Abg D*ale brought with him a bunch of Malaysian's magazines and newspaper for us to read during his trip to London recently.I only came home yesterday after spending many days at Frankie's and barulah dapat membaca all that imported reading materials.It was fun reading what is happening in KL (although I must say,my daily read is Razak Baginda's court case...sungguhlah scandalous nya and sungguhlah garang bini nya itu)
This Malaysian newspaper is one week old...and maybe more, and maybe, by now Malaysian has grew out of it.But what never failed to amaze me is how seriously Malaysian reporter took interest on one's wellbeing and behaviour.This young lady, bless her heart, has already upset Malaysian by quoting the word 'stupid', of which I truly believed was only referred to herself when trying to express herself in Bahasa Melayu.Well, what can you expect from someone who conversed daily in English? How can they rightly put 'I am deliriously happy, extremely happy' in Bahasa Melayu, especially in a proper sentence? Tak kan nak cakap...amboi, sukanya saya...syok nya saya...wehh..suka gila beb. Bahasa Melayu apa kah itu? So, to nak jaga muka and majlis, one may force to express him/herself in the only way comfortable and suitable for oneself. But by doing that, she has inadvertantly upsetting the Malays.How can she possibly be so upsetting to the nation, that, I really beg to know more.I am only giving my opinion based on what I read.For all I know, she could have intentionally make herself sounded stupid but for someone that clever, I doubt that this was voluntary.
When I was living in KL, every Friday night when the population of people who is 'tua sebelum waktunya' like me opted to wind down at home, I used to watch that Cerekarama.Here's the secret.Honestly, I would rather watch something else.But, I am always very picky about what I watch or more precisely, who I watch.I will investigate beforehand, tengok siapalah yang berlakon, and if takde the like of Aida Rahim ke, Noorkumarisini ke, Fauziah Nawi or Jasmin Hamid ( dia ni selalu jadi budak kerja kilang kan?) jangan haraplah I nak tengok. I also remember those 'Kuasatek' drama where all actors will bantai berkorporatan and berskeaping London, where at some point of that show, I swear that some actors are better off cakap melayu, simply because they sounded silly in English. The visualisation of the corporate world was portrayed exhorbitantly too much some people can't even bear to watch.The irony is, the genuine corporate ites don't even watch it.But if they do, surely the lot will get very uncomfortable being pictured in such way.
What is my point? That poor girl (Amani) speaks eloquently in English and by doing so, express herself better in English. She sees her low point almost immediately, obviously feeling sensitive speaking English among the Malays and has offered to call herself 'stupid' by not able expressing herself in Malay. What did she get in the end? Berlagak pun kena, mengaku bodoh pun kena. The journalist kutuk her from left right centre.Dato's Rais Yatim (who once upon a time, conversed 90% in English) pun sampai kecik ati.Pasal apa tatau.From what I see, no one ever comment on how 'stupid' it sounds when Ella skeaping English.But honestly, I don't think Ella converse well in Bahasa too...
Months gone...and this young lady emerged with a new heatwave (among the journalist...and the religious cleric too) They are now fussing about her new haircut.Apparently is haram as it is now akin to adapt more on a manly look (that causes the haram bit...you can't look like a man)
Hair? Wajibnya ditutup kan, Kiah? I applaud to those who tutup their aurat and I can only pray that one day Tuhan will bukak my hati to tutup my aurat but seriously, I think we must now segregate aurat/behaviour/dosa.While all of us nak mengutuk perempuan tak menutup aurat, what about perempuan yang aurat tutup but perangai teruk? We kutuk the tak warak kind but about those who terlampau warak but speaking ill of others in masjid-masjid? Dosa is a result of one wrongdoings, but, are we really the right person to be the judge of that?
The BBC broadcast a church service on Radio 4 every Sundays,where they played plenty of hymns, sermons and prayers.The priest will then pray for the unfortunate people everywhere in the world.It is very touching they way the true feelings was expressed.After the 7/7 bombings, I never heard of any Priest speaking badly of the terrorist.It is very obvious that what happened and what's been done is bad, and still, they kindly offer their prayers to the troubled soul.On the other hand pulak, there's this mosque in Finsbury Park yang imam nya dok mengutuk-ngutuk Israel. Islam is supposed to be the way of life. What's with the extreme hatred towards people that are not believing the same?
Tough, Amani shaved her head and you don't like it. She is hardly telling all young girls to follow suit and start shaving their head. She have her own reasons. Even if she doesn't have any, the sacrificed hairs was hers. Rambut dia, kepala dia, suka dia lah kan? If her action is really a dosa besar, as a fellow Muslim, tak boleh ke kita berdoa supaya dia jadi baik? By critisising her through and through, what will that make us? Better than her?
