About Me

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

I'm Not That Into You

Amid my busy schedule, I made time for Reading Prodigy.

This time, we met at Waterloo Station, so it was easier for both of us. I told him maybe next time impromptu visit to SW London is not advisable sebab I dah kena transfer kat Croydon. Area tempat I kerja, fuiyoooo....macam padang gagak padang terkukur! Apalah yang ada kat Croydon ni melainkan building Home Office yang mengerikan ittew..(mana passport kiewww?)

I was fashionably late...kononnya, so si Debab tu dah belikan I Cappucino and Carrot Cake. Gigih tu...but I thought kalau pun I chicken out, sure nya orang takkan ingat dia kena stood up, with his size, 2 coffees, 2 cakes...macam snacking ala kadar aje kan, Kiah?

I was quite blunt with him, he thought I was joking when I told him that I want to set a ground rules, that I don't want him to talk about his wife and their impending divorce settlement.But thanks to his early years living in UK, dia takdelah terasa hati but remarked on how he wish everything is very straightforward, referring to how I get my message across.

I told him about the PHD students in London that I come across and I still think our generation...ni set-set yang lahir early 70's ye...yang masuk MRSM (especially the one we are from...ehemm...ehemmmm) are the best. I think he was a bit taken aback when I mengata budak PHD, but he agreed that all academician should have other experience first so that they have broader mind. (Reading Prodigy was a specialist in his discipline before changing career)

I really am not going to bore you with more of that (kang orang kata, makji...you pehal..that day tak suka budak TKC, no ni you tak suka budak PHD pulak) Wehh..budak-budak, belajarlah jadi lighthearted, tak suka bukan makna benci you.

But Reading prodigy was a man with a plan.

Armed with lot's of information from sumber-sumber kawanku yang bermulut cam puaka...he begins his mission.

He asked if i'm seeing anyone.I could have answered him straight but macam biasa, I'll do my joke bangang like 'you mean now? Kan ke I'm seeing you ni'....kahkahkah!

You should know...I akan buat joke bangang bila I nervous. Reading Prodigy was making me nervous.Because his face was very straight...not ketat, not straight-acting.

I volunteered the information without the butter knife on my throat, I told him I was but now we are separated.He told me his informant told him that I am single.

Dengan bongkaknya....I'm single when I want to be...kahkahkah...gelak nervous.

Are you being single or you just single?

Kenapa pulak ni? (masa ni mulalah terpikir,teringat komen-komen you all dalam ini blog yang kata si JT/Reading Prodigy ni rasanya syiok dengan I)

So si Pakcik pun meluahkan perasaannnnnnn...................................

To cut the long story short, I did awarded him with a praise and credit. I told him that I would have been afloored if I am being pull like that. I always like a direct-to-you man.

But sadly,

1. My relationship just ended. From having someone (walaupun adakalanya menyampah gila) to having none. Bila dah takde kawan nak mengadu benda yang hanya boleh diadu to only your significant other, mulalah rasa nak nangis hari-hari.

2. How could I, after all his gory story aboit his marriage? Nak masuk mulut rasaksa ke aku?

3. This is the man who will not give a 2 hoot and anytime of the day kerna dok sibuk berchenta dgn gilpren lama masa sekolah dulu.Hamboiiii...kau dah bercanda dipasiran pantai dengan orang lain...pastu nak kat aku ye?

4. Nope..nothing to do with physique....but this is a guy with depression in denial. Never, never date a man who uses the statement of resignation e.g. ohhh, that's me, what can i/you do about it, i'm just a complex/complicated chap, i can't change i've tried. Believe me, when something goes wrong, rather than face it like a man, he will use this as an excuse to conceal his shortcomings.This type of man will never talk his problem but will point out your problem with him.You may as well kahwin/dating dengan buah nangka, ada jugak hasil.

5. A girl never want to deal with all the drama in the man's world

All this equals to....i'm not that into you.

We hug and exchange innocent kisses when we parted, but like any men, he said...please think about it.

Very charming.


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

kan dah terbukti..

* me org pertama ke memberi komen hehe

Anonymous said...

I think in any relationship the most important thing initially is the chemistry we feel when hanging out with each other, it will hopefully grow from that... But without the chemistry? Macam susah jer, not that relationships are easy but with chemistry at least we are happy to try eh?...

ManaL said...

Ayoyo....(sambil tepuk dahi berkali2 ala2 drama tamil kekdahnya).

See i aint gonna wanna wish it will happen but part kata he syiok kat u was more of a warning which I think u mustve seen it coming anyway.

Jika sekiranya beliau masih seorang penunggu centa agung, well:

1. Makji mmg tetap hot and in demand
2. Makji la ratu hati
3. Makji the saviour of that RP's lost soul
4. Makji is the one wanita melayu terakhir for him uolssss.....

But u have made the point, and he aint worth it, so how la yea? He seemed to think he has finally caught ur attention and that u r being jual mahal, so hard to to get but still find time to be with him in spite of ur own reluctance being. I met a guy like that, a british iranian lawyer that not even a "fuck off" would make him understand. So i decided to not really take his invitation to meet up or anything regardless how "wonderful" his plans were like an evening in a theatre, watching some life football/rugby match etc sbb taknak terhutang budi u. Alhamdulillah a few months/a year after that, it subsided and I am so totally outta his "shadows". Gitu la a brief story of myself dgn sorg umat psycho.

Anonymous said...

Ooo la la!! Semakin hangat telenovela ini. Sila teruskan 'perhubungan' anda dan hapdate cerita2 sensasi ittew.

Cik Kiah

Unknown said...

cik esah,

how is that feel working abroad??

Anonymous said...

vah vah vah, akhirnya diluahkan perasaannya jua kepada mu! hehehhee...ha makji, kan kita org semua dah kata dia mmg syok kat makji...tapi tu lah kan makj, pikir baik2 sebelum tersasul cakap 'yes' kat dia...ish lepas dengar cerita dia dgn bini dia dulu rasa macam takut le pulak...

apa pun take care ok makji...


captainlukman said...

PEKKKKKKKKKKKKK**cam bunyi taik burung jatuh atas muka!!** tak pasal mmg pun! Ni kira ibarat nak duduk dalam ghobok, tapi ghobok ala-ala nok runtuh, yang tingal???? Hanya HANGER with RAINBOW kaler......

yang fenting........everybody knows!!Kah kah kah kah