About Me

Friday, June 22, 2007

An Ex Lover You Must Forget

Pic has nothing to do with this ramblings, is just I captured this from the top deck of the double decker bus.

- The one that always choose the football game over you. In 2002, I traveled to Manchester where this man resides. It’s quite a trip for me, considering that I lived in North Yorkshire, but at that time where ‘Cinta Itu Berkuasa’, I can even travel to Romania, if that is what it takes. I called him from Manchester Piccadilly and in the end, menonggoklah aku berjam-jam kat MP station tu, sebabnya, si kekasih hatiku ini dok bergasak menengok bola. Boleh dia lupa kat I si anak haram tu. I sometime so ashamed of myself, being a smart woman, how could I reduce to that level of kebodohan melampau?

- The one that forgot your birthday. In those 10 years of courting, I remember clearly what I got from him as a birthday present. Cadbury Whole Nut Chocolate, oversize fleece from M&S and ‘Contradiction’ from Calvin Klein. So, in total, that is 7 years of no birthday present from someone who once claimed ‘I love you to death’. And, by being a man, with a girlfriend who hardly complaints, would you later slap me with a break up? Maybe you wouldn't but my boyfriend did.

- The one who proposed to you but marry another woman. A year after proposing, he somehow forget that you exist and gatal konek nak berbini. Well, you have passed it off as takde jodoh. Now is the time to move on. But, few months later, your ex boyfriend dengan muka tak malunya make contact with you, whinged about marrying the wrong one and sings ‘I want you back’ to you. But in the end, you discovered that he has been tailing you all along.

- The one who, years later, now already divorced, started warming his way into you. He made the point of reminding you of the entire lovely thing that you both done together and how good it was. He somehow forgotten all the heartache that he subjected you to.

So, to my ex boyfriend, sudah-sudahlah tu hantar email, nak tanya khabar konon. Not only that now is the bad time, but tak terfikirkah oleh you yang after bertahun-tahun ni, maybe I dah jumpa orang lain ke or dah memang tertutup hati nak bercinta-cintun ni.You had your chance, and sadly, you blew it. Here, I wish to publish some of the line of which, menunjukkan bahawa siamang tetap siamang, they will never lose their bulu.

'Btw, your birthday is in July right?' ....So, 10 tahun kawan, bercinta dengan I, tak kah dia ingat birthday I? As I like to quote Capt.Lukman word, this is what I may announce the Statement Babi Of The Year.

So Kiah, sudah-sudah lah nak memadu asmara lagi dengan kekasih lama tu. Takde hasil.


Belladonna said...

Haiyoo...aku dah buang semua number/email ex aku. Kalau idak bleh jugak aku bawak berperang untuk mengisi masa lapang..hihi.

Anonymous said...

dear hjh esah,

If i were you, i would be flatterred or overwhelmed ler coz this siamang still ingat kat u...still begging for ur love..but of course ler, being a siamang, he might not be sincere...but i would enjoy the moments, i.e. while saham still tinggi...this courting should spice up ur monotonous life i believe...don't take it seriously but u can always flirt back ler ngan siamang ni...bagi dia perasan sikit ker then u can dump him laks... evil?? or payback time?

mind you, i also traveled to different country to meet up my ex-yang-sangat baik over the summer breaks about 12 years ago..so was i stupid??..not really, just being naive and young with enraging hormone... and i punya harijadi pun july and i'll be 34 as well....so in a way, i could relate ler to ur experiences...

p/s: my ex-yang-sangat-baik ni did sent me email last few years saying he still ingat kat i..i was flabbergasted...well he's married with kids and i could only wish him semoga berbahagia...i dumped this guy over the phone coz i chose a siamang as well :((. Of course it didn't last with that siamang....

-nobody lagi!!

sam zahri said...

itulahkan deknon,dulu-dulu time kita tgh hegeh2 kat dia layan kita macam tahi. Nih bila dah agak desperate baru sibuk2 nak contact balik. kejis.

Unknown said...

Jantan u ols..mana hengat tarikh tarikh nih!!! Matilaa mak jugaks (walaupun mak ni separuh separuh!)

captainlukman said...

kannnnnn makji kan, kenapa kisah kita byk yg serupa kan,destroy the chance that u got then ngaku nk jd KB lah plak skrg so fake. by the time im in doha...now dah senyap trus, kan bagus aman hidup aku......nok dgr2 lah lagu SURVIVOR from destiny's child!! Go gal!

Makji Esah said...

Haiyo Bella...nak buat berperang mengisi masa lapang katanya? Tu mesti case yang ada ramai ex bf lah tu.

Eh nobody (bukan nama sebenar) mmg tu lah tujuan nya satu ketika dulu, how i wish I can goda him back..pastu bila dia dah syok, aku humban dia balik dalam parit..but in the end, dalam nak goda-goda tu, aku balik yg terhumban.I am just not gifted with that evil trait. Speaking of terhumban..I recall that Syed Sobrie song 'Cinta Yg Terhumban'.Okay, aside the terhumban, mana gi Syed Sobrie tu sekarang? Adakah dia masih hensem? BTW, birthday I January you..si balak tu tak de nya pernah ingat birthday I

Mmg kehis Sam..keji sesangat...

Lee...what can I say..or are you speaking from experience ke? But yr jantan selalu ingat yr birthday kan? (Or uols yang remind dia siang-siang?)

Capt Lukman...lagu 'Kau Mmg anak Haram' takde lah pulak kan? Kalau tak, sure dah aku dedicate lagu tu kat siamang ni.

Cik Kiah said...

Si siamang tu mengemail kat ko lagi ke? Mesti hati ko menggeletis jugak kan? (kalo pun bukan kangkang ko..oops dasat! loocha extreme!)

Btw, i rasa Syed Sobrie dah gemuk macam pau (memandangkan dia putih kan). I pernah tengok gambar dia. Tapi anyone can fill me in on this, camna dia boleh kawin ngan azie pulak??

Mr Hobo said...

sambil sambil membuat loncatan blog, i found your blog ... very entertaining. will be here often.

DBI said...

aiyooo..dalam duk benci benci kan siamang tu..masih lah jugak duk di kenang kenang kisah zaman bercinta cinta tu....masihkah ada chinta????...*tetiba

Typhoon Sue said...

mak aji, exes are meant to be forgotten. If they come crawling back, play along with them just for kicks, and then dump em big time. baru syiok!

Makji Esah said...

Masihkah ada chenta, Dr? Tataulah...kalau nama masih dibibir...kalau tak chenta, mesti benci gila kan?

Sue, speaking from experience eh?