About Me

Monday, August 11, 2008

Monday Thoughts

I keep 'bumping'...metaphorically speaking...into many of my childhood friends all over Malaysia recently...hence, bertambah lah kawan kat Facebook kan?

See...I quite like it bila I ramai kawan walaupun yang nyatanya, there is no guarantee that I'll be speaking to any of them pun.But it is just nice to see how people grow and changed. I was suggested to go into special group like Ansara what not to find more 'specific' mates...but this friend of mine tak tau yang budak MRSM lah yang I paling tak nak kawan sekali. 2 years in school enough lah hey...I only keep in touch with 3 to 4..more than that, is like a crowd...considering depa-depa tu takdelah baik sangat dengan I pun.

My only childhood friend yang kira kawan sampai mati pun...semanjak dah berlaki and beranak ni, pun dah lain.Lain in the sense, anak and laki will always come first and will rather miss out on hottest night out. Yepp...I respect her privacy. She married a religious Ustaz and there goes our Tea-Dance days. But she still is a good friend yang bakal ku serang rumahnya di Hari Raya nanti...

I do envy those yang berkawan dari kecik dan dah besar gajah pun masih kawan lagi...macam budak TKC yang I kenal tu...mind you, kawan dari sekolah rendah..masuk sekolah asrama penuh pun sekali. Although I do feel bad men terkantoi kan dia kat best friend dia dengan segala macam 'glorious food for thoughts', hati ku tersentuh jugak bila her best friend, dengan tidak judgemental nya terus buat muka risau...'eh..stress benar ke kawan aku ni kat tempat kerja sampai dia jadi macam ni?'. This TKC girl is just lucky bukan aku ni best friend dia yang at the receiving end tu...with my mulut tempayan and evil thoughts...sahih-sahih the next day she will be labelled as nympho kat tempat kerja dia.

See...while some of us really want be owned by their kunun nya prestigious school and society, we sometimes forget who are our real friends.Or do we really have any?

Again...I don't have many.I sure do accumulating the numbers, thanks to this blog. However, that doesn't stop me from being the typical one, the one that talk about you behind your back. See, you bound to get uncomfortable about things. This thing can be something that is not that important, that you can live without ever mentioning it to that person in question but, you still need to answer your own curiosity...and to be able to say this without hurting people's feeling is to confide your thoughts with others. Literally, this is talking behind people's back but it is the healthy one.

I do feel bad that I sometime talk about my friend behind their back...but to be honest, some thing are better said not in the their present and believe it or not, you'll find way to deal with your discomfort better.

However, if you have a friend yang tak habis-habis menyakitkan hati...maka, marilah kita ber YM tengah malam and bergossip.


Anonymous said...

adakah dgn berYM tetiba 'sign off'...**larikkkkkkkkkkk**

hahaha...mrasa tunggu 15th for oxygen!

Makji Esah said...

Aking..tu lah masalahnya bila pakai wireless...kejap signal bagus..kejap cam puaka...

Anonymous said...

kalau kawan ramai tapi kawan2 semua macam puako dan monyusahkan otak baik le ada kawan sikit je, yg penting ialah kualiti makji, bukannya kuantiti...


Cik Kiah said...


I do wish you had told the TKCian friend that she just loves chocolates in any shapes and sizes!
Btw, anak got in between them now, dah dekat setaun diaorg tak bercalling. Terrible!!!

Kalau airasia ada sampai ke London nun, tiap2 tahun aku dok lawat mung. Mati la ko jadi cam mistress aku gittew..!

Anonymous said...

"asingkan ajelah benda tu.." kawan benda haram tetap haram... walaupun diasingkan