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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Entry...Pembacaan & Pemikiran Sensitip

Because I don't really know who Yasmin Ahmad was...I started googling her. I got access to plenty of her works and I must say that they are very good ones.

By Malaysian (media) standard of course, some attracted unnecessary controversy. Not that I understand why it was such a big fuss...laki bini mandi berkemban...pegang anjing etc etc. Laki and bini berkemban is such a usual sight kat rumah...as if lah kita tak pernah nampak. So what if that Imam pegang anjing...will that warrant him an entrance to hell? I doubt. Fauziah Latiff's sons getting all friendly with anjing pun ramainya yang mengomplen...agaknya orang would rather kita main sepak -sepak or langgar-langgar anjing kot? Sorry ye..in anjing issue, I really like to have a liberal opinion, so kalau kamu nak kecik hati (like one of the reader did before) itu antara kamu dengan kamu sendiri lah ye?

I was told that Yasmin Ahmad was a man...or maybe still a man at his/her time of death. To me, until si empunya diri ku mengaku, kita yang mendengar khabar ni can only wish that what we heard is true or not i some cases.She passed away now...so we can never hear from the horse's mouth.

Apparently now, a day after her funeral..the fact was confirmed by a reporter that she has been a man and during her time in the UK, her former self had a gender reassignment.

So I take it that all the rumours is true that she was who they said she was.I googled hard for that article and there was her former self picture and information from the former school friends.

That article sparks a petirrrr and angered her fans and close friends. Talk about wrong timing lah si reporter bodoh tu pun.But I think as a journalist, he/she know that they are not supposed to publish things that are untrue.

I think the pressure must have mounted that the paper have now apologised.

Maybe they should....not for the article though...but for the bad judgment of choosing the publishing time.

There's too many open secret in Malaysia...saya tidak gay, walaupun saya berjalan lenggang kangkung....sebab saya dah pernah kahwin dan ada anak dua (walaupun bila saya datang London, saya akan melepas rindu kat lover saya)

So if she was a man...kenapa pulak nak marah-marah? Salacious news lah..rumours lah..disrespectful to the family lah. How is it disrespectful? I am certain her openminded parents has accepted who she was.

Timing was bad. That I agree. But the news is true, what actually are we angry about?

Marina Mahathir apparently called out for a boycottt. Why? Because you don't like what you read? Or is it because you're ex PM daughter and well known blogger so whatever you say...goes?

I think it is about time that we take responsibility of what we read and what we write. If the publications about Anwar Ibrahim's private stuff is UMNO legalised...betul ke tidak wallahualam...maka, if a tribute to Yasmin and her past should have been allowed.

It is sad that she has died and defenceless...but the article is written nicely about her and herself pre Yasmin Ahmad.

I am sorry if you must disagree. Again...we all do read and understand things differently. Bersyukur lah kita yang Yasmin Ahmad tu tak jahat..tak makan duit rasuah and tak derhaka kat mak bapak dia...

p/s Kiah..bila lah kau nak hupdate?


Anonymous said...

The newspaper published it a wrong time.Indeed it was totally wrong time.
Funny eh..masa hayatnya,tak ada siapa yg nak revealedkan who yasmin ahmad really is.
Within 24 hours after her loss,barulah cerita dibukak.Muka depan lagi.Bold and headline.But,Yasmin Ahmad wasnt there here anymore to protect herself againts what she had done.Tapi saya yakin,kiranya dia masih hidup,dia akan memaafkan reporter tersebut walaupun ia melibatkan maruah diri beliau.



Anonymous said...

There's too many open secret in Malaysia...saya tidak gay, walaupun saya berjalan lenggang kangkung....sebab saya dah pernah kahwin dan ada anak dua (walaupun bila saya datang London, saya akan melepas rindu kat lover saya)

saya rasa saya tahu siapa dia.
adakah dia ada anak dara yang akan kahwin dengan mat saleh awal next year?

Makji Esah said...

Cempaka Biru..yes indeed..bad,bad timing.

