About Me

Sunday, December 26, 2010

You're Gay, (but) You're (not) Okay

Masih lagi di Pulau. Buhsannnnnn dan depressed. My patient that was admitted to ICU 2 days before I left England, has died on Xmas Eve. I spent a good two days grieving for him. Might you ask why the death is affecting me, padahal bukanlah sedara mara or even kawan? Entahlah...I have faced so many death in my workplace. There's time when I question the why I am doing this job.

Okay, leave that thoughts for now lah. Like I said, I am mildly depressed at the moment. Dah le sensorang...

I saw the link 'Saya GAY, Saya OK' posted by a schoolmate. Dengan internet tahap cipan ni (not the speed, but I'm having problem understanding foreign prompt) I takdelah nak tengok that link but I saw comments made by viewers on that link.

Since the guy who made it is a muslim and malay, he was horridly critisised. To extent of being called a laknat by some. I must say that he is indeed very brave, brave enough to ignore how sensitive is the issue to Malaysian Muslims. Pardon me for choosing to use the word ignore here...and ignore is not a bad word.

My opinion stands, that sexual preference is a private thing. Not for us to discuss in public nor that we should judge others. But again if you choose to stand out by talking about things you know will bring so much attention down your way, is the choice you made with, supposedly clear and sound mind. Majority of oppressed people cope by being extra defensive. If you put a pressure on a gay person, he/she are likely to retaliate with 'so if being gay is a sin, how will you define child rape, apostasy etc, etc'

Like how the law systems works, with every inch of evidence, theories and facts featured in the books, as a Muslim we also believe that what is right or wrong is as what is bespoken in Al-Quran.

Kelemahan seseorang, kalau tak ditolong atau dibaikpulih, ada kemungkinannya akan menjadi kekuatan mereka. Being strong, again you can be strong in many aspect...ada orang yang kuat mengata, kuat bergaduh...still, kuat la jugak kan...is not always a good thing. Kuat kerja and kuat gaduh is one large opposite from the other.

Ada banyak benda yang kita buat dalam hidup kita ni yang tidak ada betul nya. Selagi kita tidak diagnose ada kecacatan otak, kita selalunya tahu apa yang kita buat tu salah. Nasihat yang baik yang kita terima dari orang-orang sekeliling kita yang teramat concern kadang-kadang ambil masa yang lama jugak untuk kita ikut. Hanya kita sendiri yang boleh mengubah kita...bila kita bersedia untuk berubah dan ditambah dengan pertolongan dari tuhan dan orang-orang yang kita sayang.

His life choice or literally sexual choice is obviously not to many people liking. Do you think he will likely to change just because you call him a laknat and umat Nabi Luth?

I saw an documentary recently about how Taliban fighters yang mengaji Quran before menembak orang, beat up the Afghan women and their spouses. Complete contradiction with how women were suppose to be treated as written in Al-Quran. Taliban men sodomised young boys, for obvious sexual gratification if not sexual preference. And, they Taliban were hailed a true Muslim hero with fast tracked entrace to heaven.

One may say, kalau you tak tahu..you jangan cakap lah. Betul. Pengetahuan agama I sangat cetek, nak nak dah duduk oversea lama dan lebih exposed to liberal thinking dan hak-hak kemanusiaan ni. I believe in berbuat baik, akan dapat benda yang baik juga...dan Allah itu maha pemaaf. Berjahat dengan orang, belum tentunya kita dapat dimaafkan oleh orang itu.

Terimalah dan fahamilah kekurangan seseorang sebelum kita rasa kita berhak menjatuhkan hukum. If being different is a kelemahan, berdoalah mereka itu diberi kekuatan. Kita pun tak tahu apa bahagian kita.

One of my relative, has openly critised my kununnn nya westernised way of life. Of course lah judgement made on I yang tak pakai tudung ni...sembahyang hit and miss ni etc etc yang tak islamic lah katanya. With his wife being pregnant at that time, I softly told him...you think you are so perfect just because you think you live like a decent Muslim person and against everyone. Don't be so harsh, you don't know you might be bearing child worst than me.