Let people do what they like doing, nak rambut panjang ke, nak mekap dragon ke...it's hardly affecting anyone. Nobody got killed and exploded to bits. Kesian Altantuya kan?
BTW, I will be away for a bit.But I certainly will be reading your blog, where ever the Wifi connection is available.See you all soon.
This Malaysian newspaper is one week old...and maybe more, and maybe, by now Malaysian has grew out of it.But what never failed to amaze me is how seriously Malaysian reporter took interest on one's wellbeing and behaviour.This young lady, bless her heart, has already upset Malaysian by quoting the word 'stupid', of which I truly believed was only referred to herself when trying to express herself in Bahasa Melayu.Well, what can you expect from someone who conversed daily in English? How can they rightly put 'I am deliriously happy, extremely happy' in Bahasa Melayu, especially in a proper sentence? Tak kan nak cakap...amboi, sukanya saya...syok nya saya...wehh..suka gila beb. Bahasa Melayu apa kah itu? So, to nak jaga muka and majlis, one may force to express him/herself in the only way comfortable and suitable for oneself. But by doing that, she has inadvertantly upsetting the Malays.How can she possibly be so upsetting to the nation, that, I really beg to know more.I am only giving my opinion based on what I read.For all I know, she could have intentionally make herself sounded stupid but for someone that clever, I doubt that this was voluntary.
When I was living in KL, every Friday night when the population of people who is 'tua sebelum waktunya' like me opted to wind down at home, I used to watch that Cerekarama.Here's the secret.Honestly, I would rather watch something else.But, I am always very picky about what I watch or more precisely, who I watch.I will investigate beforehand, tengok siapalah yang berlakon, and if takde the like of Aida Rahim ke, Noorkumarisini ke, Fauziah Nawi or Jasmin Hamid ( dia ni selalu jadi budak kerja kilang kan?) jangan haraplah I nak tengok. I also remember those 'Kuasatek' drama where all actors will bantai berkorporatan and berskeaping London, where at some point of that show, I swear that some actors are better off cakap melayu, simply because they sounded silly in English. The visualisation of the corporate world was portrayed exhorbitantly too much some people can't even bear to watch.The irony is, the genuine corporate ites don't even watch it.But if they do, surely the lot will get very uncomfortable being pictured in such way.
What is my point? That poor girl (Amani) speaks eloquently in English and by doing so, express herself better in English. She sees her low point almost immediately, obviously feeling sensitive speaking English among the Malays and has offered to call herself 'stupid' by not able expressing herself in Malay. What did she get in the end? Berlagak pun kena, mengaku bodoh pun kena. The journalist kutuk her from left right centre.Dato's Rais Yatim (who once upon a time, conversed 90% in English) pun sampai kecik ati.Pasal apa tatau.From what I see, no one ever comment on how 'stupid' it sounds when Ella skeaping English.But honestly, I don't think Ella converse well in Bahasa too...
Months gone...and this young lady emerged with a new heatwave (among the journalist...and the religious cleric too) They are now fussing about her new haircut.Apparently is haram as it is now akin to adapt more on a manly look (that causes the haram bit...you can't look like a man)
Hair? Wajibnya ditutup kan, Kiah? I applaud to those who tutup their aurat and I can only pray that one day Tuhan will bukak my hati to tutup my aurat but seriously, I think we must now segregate aurat/behaviour/dosa.While all of us nak mengutuk perempuan tak menutup aurat, what about perempuan yang aurat tutup but perangai teruk? We kutuk the tak warak kind but about those who terlampau warak but speaking ill of others in masjid-masjid? Dosa is a result of one wrongdoings, but, are we really the right person to be the judge of that?
The BBC broadcast a church service on Radio 4 every Sundays,where they played plenty of hymns, sermons and prayers.The priest will then pray for the unfortunate people everywhere in the world.It is very touching they way the true feelings was expressed.After the 7/7 bombings, I never heard of any Priest speaking badly of the terrorist.It is very obvious that what happened and what's been done is bad, and still, they kindly offer their prayers to the troubled soul.On the other hand pulak, there's this mosque in Finsbury Park yang imam nya dok mengutuk-ngutuk Israel. Islam is supposed to be the way of life. What's with the extreme hatred towards people that are not believing the same?
Tough, Amani shaved her head and you don't like it. She is hardly telling all young girls to follow suit and start shaving their head. She have her own reasons. Even if she doesn't have any, the sacrificed hairs was hers. Rambut dia, kepala dia, suka dia lah kan? If her action is really a dosa besar, as a fellow Muslim, tak boleh ke kita berdoa supaya dia jadi baik? By critisising her through and through, what will that make us? Better than her?
