About Me

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Tragedy 27th December

27th December.....many years ago, my 'Uwan' passed away. In a car. Ni cerita betul ni.Not in an accident or anything horrid/tragic.Just sakit jantung, but tragic la jugak...for my auntie and my young cousins who travelled together.I was 18 or 19 (maybe 18 because I've already in the UK when I'm 19) dengan tak cukup tido nya (pasal kami gi melompat katak kat Sheila Majid Ikhlas Concert at Stadium Negara...merasa sangat kan? Puas kitorang melompat katak tak hengat rumahtangga pastu alih-alih, duduk bersimpuh membaca yassin...contra sangat)

And today, masa aku berpoya-poya di Oriental City having my proper Xmas dinner dengan geng-geng sejati, my partner called to tell me that Benazir was assassinated.Sungguh la tragic nya...tak sempat pulak nak pose-pose muka serious Amitabh Bachan (kan BM?) sebab the moment Meehon Goreng and my teh tarik sampai, I terus melantak dengan lahapnya.This is when people said, yang mati biar mati and yang hidup, kena teruskan makan Meehon.Tak gitu?

I nak kesian lebih-lebih pun, I tak kenal dia.My mind can't help to wonder, she was okay living in exile tapi kerna dek passionate sangat dengan politikus/polikucing kat Pekistan nun, dah tau ramai yang akan berpanas bontot tak senang berak bila dia dah start mengempen nak jadik PM balik,Benazir went ahead out of the sun roof and tupppp!!! For her to last this long sungguhlah impressive nya, considering semuanya since era-era Nehru-Jinnah-Gandhi semuanya kalau tak mati meletup,mesti mati kena tembak.

Of course many will say, this people that people will die for the country but doing what exactly? I would normally have pity for those who had their hand dirty and later died, literally for the nation and the country. Macam abang-abang askar kan? Bawak senapang berat-berat...kalau mati pun, kerana bangsa dan negara gitu.Sebab memang betul-betul pun mati kerana negara...

We have one who despise the West and the Jews, recruit the poor young soul, equipped them with bomb and what have you...tapi si dia nya, duduk menyorok dalam gua without having to dodge bullet.Nampak gaya macam takut mati aje tapi berkobar-kobar nak wage war dengan kaffir gitu.Orang lain mati tak apa kan, Mr Bin Liner?

While we thought semua orang dah maju, masih ada yang nak jadik suicide bomber.Obviously setelah dijanji manis oleh tah sesapa pengecut, bunuh lah pompuan tu, pompuan tak leh jadik pemimpin so on so on.What do the suicide bombers get? Are we that stupid to take on all that human promises ?

We never know who are these suicide bombers. Siapa nama, mana rumah we will never know and I bet family pun tak nak ngaku. People like Abdul Rahman Limbung or Tok Janggut carved a story in the history book but suicide bomber will stay to pieces with all the debris together with the empty promises.

Why can't we be passionate about stuff while not be non-threatening to others? Or if they hated the politician so much, can't they do Lee Harvey Oswald, shoot and go one man show without subjecting other unsuspecting civillian yang tak berdosa to mati free bersama-sama?


Anonymous said...

tu bukan sheila majid ikhlas concert - just 'ikhlas concert' - it was awesome. best ... line up after line up ... masa tu aku baru balik dr down under and was broke - but due to 'hijau' and 'ikhlas tapi jauh' punya fever - makan maggie nak gi concert tu :D if i'm not mistaken - ada released, an audio version of live recording and video on vhs.. ni nak kena cari ni - tapi ...rap dah rip :(

Anonymous said...

Dear H.E. Jolie,

I got to know about your blog from Typhoon Sue--she publicized it in one of her posts--and I've been a fan ever since. I find your style of writing refreshing & liberating. And you don't seem to give a hoot about being politically correct and being asinine--itu yang mahal tu!

A quick comment about Benazir: With her privileged upbringing and Ivy League+Oxbridge education, she could've easily led a far more comfortable, trouble-free life--had she stayed away from politics. But politics memang dah jadi darah daging dia, kot. To this end, she might as well be remembered dying while fighting for a better Pakistan as opposed to dying while X'mas shopping at Harrod's. Apa pun, let's hope she didn't die in vain.

So sorry to have taken so much space, Makji. Have a nice day and have a Happy & Properous New Year.

Anonymous said...

kannnnn bak kata pengebom to victom " you need to be lukcy countless time, but we need to be lukcy ONCE...ganne tuh...eh tul ke ayat mek

famil said...

diorang ni boring. rumah takde tv. apatah lagi wayang gambo.

nak kawen takde duit.. nak mastu**ate nanti kena rejam..

so setalah dijanjikan bidadari yg gebu dan montok di syorga tu hah, berbondong2 lah mereka untuk meletupkan diri supaya dapat lari dari kesengsaraan duniawi ni.

nah kau.. ada lah nanti suicide bomber target you and me...

- guile - said...

i was there too.. for the concert! i still have the concert cd.. borrowed from my ex-lover. hiihihiihhiii..