About Me

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

What Is The Facsination All About?

Nak Class Sangat,Dengarlah Mozart kan???

I regularised Piccadilly Line quite a lot,since my workplace is near the West Area that is heading towards the airport.I travelled to Central London for impromptu meeting earlier today and used the Blue Line to get to Holborn Station.The moment I hopped in, I catches this conversation between 3 men in mixed BM and English.I glanced at their luggage.Ada tag Malaysia Airlines.They were smartly dressed,soheh lah orang Government or anything of that kind.They look not so much older than me...tapikan uols, I can always passed as 10 years younger.So those men look 'Pakciks' even if they not far off 30++ ...Well if you ask me,that is the wonders of Olay and ketawa berdekah-dekah sorang-sorang banyak-banyak.Gila kan I?

Okay,back to the group of young Pakciks.As they were seated not far from where I stand (macam celaka kan...tak offer pompuan jelita cam I ni tempat duduk, cisss) I can hear clearly what they were nattering about.I really can't help to pasang telinga as there is no way to tutup my ears. Men as always talk about cars...they were so impressed with the amount of BM's and Merce's that they come across the moment they stepped out of Heathrow.They talked about their engine, the leather seat,the money...not long before all 3 of them were sharing their experienced of driving them.And yes, for all of us on the tube to hear.Yang the kelakar part, after talking thousands of ringgits,all series of expensive BMW and Mercedes Mata Bulat,they all started moaning about how much the cab will cost from Heathrow to Central London.I can't help but to smile and buat-buatlah look away takut terpecah lubang pulak. Tu lah dia kan ? The most common thing that this Malaysian do especially when they are new to London is to start comparing prices of KL and London based on what comes out of their clever exchange rate conversion.Hey, I do that too and many people I know done similar.

These men seems never short of conversation topics.Habis aje cakap pasal Ringgit to Pounds,they moved to 'Oxford University' on how 'prestigious' it is.Ye ke? Oxford Uni this, Oxford Uni that...I really have to assume that they were all studied there as they seems to know Oxford that well.At this point I started to feel menyampah.Whatever field they graduated from,it seems like their degrees are better than others,just because it came from Oxford.I was really hoping they will end that subject quick, manalah tahu takut ada pulak locals yang dengar they all dok mengata/question other local Uni credibility. Mind you, kat sini nak cakap kena berpada-pada.People here are quite passionate about stuff they love.I was secretly hoping janganlah Pakciks start cakap pasal how 'godly' Manchester United is. Nak matilahkan..cakap pasal Man U kat area Chelsea Die Hard. I have nothing against Oxford graduates and as any other student of England local universities, I can see no different.If you have a degree, it is still a degree no matter where it came from.Lainlah kalau you graduate first class honours.Berbezalah dengan I yang hanya mampu score 2nd class degree aje (ngang lah katakan...)

Okaylah....uols baguslah dapat jadi student Oxford Uni...good for you.Then to my surprised, them 3 terus pulak cakap pasal local infrastructure...KTM Commuter,Rapid KL,Pos Malaysia,Proton Cars...not about the good points though,sadly.Habis di complaintnya Malaysia.I think this is what kejutan budaya really mean.You breathe the British air and you start loathing Malaysian things.Apa makna tu?

I thought by this time (as we already approached Hammersmith) Pakciks will resign from talking 'Million Dollars' as my telinga really nak tertanggal.No.They have now started talking about MCKK.How the MCKK produced the great Malaysian.They way they described MCKK as if MCKK is the only school on earth.

I often wonders why, why is this thing with MCKK? What is the fascination all about? Well, apart from being a well known all boys boarding school that the students have to go through a special filter system to be considered to get in,MCKK like University Of Oxford is as same as MRSM Beseri and University Of Sheffield.It is just some people are obsessed nak mampus with certain reputation.I happened to be in the same circle with MCOBAs at some stage in my student life.Semuanya satu set.Jobo nak mampus.They alienated themselves by their so called 'standard'.As if they were god on earth.

Okaylah...they are proud.Bukan senang nak masuk MCKK.My father is one of the MCOBAs.I have heard about how he was the budak nombor 3 paling pandai in the state of Perak and therefore was selected into MCKK for the last 33 years.He have high hopes for my 3 brothers to follow suit.My brothers are not so fortunate with MCKK but went to a different boarding school and turn out alright.In fact many boys that not so lucky as the MCOBAs but still genius in their own rights.I have a feeling that MCOBAs people developed some unknown phobias that they can only 'survive' or function well by shielding behind their layers of man made reputation.Well, I don't know, they seems unbelievably proud.They want the world to know that they (The Chosen One) have been selected and entered this big space ship enterprise called 'MCKK' and excelled as 'The Jedi's'.Tapi tahukah mereka...good Jedi boleh disumpah menjadi Darth Vader?

