I safely arrived KLIA on Wednesday. With MAS. It was delayed for 2 hours and according to the pilot because it was due to the heavy traffic at Heathrow but what was obvious is that it was too many people with too heavy luggage and it took me almost an hour queuing with the people at the checking in desk keep having to unload/off load their heavy bag. So kesian, but they only have themselves to blame. Dah tau luggage allowance ada 20kg, yang gi bawak barang sampai 40 kilo, siapa yang suruh? People usually resent on paying for extra baggage charges as it might be equivalent as paying for another fare home. Nak tak nak, kenalah adjust, bawak keluar itu, bawak keluar ini kan?
I have this check list of things to do before leaving for KL, and macam biasa, list will still be a list, implementation takde. I was working on the day that I was due flying and only started looking for clothes to pack at 4pm, knowing that I had to be at the airport at 6pm. Ni lah baru namanya frequent traveller, Kiah. Hari ni nak fly, hari ni baru nak mampus nak pack baju seluar dalam bagai.
To all my friends, Bella, Kiah,Lee, Makji Eton, Aizee and Sarafina, haiyoo...I do have to apologise.Tah hapa penyakitnya sekarang ni Royal Mail buat strike tak habis-habis, my Eid card with intent to send to you all dah kena return. Yang menyakitkan hati, Makji Eton, I dah bungkus bagi hadiah to cheer you up sempena hari-hari raya ni, tapi Post Office boleh direjectnya parcel ku, boleh? Tunggulah ye, maybe lepas raya or quite rightly lepas Royal Mail strike ni sampailah ye.
My journey with MAS was an unpleasant one. First, I was abused by this man who decided to behave like a 12 years old boy. Nak dijadikan cerita, I think it was past midnight and I think I was somewhere between the English Channel dengan Italy/France and was dozing off.Tetiba terasa macam ada benda pressing hard on my knees that was unusually positioned (they’re on top of each other) and I saw this person in front of me reclining his/her seat very, very low.Dah la kaki I panjang, I can’t move my legs. I had to ask MB to approach the passing steward to ask the person infont of me to adjust their seat. Si steward ni boleh cakap ‘saya takleh buat apa-apa, Kak’.
Certain people ada habit yang bila dah naik economy class tu tapi nak behave macam naik business class. Dah tau tempat duduk kecik, considerlah orang depan belakang, kan? I had to ask the person in front of me to adjust her seat, tapi they all buat tak layan and I had no choice but to manually adjust/release my legs and of course, the impact to the front seat was significant.Tiba-tiba muncul lah sijantan ni.He must be kneeling on his seat and asking me what is my problem. I said to him, I had to move my legs as they reclined their seat lower till it presses against it. This guy dengan accent kandang babi nya, teruslah cakap kalau I tak suka dia recline seat dia, I boleh duduk tempat lain, things like who said we can’t recline our seat semua jadah keluar dari mulut dia. I cakap balik, I’m not saying you can’t, I am asking you to be considerate, I’m having problem here. He just went, ‘Is your leg 8 foot?’ As I was explaining, he keeps cutting me off until I had to say ‘can you let me finish’. Akin to a bully, he just ‘No!!! You listen to me!!!’ Knowing that this type of people, maka buang masalah kalau nak layan pun, I terus cakap ‘Well, I’m going to stop talking to you now, but I am not responsible if you’re uncomfortable as I will be moving my leg as and when I like’. He keeps on blabbering and I just tell him ‘Stop talking to me and why don’t you just piss off back to your seat’. He just stood there keep staring at me macam kaki bully tak cukup umur. I am so close to remark on his babi-face look but nanti jadi racial discrimination pulak so what I can do is to be as sarcastic as I can by telling him ‘Are you going to keep doing that for the next 13 hours? Suit yourself’. I terus makan kacang and that ugly looking pug nose guy terus duduk all the way KLIA with his reclined seat.
What upsets me is that the cabin crew did nothing to stop the altercation. As it is I felt so bad have to argue and disturbed people peace but the crew did not take any notice and I bet, kalau lah I ni Mak Gagak with a burly beefy boyfriend, mau mati kot kena tumbuk jantan tu. I keep telling myself; never again with MAS.The fare was exorbitantly expensive with a crap service and lap kaki food. I die to find out siapalah head of the cabin crew recruitment. The crew are not well groomed with faces all full of zits. Lainlah kalau I dapat free ticket ke, I should have stick to the unpretentious Emirates, biarlah stopover lelama pun kat Dubai. How on earth MAS boleh dapat best cabin crew award pun tak tau lah. Maybe they’re nicer to the foreigner and first class people. So discriminating.
I had so much fun today, beli baju raya at Subang Parade. It was so cheap and nice. I was struggling to combat my sleepiness, menguap sana menguap sini.We went to Giant to beli barang for raya and at the check out counter, masa bayar, MB was told that her credit card was declined. I doubt that happen and I suruh MB tanya that young man if the card requires a pin. That man cakap ‘Aah lah, dia mintak pin number’. I look at MB and sighed over the sombong-bodohness of them. Tak tau, tanyalah kan. Kata nak promote year 2007 visit Malaysia, haruslah foreign card sekarang dah pakai chip and pin. Ni tak, terus cakap declined padahal tak decline pon. Sakit hati tau....
Kiah, lupa nak cakap dengan you tadi, tak kedai CD mana yang kau pergi, aku dengan senang-senang nya boleh jumpa cd ‘FREEDOM’ yang kononnya kau satu Malaya susah nak cari tu. I saw ‘RAMLAH RAM’ as well, terus ingat kat Lee. Lee, kalau you all nak, cakaplah ye. Greatest collection tu.
