibility of mengenen-kenen ni dah kembali kepada sedara-mara I yang sungguh takde kerja tu.Ni nak cakap sikit kat my relatives yang macam susah hati sangat I ni tak kahwin-kahwin...kenapa? Banyak masa sangat kah? Why not you all volunteer jadi tentera pengaman PBB or jadi UN ambassador, pi bagi makan kat budak-budak underprivilledge tu. F told me, kalau nak bagi mulut-mulut mereka ni senyap, tell them the truth about us.Well, if I do that, harus mulut terus senyap...as in semua mati terkejut.Senyaplah mulut kan?

Okay,back in the room.I told my father yang I demam and therefor, I can't make today.Maybe some other time.Before acknowledging the fact that I ni sakit, he was suggesting, take a taxi and I'll speak to him to send you home.I told him that taking a taxi to Central London is expensive (not that the money is an issue anyway) and he was 'I will pay you'. He sounded stressed. As usual he will go on...'you are better off here.You have everything over here, you can't even afford a taxi there'. Aiyoo...being me nowadays (dulu tak berani you...) I replied back, it is not because of the money.Really, taking a cab is expensive, exhorbitantly expensive...and not practical.Central London, especially area Pakcik ni duduk, nak pergi time dinner, macam nak pergi Ipoh time CNY.And I hate being stuffed at the back of a taxi. I am a bit dissapointed at this point, but I tried very hard not to let the feeling transmit. Genuinely, I tersok sek sok sek on the phone and he must have heard.'Kau dah makan ubat?'. 'Call your mother, she will know what good to cure that'. My father always like that...bila I demam, suruh I call my mother...why can't he just said something nice like, drink water ke, tidur ke, makan panadol ke...

I just said, okay.Nak makan panadol ni...( I addressed every single remedy I took here as panadol to my father), I will sleep for a bit and will see him later.We said goodbye and I am now still angry.People say don't upset your parents.And this is what I am doing.


Unknown said...

Susah kan?? Dok jejauh cenggini pun masih lagilaa mak bapak nak kontrol..kalau mak pun, mak sakit hati! Mujur kita lahir sbg anak Timur kan?? kalau anak mat saleh, harus dah tengking tengking gittew, ye dok?? **some of them lah kot

Jen said...


Nothing to comment. But jz website add. of the Royal Wedding 4u 2c.


Have a nice day.

Makji Esah said...

Tu lah kan....merasalah anak omputih cakap kat mak bapak diorang...'I ain't got time for that...hah...tak kena sumpah kalau kita yang cakap cenggitu...

Thanks Jen.

Belladonna said...

Get well soon. Waduh, susah betul making favours for our parents ni. Ko tak janggal ke bercerita ngan diorang?

Ha, bagus juga kalau minggu ni cuti sekejap dari jumpa F. Omputih kata - Absence make the heart goes fonder, orang melayu kata - jauh dimata, jauh di hati.. heheheh.

Aku masih memikir camno nak publish gambo barang sakti, susahlah kalau banyak censorship ni. Kalau ketiak pun takbleh tunjuk kat tv, inikan lagi barangan ajaib mu ittew. Takpe, aku dah ada idea nak solve the probe. Kobau tanya untuk lelaki punya takde ke?

Anonymous said...

kannnnnnnnnnn sebab tu i tak bgth kalau demam evcen sore dah cam unta dah. kalau tak mrasa mak i dok call n tanya dah makan ubat or soklan2 lain....tapi deyall concern kan, anak duk jauh....