Well, in the end the 3 Pakciks stopped at Hyde Park Corner (sah lah pergi Malaysian Embassy ni) and god knows if they shall continue talking pig eh...big about MCKK again.And I continue my journey.After writing this, I imagine that all the MCOBAs round the whole will carut me to death.Lantaklah kan.I tell you now in this post and I will tell you soon on your face, MCKK is not that all great.It is so 'biasa' like my local sekolah menengah.Nak carut, carut lah....



Belladonna said...

Hi Han!!! Happy belated New Year Nok :) Sorry we ols laki bini lama menghilang from blog universe, maklum jelah line tenet budus nak mampus :) Dah dapat kad kiriman dari kami semus?

Aku paling jauh aku pergi jalan-jalan cuma sekitar negara asian jo, tapi cemana best pun.. malaysia tetap di hati. Ada asam, ada sadin, pucuk ubi, ikan masin dan cekelat rocky pelbagai. Kampung girl cam aku ni will always be kampung nok :)

Dulu time PPM, kami yang dari sabah ni selalu kena kutuk 'kampung','ulu' etc. Underdoglah katakan. Even the amoi TKC pandang kami sebelah mata :) Sedey tauu.

Memang betul cakap ngko, actually semua student sama jo tahap kebijaksanaan diorang. Kalau opportunity + rajin datang, mestilah nasib student ittew berbeza. Like some of uslah who are quiet fortunate to be accepted kat 'prestigious school' yang equipped with modern fascilities. Tapi thank god bukan semuanya spoiled brat, kalau idak aku altantuya sekor2.. hihihi

Unknown said...

My youngest uncle pun masuk MCKK gak u ols tapi takdelah bragging giler macam pokcik pokcik nih...hiks..ntah ntah diorang pun pernah ONS ngan memasing dak>???? **hahah matilaa speku!

Tapi kan, mak mmg paling tak suka org dok bragging lebih lebih..kalau lite lite tu okeylah kan...why talk about yoursels all the time masa conversation??? It's like "Loook at me..I am the best!!" Macam kesial,kan???

Lainlah dlm blog..nak blagging ke nak bragging ke, ittew umah/ blog kita, kan?? kan?? heheheheheh

Makji Esah said...

Lee, the Pokciks are really Pokciks look that I think, unless kalau dah takde pompuan or lembu pakai mini skirt,they might bonk each other with mata tutup.Ni agaknya..tengah bersidai kat Nahar Cafeteria, tak pun Mawar lah kot..sambil mengata-ngata orang.

Bella....yuhuuuu...gue kecilan hati sama lu dgn cowok tua mu ituk.Dimana kad Krismas gue deh? Gue hanya terima Ecard..gue mau dilayan sama rata...gue mauk kad paper.Cowok mu mmg brengsek.Kapan cowokmu tidak mau beri ongkos utk lu belikan gue kad kertas ituh? Wooooooo.....nanti bila ku pulang..harus ku ambil mobil dan tabrak kan cowokmu ittew...

Belladonna said...

Yo, aku dah hantar lah dengan kad kertas kat ngko dan Lee sekal. Ko tanyalah geng 6 jahanam yang turut menulis kad ittew. Tapi aku ada was-was abt the address.. Nanti aku email ko untuk cerita lebih lanjut. Jangan ditabrakkin laki gue..nanti gue enggak ada teman nongkrong tifi (tv), hihihih

Unknown said...

Aiyyoo set set bahasa Indon...kang mak cakap bahasa Jakun kang baru korang fenin!! :P

Anonymous said...

MCKK? Tak boleh tahan teringat bebudak tu terasa macam bebudak dalam movie "Dead Poet Society"

Anonymous said...

Uollss knape kutuk skolah mak!!! FINE!! (tetiba jer mak immo!! walaupun statement ittew palesu belaka!!) Ahaks... Mmg menyampah ngan dorg nie suka brangging pasal skolah2 kan.. Harus der lap kaki sgt pakcik2 ittew! MCKK takleh kalahkah BBGS kan Lee!!!

Anonymous said...

Dont you just hate it when people become elitist kan ?

Sometimes I wonder whether my "hatred" has more to do with my insecurities and my slighted pride or my egalitarian beliefs.

At the risk of sounding detatched from reality, can't people accept someone without trying to create a social cleavage between the have and the have nots.

God made us all equal, and we in our vanity created such an illusion.


tgk dok surf pasal MCKK..tetiba jumpa blog nie..haha, menarik gak.
Pokcik takmau 'carut'lah...pokcik cuma suka baca pulak blog nie...
Ikhlas tapi jauh..:)

mintak izin tumpang baca ja.