To all, thanks for the raya wishes. I am now in the United State of 9, having a quiet time with my family with a dial up internet connection. Wahhhh!!!!
Selamat Hari Raya to all of you who reads, from me and my family. Here I am, masih kuat mengomplen walaupun dah nak dekat habis puasa.
Makji Esah, alhamdulillah uols selamat sampai walaupon perjalanan yg very der lap kaki dgn MAS tuh. Mak dah ckp jgn guna MAS uols degil. Hah kann?? Hahahhaa.. Mak mmg boikot dah MAS awal2 dulu lagi uols. Mak tetap ngan Emirates walaupon terpaksa la berkorban masa kat airport Dubai ala2 kelang kabut tuh.. Hiks..
Wah sempat lagi shopping mopping nah uols. Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri. Enjoy ur stay in Malaysia & jgn lupa makan sepuas2nya sebelum balik sini! Oh lagi satu bila makan2 makanan yg yummy2 tu jgn lupa weols kat sini nah?
P/s: Makji Esah ape la yg uols hanta tu? Mak tak anta card ape2 pon uols. Nnt mak rasa bersalah puila. Takyah la susah2 occay? Just if u r free, tolong carikan MS Office Vista yg pirate utk D. Thanks so much Makji! Tp klw uols busy takpayah lah beli. I know u need time with ur family as well. Hear u soon!
Makji!!!! Dah sampai umah??? How lucky!! Selamat hari raya... kat sini raya Jumaat uols :) Maaf zahir & batin nah??? semoga berbahagia bersama keluarga terchenta :)
Uols, boleh tak uols belikan mak CD Ramlah ram yg terbaru punyer yang ada lagu Ketentuan (yg apparently di gam Hot FM).
Nnati mak bayarlah balik kat uols..is that okay?? *muahh*
Thx uols...xxx
p/s terharu mak uols ingat jugak kat mak..ingatkan kat Kiah sorang jah! :P
Mokji 'Soh.
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri & Mahap Zahir Bathin.
Enjoy your stay kat Mesia !! (Hapara,.. macam cakap ngan Oghe Luar pulok)
Hi Hjh Esah,
Welcome home & have a great Raya! Do enjoy all the nice Malaysian foods k.
Saya mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir Batin kepada Esah dan semua pelawat blog Esah ini.
Please take good care & May God Bless u always,
Regards, Jen
Welcome home, makji!
Sempat berkisah perihal those pathetic passengers and poorly groomed flight attendances...
I kan makji, so far takde la byk problem on the flight...kalau anyone start to lower his/her seat too far down, i just tap their shoulder and they will pull them up quickly. I pantang sungguh ppl yg inconsiderate nih tapi belagak setakat in econ class je kan...Pramugara/pramugari sejak 2005 mmg jauh lebih baik la to me...i got their full attention baik laki or perempuan, and siap mintak milo instead of tea/coffee for hot beverage because depa takde cadbury hotchoc. And in between meal, they will bring me some juice ke ape2 la kalau i so lapar la...otherwise i m not a big eater on the flight. Cukup kenyang jer la...tido mmg tableh lama sgt la nyenyak nya.
The best journey was when i got a free upgrade to business class from KUL-LON. Sgt la selesanya.
Eid mubarak to u, makji, selamat beraya and enjoy your holidays back home!
mak aji... nak datang beraya buleh?
Esah, alhamdulillah ko selamat sampai Mesia walaupun flight ado hiccups sket. Selamat Berhari Raya bersama keluarga nok :)
Selamat Hari Raya Makji
To you all, thanks for the comments. Takleh nak jawab satu persatu, maklum dial up speed, pandai hilang-hilang lak after few minutes.
Selamat Hari Raya.
P/s...Hjh Leemah & Hjh Eton, harusss..akan ku borong CD Kak Melah Ram (MB cakap dia makin tak lawa buatlah cemana pun...ampunnnn) and Window Vista.
ermmm incident gaduh kes recline seat ni mak nak gomen skit, bukan nak cover up ass si crew tu tapi base on pengalaman mak yang tak seberapa nih kan, mmg manusia cam tuh berlambak, ala-ala tak kesian kat org pun, kok ya pun nak recline seat tgk2 lah kan, pastu yg nyata makji baik jugak cakap elok2 kalau pakji or makjiv arab haram ninja turtle tu main tolak2 seat tu sampailah 2-2 ekor bangun bergaduh! So sapakah yg menjadi mangsa dlm meyelamatkan keadaan..mak kah??
mak sokmo dipanggil utk menyelesaikan masalah ni, as crew terpaksalah bercakap elok2 n be fair wit both pax**tak pasal karang mak plak kene rogol**, try to explain yg makji ni kaki panjang n yang u naktido recline seat skit je lah, to be fair kan, tapi kalau azab sangat mak ANGKAT KAKI je**matilahaku**. tapi makji manusia gamapng cam tuh mmg ramai, org cakap elok..dia main BANTAI tak hengat kita.u wats promlem????
Mak Hajjah Esah,
that pig face babi deserved more than you dished out on him. Lain kali terjang terajang je the back of his seat biar la dia nak recline sampai terlentang pun, akak buat je sampai dia fed up and bergaduh. Bila bergaduh, mesti flight attendant kena masuk campur barulah keadaan tu dapat diselesaikan. Tapi rasanya Mak Hajjah Esah ni baik dan penyabar orangnya. Tak nak jadi macam the rest ... small minded yerk? Bravo to you. Tapi kengkadang it's not wrong to stand up for your rights. Unless if you wanna go on Emirates each and every time you fly.
Anyway, I enjoyed your blog immensely. Gald to know you enjoyed your Raya back in Malaysia.
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