About Me

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Entry Menyampah Gila

Still can't rest from being morally violated yesterday by JT...I decided to call him.Well, I did promised though.I so want to ask why dia masih lagi berani telepon I, lepas ku maki hamun dia that day.I have already made the nastiest remark (in my standard)...like, I rela melayan anjing kat dalam opis I...kalau you dengar, tak ke rasa nak bunuh diri?

Make you wonder what sort of pathology men has.

Was I stupid? Udah udah lah kan patutnya? Orang kata...don't ever try to upset a man more that you already have, buruk padahnya.Tengok lah apa dah terjadi kat Altantuya itu...or that girl that was murdered by her policeman boifren pastu kena lipat masuk kotak TV.

But what can JT do? Selain dari mengata his soon-to-be ex wife that he thought bleeding him dry, apalah kekuatan yang ada selain dari his body fat? For a man who berkira who gets to keep the pasu sarawak, I don't think he is wealthy enough to visit any available witch doctor.Lagipun, mana nak cari voodoo King/Queen kat UK ni?

I was merely annoyed.But then again, kalau setakat kena panggil BITCH, in my work, tu kira minimum lah tu, we got called lot worst than that.

So, K answered his mobile dengar saluran suara ceria anda nya...and I really need to get my mean message across.

'After what you said, I really didn't appreciate your call.Can you just stop please?'
Kenapa? You marah ke? (perlu ke nak tanya)

Yes I am. Since I can be civil, ni nak cakap baik-baik lah ni. You are so disrespectful, so I malas lah nak berkawan.Kita tak jumpa lagi pun tak apa.

(With his mengada voice) Ehh..tak baik tau..memutuskan silaturrahim...

I let him talk and talk.Benci punya pasal, I can't even remember what was said, but his tone of voice really annoying.After a while he realised I didn't respond.

You okay ke? Diam aje?

Are you really that stupid, K? I've said, I'm not interested.Shall I hang up now?

Ey..janganla....blablablablabla.....(really, tak kuasa aku nak melayan nya)

Okaylah..kalau you takde mood nak cakap dengan I hari ni...we talk later yeah?

I am so not going to answer witheld number anymore.

Or better still, my contract with Vodafone is up for renewal this June.I might end up switching to O2. Ahh.....masalah betul.


Anonymous said...

adoi sakit jiwa betul le mamat JT tu..kenapa lah payah sangat nak paham bahasa mudah macam tu? kronik sungguh lah penyakit JT ni kan...bagi penampar sekali kang..ish geram..eh emosi pulak le saya kali ni hehee..sorry ye esah..


captainlukman said...

hahaha org cam ni kan mmg tebal muka dia kan, tak pernah nak paham org tak suka, tapi u know what, as a men**wahhhhhhhhh dan dan jantanlah tetibe**, this is one of the way nk sakitkan hati pempuan, lagi pempuan tuh buat2 perangai lagi lah syok jantan tuh merapu2 tp mmg tak tahu malu u asalkan puas

p/s: makji,kita tak sokong jt taw, tell u through exprience je**matilah aku kene cepuk dgn hjh esah jap gi**
