I have a feeling that species siamang dinegara kita amat mudah dijangkiti penyakit amnesia. Well, people in a healthcare profession macam I ni, walaupun tak nak percaya bahawa penyakit-penyakit sebagini ujud, kita perlu memandang berat kepada sipembawa virus itu. People in my department selalunya akan disambut dengan report-report yang menyayat hati when we walked into office early morning. Si anu kata ada dia dengar voices yang camni, camni la, yang si anu lain pulak kata dia rasa kepala hotak dia dah terbalik la...macam-macam. We have got to keep an open mind about it. We rationalised things that seems irrational.
Siamang pada am nya, tah ye tah tidak...adalah sangat lemah antibodi nya. Most probably, energy yang ada dalam badan tu telah digunakan untuk menipu pompuan-pompuan suchee cam I ni (or macam Kiah?) or sesapa lagi yang pernah berpakwe-pakwe an dengan jantan yang pada awalnya, berjanji macam politician M.I.C (k.e.y.m.o.u.s.e.) and pastu bila dia rasa-rasa dirinya dah fed up, they will then become so deflated with thoughts, and later diserang amnesia and mulalah lupa kat kita ni.
I think my tablets helpes to relax my muscle (well, by saying this, I'm not prescribed with Diazepam or anything pam-pam okay?) I'm less self-critical.I've not seen F since we last parted on Tuesday. Ada jugak orang tu cuba hantar text, tell me not to be sad...but I think I'm done being sugar-talked.I meant what I said, I want to be alone.
I had anticipated my Siamang will berpusu-pusu membalas email yang kukarang untuknya semalam. Yes, he did. By the look of it, he replied almost immediately, you know laa..those people with incoming email beep.
Like usual, he will always talked himself out of it, how situation made him do stuff (oii..pakcik, bukan ke alasan tu Encik dah pernah pakai masa Encik bagi saya kad jemputan kawin Encik...Encik lupa ka?) Is there anyway to tell a man that you can't just get away dumping woman like that, and make it sounds like you have made a good decision for doing it, for the sake of both of us. Us? Kepala hotak lu!!! Plus...never dumped your ex tunang dalam kereta okay? Kalau nak break pun, gi la belanja KFC ke, nasik ayam ke dulu, pastu baru la cakap..eh, kita tak compatible ke hapa. We women always mengenang budi tau, sebab kalau perut dah kenyang so perasaan nak gi kapak kepala orang yang tukang cakap tu pun dah kurang. Men can always get away with dumping women right after a slap up meal and a shopping trip. We need a good news la...before giving us the chop. At least bila terkenang-kenang balik, boleh lah cakap..takpelah..dah takde jodoh..nasib baik dia belikan I handbag baru. Merasa aku dapat handbag LV ke...Chanel ka...Chelacca ke...
My siamang never changed. Although I might want to have sympathy over his predicament, I believe that he is sane/responsible enough to make that choice.What he must learn that when we make a choice, there is no guarantee that we are going to make a good one and there is always a risk. I believe him when he said that his feelings never change towards me.But...he already made his choice and pompuan bongkak like me, can't never comprehend being a second choice.Especially in my life, aku dah banyak kali jadi second choice...maklum lah, kan ke I ni anak nomor dua?
What irritates the hell out of me, is his selective amnesia.Betul takde psychology mamat ni. Do you know that, at any cost, we must not neglect people's past? Kalau you ada makwe or pakwe yang teruk kena abuse masa kecik, this is something that you have got to bear in mind and make you extra careful to deal with their emotions. We never know if people can ever recover from broken heart. It come and goes tau? He must know that I was an emotional wreck when we broke up (we, non!! he did) You remember that song...tersekat nafasku, kabur pandangan mata ku...amat terseksa diriku kerna kehilangan mu...that's how it feels. And trying to march back into your life and neglecting the fact that I was feeling 'Sudirman'...because of him and without even trying to understand, really, really upsets me.
I don't even want to be his friend. (Ehhh..cakap dalam hati aje...tapi bawah masih gatal kan Kiah?, Yang gatal gi hantar email tu bakpo? Sendiri jugak yang merana) But look at the brighter side, it's true that leopard will never change its spot...and Siamang, tetap tidak akan berbulu platinum blonde.
Happy weekend you all. Happy freezing wekend.
Siamang pada am nya, tah ye tah tidak...adalah sangat lemah antibodi nya. Most probably, energy yang ada dalam badan tu telah digunakan untuk menipu pompuan-pompuan suchee cam I ni (or macam Kiah?) or sesapa lagi yang pernah berpakwe-pakwe an dengan jantan yang pada awalnya, berjanji macam politician M.I.C (k.e.y.m.o.u.s.e.) and pastu bila dia rasa-rasa dirinya dah fed up, they will then become so deflated with thoughts, and later diserang amnesia and mulalah lupa kat kita ni.
I think my tablets helpes to relax my muscle (well, by saying this, I'm not prescribed with Diazepam or anything pam-pam okay?) I'm less self-critical.I've not seen F since we last parted on Tuesday. Ada jugak orang tu cuba hantar text, tell me not to be sad...but I think I'm done being sugar-talked.I meant what I said, I want to be alone.
I had anticipated my Siamang will berpusu-pusu membalas email yang kukarang untuknya semalam. Yes, he did. By the look of it, he replied almost immediately, you know laa..those people with incoming email beep.
