Malam semalam I kena jaga Crisis Centre. Bencik tau buat kerja ni...nasib baik shift nya dalam 2,3 bulan sekali...ala-ala takde paksaan gittew, but mengenangkan yang I dah berbulan jugak tak buat the shift and takut nanti masa supervision Boss tanya, I pun agree, disamping main game dalam pesbuk, I pun merasa pose-pose telephonist Telekom tunggu panggilan. Selalunya kan, panggilan dari mereka-mereka yang berdiri tepi jematan,menunggu masa aje nak terjun...tapi boleh pulak bawak mobile phone telephone orang kan??? Gila!!!
This girl...called me about 2am last night...suara ala-ala high githoo..tataulah baru menutuh vodka ke or baru berasap weed, ala diawang-awangan githoo.Tengok-check-periksa nama, address, memang si pompuan ni ada receive treatment dengan Team sebelah Noth West London dahulukala (kesian..muda-muda dah gilsss) tapi sejak dia dah pindah rumah, dia ni qualify to get her service from us belah-belah Richmond Royal (sepital) ni.
Dia cakap dengan I...dia baru makan ubat PamPam nya....and instead of kena makan sebijik yang 100mg tu dia dah makan 5 bijik (yang dianya masih tak pengsan lagi apasal?) so katanya she is losing her sensation and will be in a right mind to do almost anything...(ni bongkak nak bagitahu you yang dia kiranya unstoppable lah ni)
So seperti biasa, I kenalah tanya pukul berapa you makan ada minum alcohol ke apa, etc etc. Obviously kenalah check jugak kalau beside the ubat, dia ada menambah lagi benda-benda lain that can cause adverse reaction to the tablets.Hah..confirmed mmg ada...dia minum neat vodka and dia ambik marijuana. (Tapi apasal dia tak passed out lagi ???)
Well, I actually rasa lega jugak...sebabnya dia ni bukannya berdiri atas jematan, or berdiri atas bukit tinggi or tengah memasang tali nak gantung diri. It is so obvious yang dia ni tengah terpeleot dan meghoyan but I thought, let her cakap on the phone for 5 minutes or so, kalau dia pengsan ke hapa, I boleh terus hantar ambulance nah? Kalau set-set yang disebut diatas, maka susahlah jugak..sebab selalunya orang yang nak bunuh diri ni suka menjerit and taknak mendengar cakap orang, satu kerja pulak aku nak bernaik-naik darah semua.
So bila makcik ni dah jawab semua soklan-soklan formality I, I pun start lah you said you're in the right mind to do almost anything....what do you mean by that?
I want to end it.
People say things like that when they're very upset and disturb. Are you hearing voices? (Dah sejarahnya keluar dalam computer..dia ada bipolar)
No...I have medication for that.
And you are upset about something? (ni marah dah ni, tapi suara kontrol ayu gitteww)
Why do you care? (hek eleh..ko yang telepon aku...)
Miss XYZ, if you're thinking of ending it, of course we care. That is why we are called the helpline. Please tell us, or if you want, I can arrange a Nurse to visit you in the morning.
My boyfriend is sleeping with another man....
When did you discover this?
You knew he is bisexual? May I use that term to describe your boyfriend's sexuality?
You can call him fuck whatever you want to call it (ishh..nasib baik dia gilss..kalo tak, mahu je aku warning dia jgn mencarut)
Is that why you're upset?
You think?
Well, it is hard to tell. You can either be upset with him or yourself. You said you'd known about it forever, so I'm assuming you can't be upset with him fo that.
What can I do? (start dahhhhh nangis...) I can't handle this...(nampak sangat menipu nya bab makan ubat sampai 5 bijik tu..pasal dia tak pengsan2 lagi)
I don't know what you want me to say, after all you already know the truth. If you partner is bisexual,there will always be something you can't give him.
But I love him.
You think he feel the same?
We're living together...
Realistically, he can't be loyal to you. Cheating is cheating, no matter who it's with. Would you have stayed if it's another woman?
It is your decision now Miss. Either way, it is upsetting but look what it is doing to you now.If you love him strong enough to accept his other sexual preference then I guess it will be ok.You have to ask if he loves the other man more than you.It can only be the sex thing, but you must ask, it it's you or the other man. Only ask this if you think your relationship is worth I said, cheating is cheating.