Let people do what they like doing, nak rambut panjang ke, nak mekap dragon ke...it's hardly affecting anyone. Nobody got killed and exploded to bits. Kesian Altantuya kan?
BTW, I will be away for a bit.But I certainly will be reading your blog, where ever the Wifi connection is available.See you all soon.
Ntahlah mak pun tak faham kenapa ada orang suka kritik si amani nih...it's her life lah kan???
mak tak berani nak kutuk org skeaping english ke skeaping german ke sebab english mak sendirs tunggang langgang tak hengat!!!! its enoughlah kan org mesia ni bila dgr org ckp omputih skit je trus kutuk tak hengat,padahal org tu nak belajar....*mak tak emo ya**
selalu mak nampak dia dan adik beradik dia dtg kedai mak beli buku. she's so nice tau and luckily we know each other la skit2 sbb masa my fren shooting emil emilda tuh, my fren ajak dtg tgk diorg shooting so kenal la sekali dgn amani.. from what i see, dia mmg humble and x suka nak kecoh2..pandai bwk diri...
Dear Hj Esah Jolie,
I must admit I am you fan. Been reading you enroute Typhoon Sue and more often than not, I found myself ketawa berdekah-dekah (malay enough right?)
I have to agree with you. I like this Amani girl. First she can really act. Then, she is really cerdik.
The way I see it its exactly like yours, rambut dia, hidup dia, suka hati dia lah nak buat apa.
Ramai2 yang sebok tak tahu lah apa pasal. Beat me
Makji Esah,
I suka baca blog u sebab u summary story story apa yg berlaku kat Mesia. Very uptodate uols. Bandan jer kat UK, tapi hati, very der patriotic M'sian.(ayat very la broken Engling and broken Melayu kann)...
OMG, banyak jugak story yg I tak tau kann, yer la kann, I tak de ternet kat Doha nuh nak ikuti perkembangan terkini kat Msia. Ulu sangat kan I nih.
aku br nk tya, si bella dah tya.. cuti on-leave kot si Han ni..
Alaa.. biar ler cite Amani tu, pd I tak salah pon, tau tau jer la mmg ramai yg dengki dgn Kak Min tu.. tp if cite Altantuya tu harus la kita kisah kn.. kes bunuh kan.
Hey All,
Thanks for the comments.I certainly agree with 'Kepala dia, Rambut Dia, sukati mak bapak dia lah kan?'
Elviza...I'm your fan too...(fan apa tatau laa)
Bella, I'm on compassionate leave...pergi funeral kan semalam aku ni...
Aina...apa yang ulu kat Doha tu? Gamaknya, Pak-Pak Arab semuanya kaya-raya...
Hi there
Sorry for ging off topic
We're organizing a bloggers workshop this Sunday at KL featuring speakers like Rocky,Malaysiakini, Ahmad Talib, Nuffnang and Yvonne Foong.
For more details and to register please visithttp://bbuff2007.blogspot.com
Register now, don't miss it.
makji.. assalammualaikum~
makji cuti maternity ker??~matikla speku
makji, itu dato'yang konves dalam english 90% kecik ati sebab dia dah kertu. dia sensitip. terpaksa la kita mahap kan dia.. dia dah kertu kan..
heiPPp kat mesia nih, kan ada sindrom tak ley tgk orang lain lebih (hebat, pandai atau kaya). which amani nih hebat berlakon, pandai berkomunikasi dan kaya dengan senyuman dan rakah tamah (i met her kat KLCC last 2 weeks). sah2 la jeles mangkuk2 ayun nih. tu yang saja carik kesalahan. tapi mak ayam dia, kak yasmin ada hantam sorang wartawan berita harian yang tulish dalam bintang-popular. hKA hAK hak. manyak bagus kak yasmin hantam itu wartawann..
eh makji.. do i sound stupid when i write in english??
itula gunanya jadik orang, guna molot ikut suka hati ja. kan?
xpa la , in the end, biar tuhan yang tentukan segalanya
Wahh..Pravenn...bloggers workshop? My blog also lintang pukang one...where can masuk workshop, rubbing shoulders with famous one...Thanks babe, unfortunately, I am way way far...
Em...Dian, sat lagi kena ulcer kat mulut, maka kurang lah bercakap kan?
Thanks you all for visiting.
Ella tak pandai cakap Inggeris ke Melayu ke I tak kisah.... Ella just have to smile and play with her hair... how much I syok sangat kat Ella.
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