Like usual, he will always talked himself out of it, how situation made him do stuff (oii..pakcik, bukan ke alasan tu Encik dah pernah pakai masa Encik bagi saya kad jemputan kawin Encik...Encik lupa ka?) Is there anyway to tell a man that you can't just get away dumping woman like that, and make it sounds like you have made a good decision for doing it, for the sake of both of us. Us? Kepala hotak lu!!! Plus...never dumped your ex tunang dalam kereta okay? Kalau nak break pun, gi la belanja KFC ke, nasik ayam ke dulu, pastu baru la cakap..eh, kita tak compatible ke hapa. We women always mengenang budi tau, sebab kalau perut dah kenyang so perasaan nak gi kapak kepala orang yang tukang cakap tu pun dah kurang. Men can always get away with dumping women right after a slap up meal and a shopping trip. We need a good news la...before giving us the chop. At least bila terkenang-kenang balik, boleh lah cakap..takpelah..dah takde jodoh..nasib baik dia belikan I handbag baru. Merasa aku dapat handbag LV ke...Chanel ka...Chelacca ke...
My siamang never changed. Although I might want to have sympathy over his predicament, I believe that he is sane/responsible enough to make that choice.What he must learn that when we make a choice, there is no guarantee that we are going to make a good one and there is always a risk. I believe him when he said that his feelings never change towards me.But...he already made his choice and pompuan bongkak like me, can't never comprehend being a second choice.Especially in my life, aku dah banyak kali jadi second choice...maklum lah, kan ke I ni anak nomor dua?
What irritates the hell out of me, is his selective amnesia.Betul takde psychology mamat ni. Do you know that, at any cost, we must not neglect people's past? Kalau you ada makwe or pakwe yang teruk kena abuse masa kecik, this is something that you have got to bear in mind and make you extra careful to deal with their emotions. We never know if people can ever recover from broken heart. It come and goes tau? He must know that I was an emotional wreck when we broke up (we, non!! he did) You remember that song...tersekat nafasku, kabur pandangan mata ku...amat terseksa diriku kerna kehilangan mu...that's how it feels. And trying to march back into your life and neglecting the fact that I was feeling 'Sudirman'...because of him and without even trying to understand, really, really upsets me.
I don't even want to be his friend. (Ehhh..cakap dalam hati aje...tapi bawah masih gatal kan Kiah?, Yang gatal gi hantar email tu bakpo? Sendiri jugak yang merana) But look at the brighter side, it's true that leopard will never change its spot...and Siamang, tetap tidak akan berbulu platinum blonde.
Happy weekend you all. Happy freezing wekend.
Aiyoh..terpadam plak comment tadik. Anyway, aku rasa ko berperasaan sebegini rupa terhadap siamang sebab ko tak dapat closure..maksud aku if siamang to be a man and admit his mistakes, dah tentu ko bleh lupa dia terus for good.
Tapi tu pendapat aku je berdasarkan pengalaman aku ngan sang mawas, haha.
i sokong everything yang u mention pasal si siamang tu.depa tu memang bengap dan banggang..tau dia je betul mcm la kita ni takdak perasaang..
Makji kann?? Lepas JT, Siamang la puila? Hahaha... Haiyoo Si Siamang nie masih merayu2 lagi kat uols kah? Uols agaknye dulu2 uols ada bagi nasi kangkang kot kat JT & Siamang? Cuba uols try ingat2 balik? Tapi baru skrg ada resultnye.. Canne??? LARIKKKKKK... (dgn pantas tanpa menoleh ke belakang lagi!! Hehehe)
Sib baik makji terasing sudirman bukannya kau kunci centaku di dalam hati mu kak melah!
Kena antar zoo jauh2 siamang itewwww...although he may still try to contact u, that other siamang jantan and betina tribe would be doing his head in, or tak pon giving him the time of his life!
takpolah siamang...jgn Datuk kambing udahler..mrasa mung jadik bini no.2!!! :P
are you sure you are not a doctor? you sure do sound like one hehe.
Bella, closure? Dah bertahun-tahun, hamenda nak closure nya...
ya betolllll, lizs
haiyoo..nasik kangkang terhidang salah org kot makji ton...
hish..manal, tak main lah kau kunci cintaku...yiksss (sambil menyorok dari Lee UK)
Datuk Kambing ittew? Ongkos nya enggak apalah...
Irzan...sound only, not intelligent enough to become one.
kenapa ye lelaki (in general lah ye) suka merayu2 tapi bila nak tinggalkan pompuan dia boleh angkat kaki macam tu je? ish tak tahu malu betul lah...kata kat you punya siamang tu, zaman rayu merayu dah berlalu lah, ni zaman picit butang 'yes' or 'no' je..i punya siamang dulu pun ala2 siamang you jugak, last2 nya dia kawin jugak tapi pompuan yg dia kawin tu according to kawan2 i muka dan appearance nya sebijik macam i hahaha...mmg sah dia tak boleh lupa kat i kan...
Hah! Your siamang sounds like my ex-siamang and yes this selective amnesia is just pain in the tooshi si?
Anyway have a good week ahead ;)
Yatie..tu makna nya siamang with same ols taste, tapi perangai cam celaka!!!
i've always enjoyed reading u saying it all your heart out. funny lor, when i'm melancholic, i got cheered up reading ur blog. keep up the good work ya? hiihihihihiii...
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