But I love him. He comes home to me.
I gather all this is not enough...since you're very upset. He will still come home if he thinks you're OK with it. Most bisexual men has home with a women. They need to feel normal in a sense.I'm afraid for now, you are his only reason to feel normal.I'm not sure Miss, it is hard to say.
So you think I'm better off dumping him?
You have to put you first. It's tough with bisexual partners, since every man and woman is a potential competition.It seems to me that you're in a committed relationship since he lives with you.But again, weigh your feeling first.I'm afraid to stay happy, you have got to make a decision desirable to you.
Ohh....I don't know....
Can I refer you to somebody more experience in this? Maybe you and your partner can attend counselling together?
Ohh..he'll fucked! He is not going to talk about it.
Well, maybe it is embarassing to talk about something you don't want to admit. are you feeling now? Can I get someone to come and see you? Do you need a doctor?
Can you call and check on me again in 15 minutes?
Okay..I'll do that. I have to ask you if you can...since you're on the medication, please refrain from smoking cannabis. Give it a gap.
I'll try.
**************************************So Makji pun letak tepon. After 15 minutes, I call dia tak jawab, so I pun panggil paramedic. Mintak-mintak dia tak mati overdose***********
This girl...called me about 2am last night...suara ala-ala high githoo..tataulah baru menutuh vodka ke or baru berasap weed, ala diawang-awangan githoo.Tengok-check-periksa nama, address, memang si pompuan ni ada receive treatment dengan Team sebelah Noth West London dahulukala (kesian..muda-muda dah gilsss) tapi sejak dia dah pindah rumah, dia ni qualify to get her service from us belah-belah Richmond Royal (sepital) ni.
Dia cakap dengan I...dia baru makan ubat PamPam nya....and instead of kena makan sebijik yang 100mg tu dia dah makan 5 bijik (yang dianya masih tak pengsan lagi apasal?) so katanya she is losing her sensation and will be in a right mind to do almost anything...(ni bongkak nak bagitahu you yang dia kiranya unstoppable lah ni)
So seperti biasa, I kenalah tanya pukul berapa you makan ada minum alcohol ke apa, etc etc. Obviously kenalah check jugak kalau beside the ubat, dia ada menambah lagi benda-benda lain that can cause adverse reaction to the tablets.Hah..confirmed mmg ada...dia minum neat vodka and dia ambik marijuana. (Tapi apasal dia tak passed out lagi ???)
Well, I actually rasa lega jugak...sebabnya dia ni bukannya berdiri atas jematan, or berdiri atas bukit tinggi or tengah memasang tali nak gantung diri. It is so obvious yang dia ni tengah terpeleot dan meghoyan but I thought, let her cakap on the phone for 5 minutes or so, kalau dia pengsan ke hapa, I boleh terus hantar ambulance nah? Kalau set-set yang disebut diatas, maka susahlah jugak..sebab selalunya orang yang nak bunuh diri ni suka menjerit and taknak mendengar cakap orang, satu kerja pulak aku nak bernaik-naik darah semua.
So bila makcik ni dah jawab semua soklan-soklan formality I, I pun start lah you said you're in the right mind to do almost anything....what do you mean by that?
I want to end it.
People say things like that when they're very upset and disturb. Are you hearing voices? (Dah sejarahnya keluar dalam computer..dia ada bipolar)
No...I have medication for that.
And you are upset about something? (ni marah dah ni, tapi suara kontrol ayu gitteww)
Why do you care? (hek eleh..ko yang telepon aku...)
Miss XYZ, if you're thinking of ending it, of course we care. That is why we are called the helpline. Please tell us, or if you want, I can arrange a Nurse to visit you in the morning.
My boyfriend is sleeping with another man....
When did you discover this?
You knew he is bisexual? May I use that term to describe your boyfriend's sexuality?
You can call him fuck whatever you want to call it (ishh..nasib baik dia gilss..kalo tak, mahu je aku warning dia jgn mencarut)
Is that why you're upset?
You think?
Well, it is hard to tell. You can either be upset with him or yourself. You said you'd known about it forever, so I'm assuming you can't be upset with him fo that.
What can I do? (start dahhhhh nangis...) I can't handle this...(nampak sangat menipu nya bab makan ubat sampai 5 bijik tu..pasal dia tak pengsan2 lagi)
I don't know what you want me to say, after all you already know the truth. If you partner is bisexual,there will always be something you can't give him.
