About Me

Sunday, December 05, 2010


I always don't understand why........

1. You think it is okay to just ignore me. I don't mean the 'ignoring' facial expression tau. You don't talk. If we live in the same house is okay lah..because I then tahu you tak nak kena kacau ke..tengah bongkang ke etc, etc. But you can just gone the whole day without letting me know anything. Ke, you dah mati????

2. Say you're in a relationship with someone....to me and to anyone I know is about two person liking each other extra bit too much from their liking to anyone else. People in a relationship always have thought of each other when they gets up and before they go to bed. Masa mula-mula...exhibition perasaan memang lebih macam nasik mamak. After 5 years of more..from nasik mamak jadi nasik separuh. And after many,many years...people just avoid makan nasik nak jaga badan kononnya. But why? I think I have passed the stage of mintak telephone or di ucap kata-kata chenta 24jam. Well, in my case...jumpa pun beberapa bulan sekali. Kalau I tak rajin, maka tak jumpa lah kannn? (This is so another story) But why do you think it is okay to show love when you feel like it? Do you think it is just because we haven't got rid of each other is enough indication that we still love each other?

3. Loving someone is for better and for worse. Warts and all. Jerawat batu, bisul, ghastly flatulence (not our case la yang teruk-teruk ni kannn?) But why is it when you're sakit perut, you're so moody and forgot that I exist? Must I say bukan time you sakit perut aje tau...yang herannya kalau sakit lain yang memerlukan you mintak bantuan I tu, baik ngengada nyeng nyeng pulak you kan?

4. You never once wish me happy birthday. I asked you about it. You only say you do remember the date. I pushed my luck and asked for present in advance for next year. As my lover..you only said...mmmm tengok lah. Am I suppose to hope 'mmmm tengoklah' adalah barangan berupa beg tote PRADA ataupun ticket perchottian ke Bali, all paid for by you? But again, I told myself, we have known each other for almost 17 years. Never once I get anything. The only thing...if this is sweet...you said, you (dia la tu..bukannya I) are my present. I thought that was hillarious but you feel that I should have seen that my present...literally. Am I suppose to think that you're somekind of cheapskate, or am I not so valuable to you yang besday pezen I pun you taknak kasi...or you memang mengamalkan konsep, besday I you beli pezen...besday you...you beli pezen untuk I. Ke guane?

Now, I am definitely in 'mmmmmm tengoklah' mood.


ManaL said...

As if he is too precious a thing that u have ever gotten in your life saying he IS your present. I had that remarks coming once and one of the reason we separated for a while. Its too vain to claim to such a statement. He must have just said that he is still not into buying things and all, and that if ever he'll get something it will be something that impress u, or else nothing. Tak pe la makji, how about u do some protest jugak la like less contacting him for once till he gets the message?

Anonymous said...

org lelaki ni kebykkan nye tak sensitip... dah mmg cam tu sejak azali... tak ramai org pompuan yg lucky dpt org lelaki yg perihatin..

i dah kawin dkt 20 tahun...
hint kasik berkoyan2 lama2 i give up..
tapi entah mcm mana once i explained... the idea is bukan nye i nak sgt hadiah dari dia.. tapi the gesture... yg dia care..
baru le hamba Allah tu paham..
dpt le i iphone dgn bag coach sekali gus... hehehe..
so keep trying.. never give up... u never know bile hati dia terbukak nak kasi u hadiah...
depa ni ingat kita kebulur sgt... tu le depa tak nak bagi tu... nyampah!!!!!!!!!!!!! skrg saya dah bershukur.. :)

Quiyah said...

i so agree with manal! Makji, to me u are valuable, ur antics and sense of humour is spot on!

Anonymous said...

hmmm.. pity u Makji. Walau Makji dh puas mengadu kpd Nya, pasti Dia merancang sesuatu yg lebih baik utk Makji. Bersempena maal hijrah yg bakal menjelang.. go pour your heart out again to Him. Salam Maal Hijrah! - Lobai -

cik said...

u think this guy worth it or not. if not, angkat kaki hehehe

Anonymous said...

sabar lah Makji.. see how far you can tahan! everything has a limit. cuba you listkan apa kebaikan dia and compare to his lackness, is it worth to stick on? apa2 pun memang cinta itu buta. sebab itu ada org pilem bole tulis skrip : if loving you is wrong, i rather be in the wrong ! haha!!

Makji Esah said...

Manal...dia tak makan protest. Entah2 dia tak perasan pun aku protest...

Good for you Anon..apa yang ko cakap? You ugut terjun lombong ka? hehehe

Thanks Quiyah..meh sini I belanja u makan mince pie..

Thanks Lobai...

Cinta itu buta punya pasallll la ni..kebaikan tu amatttt lah kurang dari kejahatannn TunJin oii...

Anonymous said...

For all those men who say "why marry the cow when you can get the milk 4 free?" Heres an update! Nowadays 80% of women are against marriage, why? Cuz women realize it's not worth buying an entire pig just 4 a little sausage !!!!!!

Makji Esah said...

Ayra...hmm...let's try to tone the thought down a bit yeah...