About Me

Friday, November 17, 2006

Against Doctor's Words.....

Hi Abang Lekiu, Marilah Kita Main Patuk-Patuk Bersama-Sama.

Sedap Woooo....

Nyaman Bah...

Abang Handsome Yang Makan Sorang-Sorang.Matilah Paparazzi Gambar Terbalik...

Despite constant effort from people I know persistently asking me to rest, I still managed to get myself into some health difficulties today.Twice. Well, I did rest yesterday.In fact, I slept longer than I normally do.Mind you, I'm not a greedy sleeper.I sleep late and somehow I managed to get up same time as Lou, who of course lah got to have an early start considering she works in the school.

Ketot was off work today, and as usual, she can't bear not doing anything.She is such a planner.I told her about my craving for nasi lemak and I know that the nasi lemak at Lemon Grass in Oriental City is tastier than their other contenders.Of course, I like Nahar's too, but I dan't fancy travelling to Central London.In my condition, public transport is out of the question.Jalan kaki? Haram sekarang ni.Ketot is ever so willing to drive anywhere the nasi lemak is.But is better going to Colindale than Bayswater.Plus,the thing that I am so tak larat is Bayswater and kawasan berdekatan dengannya ada ramai orang Melayu.I am not at all suggesting that I am no longer 'Malayanised' having live in England since 1991.For a reason I can't explain (really, I choose not to in case I might upset Malays that is reading this) I would rather not associate myself to that 'Territorial Malaysian' that consist of Orang-Orang Kerajaan, whom the greatest hobby is speaking ills of other Malays.

Armed with Winter Jacket, I sat quietly in the Mini, navigating Ketot who tak pernah ingat how to get there independently even after beribu-ribu kali pergi.Before that, I asked her to dropped me at my office since I just remember that I have some paperworks to sign and letters to open.Against Doctor's order,I went gallivanting around town just to cari sesuap nasi.I can feel the pain when walking.It seems like my chest kena perah.My tongue felt bitter, quite possibly caused by the antibiotics.

We ordered Nasi Lemak with Teh Tarik and Roti Canai that came with assorted dippings.All that came to 10 pounds (kalau kat KL, boley ber round-round makan tu) Half way through menjamu selera, Makcik Lou called to mengadu how terrible she was feeling being made a tea lady for her school open day.She asked us to tapau Noodles and 'Pancake'.Well, what she really mean was 'Roti Canai'.I can't help to think that we converted her into being a Malay.She ate rice regularly because her other half suka makan nasi,she likes noodles and now Roti Canai.She can mencarut as well not knowing that words that she learnt from Liza is mostly caruts words.She also has started to follow some of our custom, but tak nak cakaplah what.She was so shy when Lee asked her that during the CP reception.

Since we are out, I talked Ketot into going to Ikea because I needed a thicker duvet.But I tell you,we never follow what we were there in the first place for.Apart from thicker winter duvet, we also gatal bought other things as well.Sempat lagi membuat dajal kat orang.Look up there for the evident.Khas untuk Abang Lekiu ku yang tercinta.Seriously, now is not a good time to bershopping spree.Christmas is coming that there's so many present to buy.Kan Lee ? Kan..kan..kan...

Combing through the departments making me tired and at time breatheless.My tangan also sakit.Is there any connection between them chests and hand, because when my chest hurts,tangan pun rasa lemah.

We went home straight and I pun start mengemas my bedroom that is so close into becoming tongkang pecah.Moved this, moved that and I suddenly can't breathe.I must have collapsed backwards and I heard Lou (who was passing through from our front door) asking Ketot if I am okay.Ketot came in and asked if I want to go to A&E.I keep saying no,no,no.After a while,I managed to stand myself up and made tea for myself.I was so takut I was dead.But I didn't tell them.

I always wish that if one day that my time is up, let it be in Malaysia.Senang kerja.Tak yah repatriate badan I.Buat menyusah saja.I really,really hope that.Some years ago,my ex MRSM school friend, who was studying in Wales, died in a car accident with her twin brother and her boyfriend.I travelled down to London from where I studied to pay my last respect.I can only imagine how the parents must feel.Own children travelled back millions miles in a box and lifeless.The cost of the repatriation was huge and she was so lucky that her father is a Datuk who was at that time,heading a local bank in Malaysia.Kalaulah yang mati tu anak nelayan ke, penoreh getah ke, tak ke sakit mak bapak nak bayar? Touch wood.......

Having pneumonia is painful to me.Macam sakit jantung.I crutched to my chest whenever it hurts.I have started discharging the trapped phlegm more easily.It never finished.Betapa banyaknya air dalam my paru-paru.Living up to its name, Paru paru Berair.

Well, all I can do is rest.Today escapade is a one off.Terpaksalah cancel nak tengok Casino Royale tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

aiyorkkk sakit2 pun boleh pegi cari nasi lemak ka??? gigih.. gigih sungguh..
adakah your chimney flatmate masih menjalankan aktiviti arang batu mereka di kala u'olls merasa pitam tak bleyy bernapas itteeww

ceriter pasal nasik lemak, ai pun terasa nak breakfast nasik lemak pagi nih..blow my diet...*diet katernyer??*

Belladonna said...

Muahahaha.... Dia kejutkan aku pepagi suruh aku tengok blog ko "apa gambar yang patuk-patuk tu?" Dia tak nampak gambar dragon tu sebab pictures tengah downloading. Nampak caption 'patuk-patuk' je..tu pun dah naik pucat mamat nih. Aku kata "tu dragonlah" baruu dia berani browse the whole page..

Lekiu said...

Ko ni takde keje lain ke nak menakutkan orang pagi-pagi buta? Aku ni dah tuo, tapi taklah pelupo.. penakut jo ngan 'U'.

Eh, fikir-fikir balik.. aku bukan takut kat 'U'.. tapi geli den !

Anonymous said...

bila sakit..macam macam nak makan...sian u tak de org nak sediakan makann..terpaksa lah gigih gi cari makan sendiri....

semoga cepat sembuh yer...

sam zahri said...

musim sakit. i pon baru je baik dari demam 5 - 6 hari lepas. maybe sebab cuaca kot. kat KL ni tetiap petang je hujan lebat. tetiap hari lak tuh. sejuk je sekrg. ..

anyway, get well soon yah? mwah mwah..

Anonymous said...


Hensem jugak jantan tuh. Very manly. Pandai ambik gambar curi curi ya.

Hari Jummat lepas aku makan tengahari ngan ex classmates aku. They were relating stories about the men they like. I just realise how diverse women punya taste in men are. Kawan i sorang, Lina, suka "pretty boys", kawan I sorang lagi, Liz suka "bad boys", kawan I sorang lagi Julie suka "dirty boys".

Izuan Kunang-Kunang said...

HA tu la degil..degil gilak budak tok...sik dengar apa org tua madah...dalam sakit2 pun gigih ni cari nasik lemak...take care darling!!nanti kan tak sempat kawin muahaha!! *gelak jahat

Err...lekiu takut ular ker?? i pun takut jugak, tapi setakat tgk gambar tu takder apa la. Tapi kalau ada org letak ulat kat leher i...ayo mesti i berguling macam ayam kena sembelih!!

Izuan Kunang-Kunang said...

backup....liza and lou dah kawin ker?? aiyohh mak tahu nokk....sent my congrats to them yer!!