About Me

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Six Pence Non-The-Preacher

There is this Ustazah from one east coast state now sent to jail for apostasy. 2 years...and this decision was made considering the severity of her doing. While I try to buat-buat tak nampak berita-berita menyayat hati yang lain (pasal orang itu yang konon nya nak menimang cahaya mata...cis..cisss...) I am now thinking very hard about this poor Ustazah.

I've learned well now after giving my opinion about Lina Joy. Never to discuss sensitip subject. But hey, sensitip subject is made sensitip by sensitip people.Overly sensitip people.But Malaysian people certainly cannot qualify for being sensitip....some of them I mean (mulut kena jejaga nih, I can't generalised Malaysian, considering I'm still one, my abang/adik/amma/appa is still holding that red passport. I think, if they can bear reading Noritta scandals,happily distribute some loocha DVD, setting up a webpage just to slander a name politician, they cannot be THAT sensitip.

Poor Ustazah.She must have been so well-studied in Islamic Studies to become one. I certainly cannot fathom the change of heart. I'm not all religious but yesterday, my boss remarked how 'religious' I am to be pswpswpswpswpspw.....before driving the car off. 'What are you muttering about'. I smiled. I was only doing ayat kursi and al-fatihah, something that I have been doing for almost 20 years now (since I dapat lesen...so Ood, ekau bilo eh nak dapek lesen ni?)

My parents emphasised on secular education but we were sent to mengaji earlier. My father would rotan if we tak semayang...and once, dek kelibut nya aku nak tengok Police Academy (Chung Wai Kit aiyaaaaa...) I actually completed 3 raka'at maghrib during the iklan...hah kau!!! Semayang apo tu? And because of my express rakyat/eurostar speed of semayang, Maghrib's time TV banned forever masa tu. Tapi, TVteegaaa masa tu mmg la celaka, yang pi taruk Cerita Cina tu pukul 7 buat hapa hah? But I don't hate TVteeegaaaaa...bcos TVteeegaaa got Wan Leha. It is better Wan Leha than Hjh Hazlinda, kan?

So, now I hardly sembahyang...I live like orang putih eventhough I kulit tak putih...kalaulah bapak ku yang Pak Haji tu tahu kegiatan sosial anak dia yang macam baik ni...harus aku dititah perintah balik serta merta. But I must have been love that cemana setan yakjud makjud pun,I never once nak menukar agama ni...possibly due to the faith.

The Jabatan Agama or who ever that made that decision to imprisoned that Ustazah is wee bit harsh. She just changed her faith with reasons only known to her and considering that this is an open knowledge, she decided to not live a lie as a non-muslim.Something that morally, we should give credit for.She did not kill anyone...she did not swindled people's money...and she did not do anything hideous or very criminal that can justify the prison sentence.She just lose faith.

Maybe the power that imprisoned her have deeper insecurity, they can't bear to lose her to any other religion. So they become harsher than necessary.This will ultimately make others judge us even more, condemn us more and whaddayaknow....losing faith in us completely.

So, to the power, I hope you know what you're doing.


captainlukman said...

ustazah tuh patutnya diajak mendekai balik agama asal dia dari dipenjarakan, silap haribulan satu penjara dia TARBIAH kan...canne

p/s: i pun awez lah dok pswpsspswpswpswpsw time take off*tapi dlm hotak ingat ank bermukah je kalau sampai** ops**

ManaL said...

Not really surprising to see someone like her to be imprisoned for such cause. It's prolly for the best, coz she prolly gonna find her "emancipation of mimi" while squandering around doing her time in her cell and so on.

Tapi kan makji, it's those more learned ones (in islamic studies) that faces dugaan in faith far greater than us.

Makji thinking hard ka? Sungguh concern kalah YB and YABs in msia. Ye la kita pon penah semayang express before or between the tv program jaman2 skola asrama dulu2....

Anonymous said...

harap2 masa dalm penjara ustazah tu sempat lah dibimbing utk mendekati islam semula kan...


Dina said...

Mmmg very harsh pun tindakan utk penjarakan that ustazah sbb belum tentu dgn dipenjarakan dia akan kembali Islam...

What they should do is sessi kaunseling. Pujuk dia balik dgn cara lembut, mudah-mudahan terbukak pintu hati dia nk bertaubat.

Ini tidak, buat cara kasar, ustazah tu sure ada simpan dendam...kuar penjara sok, ntah-ntah makin rebellious jadiknya...

OOD said...



DBI said...

aiyo..takper..nanti ada kerajaan langit ayah peng cawangan penjara..

Makji Esah said...

Hamboii Lokmangggg...pswpswpswpsw bagai...(I pon dedolu camtu tau...dlm hati mintak memacam..tapi after landing je, pswpswpsw tah kemana) Agaknya mung nak bermukah pun pswpswpsw jugak ke? Banyok la pahala mung...

Tu lah kan? Manal, I think the better one are more repressed (since they know too many) so become more rebellious than kita-kita yang semayang 3 rakaat 3 minit ni...

Yatie..harap-harap la...buatnya dijaka satu jail tu murtad camno eh?

Dina, I'm sure she was counselled enough, through and through... tapi, tataulah kan...tuhan tetap taknak jugak lembut kan hati...

Ood..mano lesen eh? Poghut dah kedopan tu hah...

Doc...whoahhh...makin femes kan, ada branch segala...