About Me

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Tudung Hantu/Hantu Tudung

My orang puteh hosmet, is now into hantu orang melayu. Thanks to the DVD-DVD hantus we brought back for her. Not only that, she was fed with so many kisah dongeng berupa misteri nusantara oleh si MB.

MB has this habit of membagi ajaran sesat kat orang putih ni and kesudahannya, I am the one who has to pick up the ill fitted jigsaw. Bad enough banyak words yang tak sepatutnya telah diajar, MB have also taught her some do's and don'ts in Malay community.

So, 3 years ago we took her to Kuching. Si Putih ini telah ditakut-takut kan dengan ugutan2 berupa, dia adalah jenis manusia yang sangat dikehendaki oleh set-set yang dok dalam hutan tu, for her head.

Then when we went to beraya rumah orang, si Putih telah diwarning not to say no to any drinks and food offered to her. Maka bila dihidang dia makan sampai habis, of course situkang bagi makan tu bila tgk orang putih ni makan,makan dan makan..tetap tambah-tambah dan tambah. Unbeknown to them su Putih tu takut kena bad luck. Kesudahnya si Putih sakit perut seharian dek banyaknya makan kek lapis!

So hari ni tadi, she asked me about Mahsuri. She first heard about Mahsuri went I took her to her tomb at Langkawi last year or so..tapi masa tu dia sangat badmood sebab, she was charged higher entrance fee sebab dia omputis. Lalu dia mendeclare yang sumpahan Mahsuri akan extend setahun lagi. I asked her why lah nak tanya..she just said, you told me that she got white blood. Memandangkan saya sangat terrer dalam sejarah Darjah 5 yang soklannya keluar bulat2 dalam Exam penilaian darjah 5 tu (tetap gak aku tak dapat 5A cam kau Kiah), maka I told her what I knew.

The Mahsuri's sejarah..lain penglipurlara, lain jalan cerita nya. Because sekejap orang kata, yang memfitnah dia tu Mak Mentua dia...but yang I tahu si Mahura lahanat tu bini ketua kampung yang jeles dengan ke 'angelinajolie' an Mahsuri. Her response was 'why the village's head wife so 'kampung'? Oh ya, this omputih, when she said 'kampung' she means perangai buruk. I told her, the jahat people exist before century.

So si omputih pun bercakaplah pasal sorang kawan saya ni yang pernah datang rumah. I think she's kampung too. I ask, why you say that? Because she always talk about people and I bet behind our back, she talk about us too.

You think so? Yeah...I can understand what she said, and I know she talk about so and so...but when they're around each other, she's very friendly with that person.

Then I cakap kat omputih, but not only Malay people like that...orang putih can be 'kampung' too. They gossip left right centre.

Si omputih ni cakap, yeah true...but when you wear tudung, aren't you suppose to be better behaved than the non-tudung one? 

Tudung is something women should wear as Allah ask them too...and Allah want them to be well behaved too, but people don't always do what they're told to do. I suppose, yes..I'm not wearing tudung and Allah is upset with me and I hope Allah will wills it that I wear it. So now I only have Allah to answer to for not wearing tudung..but, if you talk and gossip about people, plus you're not wearing tudung, you will have both to answer too. The people you gossip about and Allah. There's two bad things.

But I still think she's very kampung...and if she is not carefull, people will stuff her tudung in her mouth for she talks so much!

Mak pekop mulut uolsss!


DeLancrettLurpak said...

haaa ambikkk!! bila omputih pun berniat nak menyumbat seorang mulut seseorang (melayu I presume) kannnn...

apahal masuk blog ni lalu ada lagu zaman 80's ni? hhehehe

Makji Esah said...

Haaaah gitu...takut kan kita dengar? rasa nak bertaubat dari mengata orang jam2 tu gak...

Er...kasik lah chance..kan ke jaman lapanplohan tu jaman kasut ribok yg femes?

Anonymous said...

kak jelina, i rasa mengumpat ni penyakit genetik la.hiks. i bet u'll get a phd out of that topic(both literally and figuratively)