Tapi this guy dengan mak dia, cakap tempik-tempik taw..apa yang Islamic nya tu.

p/s and that guy pun...alah...low profile dah la kannn. Dah tahu duduk kat Malaysia, apa motif OUT and PROUD pulak? Memang nak sangatlah kena kata pun kannn?


NenetPenne (NP) said...

i cuma nak doakan agar mamat engineer tu mendapat hidayah dan balik ke pangkal jalan...

tapi dosa merogol dan membunuh tu tak boleh lah nak disamakan dengan dosa mencintai kaum sejenis...

kalau kita tahu, neraka pun byk tingkat...

Makji Esah said...

Netnet, mmg lah tak sama...tapi itulah cara yang kebanyakannya digunakan orang yang teruk ditindas ni...like I said, bila dah rasa kena tindas, kan ke orang jadi extra defensive?

Yati Harvey said...

I hear you.
May I also say you are one brave person yang juga prihatin. Brave sebab bercakap tentang isu ini dikalangan masyarakat kita menanggung risiko di salah tafsirkan. Prihatin sebab despite risiko ini (yg you pun ketahui) you still tried to explain menggunakan ilmu dan kepakaran your profession.TQ.
And no, I do not believe counselling skills acquired in a foreign land automatically are unislamic.

While that young man was misguided to bertempek kisah dalam kelambu (sori bahasa kasar), marilah kita saudara seagama dan sebangsa mamat itu cuba perolehi semua maklumat kes ini dahulu. Marilah kita tanya dia, eh jang apohal ekau ni tak suko daro? Ekau penyakit ke, jom poi jumpo doktor...etc.

Mari kita fokus untuk membantu dia dgn kasih sayang. He is still our brother.Perhaps when he feels secure in our brotherhood, he may feel less defensive (as you suggested) and be more open to voice his problems.

Usahlah terlau cepat menghukum. And two wrongs never make a right.

cik said...

Uish. Tetiba i teringat la satu mamat ni sound i andartu..i terus berpesan pada dia..uols tu ada anak perempuan sampai 3 org..tak tau lagi apa akan jadi pada mereka..terus sentap uols..

Apa pun..i doa yg tersasar nafsu tu kembali ke pangkal jalan..sama2 la kita menuju kebaikan di tahun 2011...ha gittew :D

@rep said...

link youtube tu dah diremove dah,..

berani tak bertempat kan..

DeLancrettLurpak said...

I heard that gay engineer tu tak ckp lagi ngan mak pak dia, mmg berani gile!

Itu pasal saya malas nak ckp my opinion pada org wahai makji, confirm saya dikatakan melayu sesat and perasan barat.

a said...

pada i, dosa is dosa but why should we be more angry, tak puas hati, meluat, geli(?) at a particular sin, and not to others, which to me is a bit hypocrite kan?

contohnya if i knew that my best friend's hobby is melakukan onani hari-hari, even though he's married to an able-bodied woman, takde sebab pung, saje as a hobi. would i spat on him? told him off? disown him? shout at him, laknat! sial! et cetera?
i'm struggling to see how onani is a lesser evil than gay sex? i can list down at least 10 sins that are more harmful to the society than two adults having consenting gay sex. e.g., mengumpat, mengadu-domba, tipu kawan bisnes mlm, buat2 lupa tak bayar hutang member, mabuk, merokok depan children and pregnant women, peeping tom, tengok porn, desiring someone else's wife, buang sampah ikut tingkap kereta, main facebook waktu pejabat, to name a few. and we don't even bat an eyelid.

ManaL said...

Dia berani kerana big countries like U.Ass.A ada strong LGB movement and should be proud to say who they are. Tapi dia kena paham konsep cakap siang pandang2 , cakap malam dengar2. And whatever oppression he was facing, betul la u said makji on the reaction he made due to that. It made him stronger and more confident to come out like that. And he will start questioning why god tak sayang hambanya yang batting for the other side ni and macam2 la things to justify his own desire, but to let people condemn him like that is totally a very unclever thing to do. People in general will surely butcher him alive rather than being nice and helping. And so kalau nak jerit like that pun, pindah la ke singapore at least heh.

aking said...

mak pun nak jgk tanya...kenapa nak proud sampai buat video? diam2 je lah kan....tapi kalau sdiri cari penyakit, sdiri cari ubat lah no....