At 1.14 am, I'm still at work...monitoring one barua yang dari pagi tadi threatened nak commit suicide.Macam if I ni takde kerja lain nak buat.Here I am, mengular while watching CCTV footage of him sleeping in the secured room.I remember sometimes back when he was in one of his funny moods and was transferred to the secure unit. I was asked to monitor any of his 'alarming' behavior yang kesudahan nya aku yang macam nak gila having to watch him pleasuring himself. Yikss..yiks...yiks...
Okay...remember Sam and his Lala? I was quite anxious after that incident, pulak tu ada yang pakat nak takut-takut kan I pasal budak ni akan dapat concussion la, nanti I akan kena saman la..but his mommy said, babies will always fall...(but mommy didn't know the Lala story, kan?)
Mandy (Sam's mum) offered if I want to take him jenjalan...of which I readily agreed and last Monday, I took him to tengok itik and main buai. Here's the photo of him, courtesy of my mobile phone camera with him and his awesome smile with the Arsenal top that I got him for his 1st birthday. Ish...adakah aku meroyan nak beranak? This is the proof that he is indeed okay and well.
Take care.
what a cute lil boy! kuchi kuchi koooo...
anyway makji, sometimes benda head injury nih, kita tak nampak masa masa tu jugak. it may take years to show...
hahaha...tak habis habis aku nak gempaq kau makji! hahaha
Yeay Sue..dia tak ain kuchi kuchi kooo lah, you have to scream A R S E N A L ....baru dia senyum.
Wait till you have similar incident dgn budak kecik...masa tu, I will hit on you with no mercy..cis!
alahai comeyyyyyyyynya sorang lagi 'anchovy' mak kat yg mak nk g sana nih**matilah tetiba**. Makji, let say if i tabur all the makanan to him, nescaya membesarlah ia....dah besar nanti leh teman mak...ops**
apa yg membesar, Lukman? Ingat BM I, bahawasanya lelaki akan membesar sekali dgn anu-anu nya...
Hhahahaha matilaa mung sekodeng orang tuh tengah main main hahahahah...:P
Ntah2 dah makin genius budak Sam tu lpas kejadian itewww... ye la kan some people gets better after a certain hantukan di kepala yet there are also others who gets retarded/spastic. Baik Makji check ape perobahan yang telah berlaku , mana tau kot2 la nih dia dah jadi beckham, with a certain specific talent and the rest are rather mediocre (re: autistic savant sort of)
I pon dulu byk kali jatuh sndiri masa kecik2 on me head and look at me now? harosss tumBESARan sehat.
But he's ever so cute.
mekaseh di atas update tersbut hjh... emnurut discovery channel, children can adapt even wt half a brain functioning..
mak oi comelnya si kenit nih! rasa cam nak kidnap! is it ethically wrong to say that? heehee..
Ala comey lah budak nih!! Rasa nak cubbbiiitttttt!! Comey comey...
Rajin & baik lah ko nih Esah, kalau you kat sini boleh lah you tolong baby sit kan my son kan kan kan kan Esah?
Manal, he is veryyyy cute. Tapi dia ni sekarang, segala manusia nak dipanggilnya daddy...
Ohh Muthalib...are you ever so hard to please?
Eh Nony (anonymous for short) nak kidnap ye? Mmmm...
Elviza, baby sit your son? Jaga-jaga,ada yg ghaib nanti, pastu dibawak lari balik London, camno?
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