About Me

Monday, October 12, 2009


I must not write about politics...sebab nya tak tahu apa-apa. So, buat apa nak tulis kalau info dalam kepala pun lebih banyak info gossip dari info politik.

Someone asked recently, had I not chose to be a Social Worker (and blarrrdyyy auditor) what is my career's choice? Dengan muka tak malunya I cakap...politician lah kot.

However, dengan bongkaknya, may I say...I have a degree in political studies. Iye..idok le glamer macam orang yang masuk lab semedang tu but masa tu, China's Red Book was more appealing than the rest (plus, aku ni idok le berapa pandai Kiah oiii) So, nak tulis lah jugak pasal politik (kan ke aku blogger elitist, Kiah?) sikit-sikit.

Isa The Clown (ni adalah dicopy dari bapak saya suatu masa dahulu) won the election in Bagan Pinang. I grew up in PD and I know many people from Bagan Pinang, the Kampung itself. Isa Samad's originally is from Kg Bagan Pinang and I was there, along with other schoolmates paying respects when his dad died. Sebab dia orang Bagan Pinang,kalau dia tak menang, alangkah malunya.

My FB friends yang anti Isa Samad wrote in the status updates that people in PD are in favour of a convicted briber.Not only that, Azmin Ali blatantly lambasted people in PD for wanting a corrupted person as a leader.

Well, who is not corrupted here? Azmin Ali was made millionaire by his boss and the Boss himself earning his millions while governing the finance ministry.

What annoys me is that who gives this people liberty to throw such remark when they themselves obviously dipping into easy money as well?

Isa Samad was caught, named and shamed. For sure, there's many like him. I was offered to join a party that every meeting you attend, you'll get $50.00. I don't think that is politik wang. The thing is bila wang sudah ada, and to attract people and to encourage them to get off their arse to attend meeting, hulurlah sikit...lepas duit toll (cilaka kau pondok toll!!!) and duit minyak, parking etc.

People who wants to claim power nowadays are those with money.So, they will say and blame who they want.

I think, appropriately...Azmin Ali must first encourage and educate his own brother to write sensibly in his blog. Penuh dengan caruts 100 karat, let alone morale.

Nak kata blog I ni bermoral takdelah..tapi janganlah pi kutuk orang with sentences like that. Bukan ke kata pernah jadi law student dulu. Kalau dah jadi kakak fulltime pun, siap promote lagi hang dah pi tanah suci, udah-udah le nak kutuk orang kan?

So, Datuk Isa...boleh tak waive toll dari Subang Jaya ke Seremban and Seremban ke PD or least, kasi lah 70% discount ke?


Encik Ayie Yang Garang said...
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Anonymous said...


My sis ( in kampung) was invited to attend Keadilan weekly/ monthly meetings..and every time she was given RM20...dulu tpt I nie BN pegang tp lepas p.raya yg lepas Keadilan menang...so, practice nie everywhere...tak kira le saper..

Anonymous said...

Tan Sri Isa le mak aji.. Kang mintak 70% dapek 10% yo kang..

Org Somban...

Unknown said...

haiya, lady of pschological damage..this old coot loves your style-lah..usually I came, read, chuckled and left..and now it has become an addiction..and, of course, most times, this geezer agreed with you..and local politics today are only fit for the loo..selamat belated hari raya..take care..:)

Kak Yam said...

weh mokji, datuk isa sudah lama elevated jadi tan sri lah...

you are right about azwana tu, somehow I feel that some screw sudah loose into dalam, awat la hai adik beradik dia tak pi check bawak lah adik tu properly diagnosed...ke makji leh offer your kind evaluation...:-)

As a matter of fact I used to think azwan ali was a very good host masa zaman-zaman sampaikan, time dia masih gagah sebagai jantan... much better than aznil. But now aznil has improved, and very sad to see azman jadi ala-ala liberace...

Anonymous said...

errr makjie was blabbering about azmin ali, not azwan ali right?

Makji Esah said...

Encik Azrin, saya akan berpurak-purak tak nampak komen mieww ittewww..maka, sudah-sudah lah kamu melayani campaign-campaign tak sihat org org yang tak berapa sihat..tak baik tawww...kan ke masih beraya ni?

Anon 1..ye ke, PKR pung kasi duit gak?

Anon 2...alah..alang-alang dah boleh kasi $50 per meeting, takkan tol takleh kurang kot..

Pak Mat..and you shall expect the continuity of the same, from the psychological damage person indeed. May many thanks...

Oh maaf..Tan Sri Isa..banyak bona lah salutation eh kan, kak yam kan??? Azan Ali mmg gilo meghoyan dah kot...

Anon 3..bird of the same feathers mah...

Encik Ayie Yang Garang said...

alamak kakjie.. saya sudah tersalah cakap dan terlebih cakap lah. saya adalah ini meminta maaf.
>>sob sob sob<<