About Me

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Early Ramadhan

I seriously thought that kita semua start puasa hari ni. I have been reading Ramadhan wishes all over the blogsphere and it's all seems too near. I lost tracked (errrr...kalau kata tak tahu sangat, kena kutuk tak dengan PAS?) of the Muslim Calendar. I know that we fast in Ramadhan and beraya di bulan syawal.After the significant months, I usually back to normal circulation of December to December. I thought I overheard from someone that the Ramadhan starts on the 12th. Hahhh....listen to this.

I usually get very excited about fasting. Because I'm alone here (as in family pun jauh) I treat the month of Ramadhan extra special to mark my stance of being a Muslim (apa makna nya ni, Allah aje lah yang tau...sembahyang malas, Muslim hapa ke benda aku ni?) I will announce dengan bongkaknya to the whole office that I will be fasting for the next 30 days and hidung ku akan lah mengembang kempis bila orang dok puji-puji, Eh..how did you do it...bla,bla,bla. I don't know about you, but getting praised by the non-muslim here for fasting really made my day. Since I arrived from Paris last Friday, I have been too busy to notice what day it is. We vacated our flat last Sunday and I have been at work since Saturday. Last night, at 2am (still in the office) I suddenly realised the date (12th) and how I recalled a text message to Makji Eton, reminding him about Puasa. Teruslah I menggelabah.I really want to do the first day fasting. Whatever it takes...I was told that the first day of fasting will wipe away your dosa from the day you were born. I have been making dosa on a daily basis, so can you blame me for getting extra apprehensive? I also realised that I haven't 'mandi' yet. Alamak...ni lah padahnya bertangguh-tangguh. But I thought...takpelah, I have not seen any traces of blood since Sunday and I am convinced that I am clean, it is just I haven't done the proper mandi with the baca-baca. I was thinking, tuhan tau.Takpelah...I really,really nak puasa. I said my niat (in bahasa) and ate 2 apples for sahur.

Current season mean that the buka puasa will be at least 8.30 to 9.00 pm, I tried once, it was terrible having to wait that long but in the end, I succeeded.While at work, I got a phone call from F, jatuh tangga katanya and dia rasa macam kaki dia dah patah. I rushed to St.Bart's Hospital in the City and we waited 5 hours to get everything done, the plaster cast what not. Maka, si tua tu akan berjalan dengan kaki berbalut macam org kena untut and crutches. While waiting for the nurses and paramedic to register us out, I called MB1 to ask if she puasa ke tidak, knowing that si MB1 malas puasa. I swear I saw a woman in tudung makan sandwich, dalam hati kata, selambanya minah ni. But this is England, kalau you tak puasa pun takde orang nak tangkap bawak masuk kereta mayat kan? Si MB terus kata, hoii..puasa besok lah!!! Dengan tak puas hatinya, after we arrived home, I pun check lah internet to see if today is the 1st Ramadhan. Haiyoo....baru 30 Syaaban?

Well, tak apalah. Kira testing-testing lah tu kan? Hopefully, I will reduce kutuking other people, but honestly, it is hard not to.Banyak betul gossips nak cerita.After all, I am only human kan? Blessed with mulut puaka.

To all, Selamat Berpuasa.


Jo Kontan said...

Makji Esoh,.

Whoaa rumah baru yer !!.

Nii kira Kuning aper nii. Mustard Yellow ker Yellow Myvi.

Selamat Menunaikan Ibadah Puasa.


ManaL said...

Menduga sungguh waktu puasa la nih in the UK kan? hopefully makji will succeed in observing ramadhan steadfastly inshallah.

Me too, must increase my ibadah but that is especially on taking care of my solatssss.....sama2 la kita berjuang yea makji!

Unknown said...

Yes, let's reduce kutuking since it's Ramadhan already.and also baik kita elakkan dari emmandang benda benda tak elok..heheheh **matilaamak!

Selamat berpuasa dan berbuka uols! Makan epal jah??? patutlaa selim nyelim! Jgn bila bukak posa kekgi makan nasik empat pinggan udahler...hehehehhe

l!zs said...

selamat berpuasa to u..

Typhoon Sue said...

amboi.... semangat betul nak puasa sampai terawal dpd org len. hehehe.. baguih la


selamat berposa makji!

Anonymous said...

Hah kann Makji, sampai lupa noh bila puasa.. Ala2 puasa extra githoo hiks. Takpe la uols, yg penting uols nita puasa utk beribadat. Mak pon sibuk jugak check2 bila puasa. Tapi uols boleh check schedule melalui internet.

Sorry to hear that F accident. Mcm mane boleh jatuh tu uols? Sib baik u dah pindah, at least boleh jugak tgk2 kan dia. Klw tak mesti dia merana sensorg nak bergerak susah. Hope dia sihat very soon!

Makji Esah said...

Heheheh...thanks you all...selamat berpuasa too