Anon..its an open secret, so if you think you know then, you must know

famil said...

the truth indeed, tetapi minumbulkan aib.

maka adalah lebih baik jika artikel tersebul tidak disiarkan. ditambah pula, kat malaysia ni, benda2 kecik pun akan jadi sensasi dan negatip.

Makji Esah said...

The truth..membawa aib? Kepada siapa? Orang yang membaca nya ke? There's nothing aib abt being born a khunsa, if that what she has. I think it is more aib in our part as a community who discrimate the minorities. I still believe that the only thing that is wrong is the timing, however, I feel that the writer still want us to remember another part of her that was once very famous.

Ina said...

Dear Makji,

I didn't read the article but I've read about her in various emails circulated about her throughout the years. Actually, I truly believe that whatever you do, it's just between you and your Maker and strictly no one else! Kubur masing2 maa....?!! Doakan aje lah Arwah, kita pun dapat pahala sama. Wallahualam.

ManaL said...

dosa orang yg buat fitnah lagi besar kan kan kan?

Makji, org controversial mcm almarhumah yasmin and almarhum MJ were actually those geniuses who were often misunderstood but acknowledged fully throughout the world. SAme thing masa PRamlee meninggal dulu, tak abis2 org bukak citer aib macam2 but is there anyone berani kata they hate him openly? Itu la the aura and charisma great legends like all 3 of them. Whether u can never accept them live or dead, they are truly cherished forever and ever.

si gemok said...

tu ler pesal, time arwah idop xnk plak di tya depan dia kann?? yg pasti aku trbaca kat satu website ni, yg Mak arwah nk buat legal action..


Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you. What if she was a man before? Who cares...we hv accepted her for who she is and I don't see anything wrong with Kosmo article exposing that side of the truth about her except bad timing. So why her friends are all angered? no idea.

ummisara said...


mmmm btol...itu antara dia dengan tuhan. kalau dah dia khunsa dan dia terarah lebih kepada wanita...dia jadiklah wanita. Btol tak? Awat yang org dok persoai? Amalan diri sendri dah cukup ka? Sendiri mau ingat aaaa.

Eh.... selain yang keras-keras manja tuh ada 2 anak...ada lagi sorang yang ada 2 anak...heheheheh

Iron Butterfly said...

Kak Ji,

she was a filial daughter. kiter pon tak tentu lagi jadi sebaik dier kan? haish.

i think her friends marah because of the timing, tapi actually it's good if the family let it be known whether she was buried as we know her, or as a he so that the rumour mill would stop spinning once and for all.

people are just curious. more than cats. that's all.

Desert Rose said...

Aku dah lama dah tau, aku diam kan je he he he...apatah.

Tapi Mak eh nak gak saman paper tu, nasib ko lah labu,.

BTW aku tak langsung mengkagumi Marina Mahathir itewwww...

Makji Esah said...

Ina..ya betolllll....

Manal...ya betollll jugakkk...

Yanz, i don't think that is the point..they would have asked if they wanted too. The article, the way I see it is to remember the other part of her who was once exist. mak dia tgh sedih2 ni cakaplah nak saman...I don't think you can sue people for being insenstive...Azwan Ali pun tak menang dulu.

Anon..tu lah kan?

Edelweiss..hamboi..lajunya kalau nak bergossip...siapa yg lagi satu tu?

IB..betul..kalau padi, katakan padi kan???? Kalau betul padi..buat apa nak marah-marah lagi? Iskkk...

DR, bukan ke MM tu kawan cemolot ekau...jangan..kau kok disaman eh...hahahaha

Anonymous said...

sepatutnye lelaki yg cover line tak cukup tu insaf anak perempuan dier dihambat 2 tahun tak nak jumper seabab berchinta ngan duda orang . alih alih dah berpisah kerna terpaksa itupun reunion ngan bapak/bapok nya tu kene arrange ngan media cover skali cam drama cerekarama . tak malu tu anak still tak kisah hal kesosangan dier tapi biler kene anak pompuan cinta ngan duda orang cam sial mulut citer dalam paper