But I love him.
You think he feel the same?
We're living together...
Realistically, he can't be loyal to you. Cheating is cheating, no matter who it's with. Would you have stayed if it's another woman?
It is your decision now Miss. Either way, it is upsetting but look what it is doing to you now.If you love him strong enough to accept his other sexual preference then I guess it will be ok.You have to ask if he loves the other man more than you.It can only be the sex thing, but you must ask, it it's you or the other man. Only ask this if you think your relationship is worth I said, cheating is cheating.
But I love him. He comes home to me.
I gather all this is not enough...since you're very upset. He will still come home if he thinks you're OK with it. Most bisexual men has home with a women. They need to feel normal in a sense.I'm afraid for now, you are his only reason to feel normal.I'm not sure Miss, it is hard to say.
So you think I'm better off dumping him?
You have to put you first. It's tough with bisexual partners, since every man and woman is a potential competition.It seems to me that you're in a committed relationship since he lives with you.But again, weigh your feeling first.I'm afraid to stay happy, you have got to make a decision desirable to you.
Ohh....I don't know....
Can I refer you to somebody more experience in this? Maybe you and your partner can attend counselling together?
Ohh..he'll fucked! He is not going to talk about it.
Well, maybe it is embarassing to talk about something you don't want to admit. are you feeling now? Can I get someone to come and see you? Do you need a doctor?
Can you call and check on me again in 15 minutes?
Okay..I'll do that. I have to ask you if you can...since you're on the medication, please refrain from smoking cannabis. Give it a gap.
I'll try.
**************************************So Makji pun letak tepon. After 15 minutes, I call dia tak jawab, so I pun panggil paramedic. Mintak-mintak dia tak mati overdose***********
I like your analysis about bisexual guys - has home with a woman; a sense of feeling normal.
Normal tak normal, bengapnya makcik XYZ nih...nyanyilah lagu I Will Survive tak..nak bunuh diri pulak...eeeee.. yang jantan tu pun satu BODOH! BENGAP!
But then it takes two to tango noh?
kalau i keja mcm u ni nescaya i pun akan terjun jembatan...*sigh*...pepaling pun i akan tanya dia mana nak beli daun2 rempah ratus tu so i pun blh join sekaki...stress wooo
Makji..uols sungguh pandai dalam memberi kaunseling pasal releationship :)
Lee, that's hardly an analysis...being bisexual is one of the preference,but jantan in denial selalu gunakan this excuse utk menipu diri sendiri..hiksss...susahkan? Nuts pun nak, bolts pun nak jugak...
Lyana...wah...kau pun nak amik daun rempah ratus jua kah? Stress Ning Baizura tak habis lagi ke? hehehe...jgn, daun rempah ratus ni klw tak kena org, boleh mengacau chemical dlm badan you..takpasal nanti kau pulak yg jadi in patient..
Izuan...tidak.Saya tidak pandai. Saya hanya memberi nasihat agar dia tak susah hati dan kekuatan utk membuat keputusan...nothing to do with relationship.
tabik la kat ko kak.... i am done with therapy and whatever thingy to do with those people in distress.... bipolar lak tu.... wah ni dah masuk autumn ni... agaknya tambah lagi dengan SAD..seasonal affective disorder tu...
again, dah tau bisexual, napa la loyal tak tentu hala?.... aiyoo.... entah2 kan kak, dia pun bisexual sama... maybe dia malu nak confess kot... then kata la partner dia yg bisexual... errrmmm....
Hats off to you sistah! Sungguh penyabar giteww...
kelassssss kan, gila pun call org lagi, so gila kah?? hehehe
The stress of a hag...
Makji agaknya bagus gak makji bukukan those phone scripts so that kalau ade ape2 kes lagi boleh refer to ur FAQ logbook.
LI...tu lah, dah tau jantan tu membuat hubungan 2 hala, masih gak nak tunggu, pastu seniri yg sakit ati...pastu, dgn selambanya nyusahkan org lain cam aku ni...hish!
Lady Marko...wuii..ko taktau berapa kali aku hentak kaki sambil jawab phone tu... gila ni, diorang tak suka gila sensorang!
Manal...nah...I don't think she's a hag. She just happen to be in love with a wrong guy
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