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Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Bersih...The End

Okay...sebagai pelampau negara (hiks) yang tegar, I dengan gigihnya walaupun hujan rintik2 diselangselikan dengan adegan angin bertiup tak berapa kencang dan kadangkala hujan rintik itu menjadi lebat seketika...menghadiri sessi duduk dan bantah BERSIH 3.0 tu. I am not sure if ada tak diorang tu duduk dalam proses membantah tu...cemano nak duduk kalau dah basah camtu kan?

Of course, gambar I berbaju kuning ittew telah selamat dipublished dalam Fesbuk I...sebagai tanda menunjuk-nunjuk yang I pun pergi buat benda..bak kata MC, takde pekdah tu.

Oh yes, opinion, taste, way of thinking and politics amongst others, do create divisions. I had wanted to go to the one last year but MC dah warning, you jangan memandai...karang tak pasal2 you kena tangkap and takleh fly. So I didn't. Those who opposed to this cause of course think that this is a pelampau negara kind of thing.

See, people...majority nya..tak suka problem. Bak kata MC negara kita dah aman damai..apsal la nak pi buat kacau bilau. Ye betul...saya setuju. But siapa kata ini untuk buat kacau bilau.

London BERSIH was fine, to me..until few unruly (vocally) started to get very personal about Najib. Really not necessary. DSAI daughter was there, of course like her father, good with microphone and call out Hancur Rasuah etc etc. Seriously if I were her, I'd think again. There's students scream HIDUP MAHASISWA. I wonder why. If you ask me, I cannot understand why student were there, especially the Malays. I can see why the chinese students tak puas hati, believe you and me, things are not easy for them. I hardly jumpa chinese or Indian student on scholarship. I watched BERSIH last year's clips, satu student ni gi maki Polis kata, you used our money..something like that lah. Oh dik, bila pulak adik kerja dan membayar cukai?

Okay...is MAHASISWA ni menjadi mangsa apa2 oppression ke? Nak pinjam duit, dapat. Dah dapat..tak nak bayar pastu gunakan alasan buat protest lak. Hish...student kat sini pun kena gak bayar tution fees dik oii..diorang pun terpaksa gak pinjam duit. Kalau semua nya nak ber subsidi, manakan nak datang nya rasa nak berusaha kalau semuanya dah senang? That..I tak paham. Adakah hobi budak2 sekarang ni...macam kes riot kat London ni kan..yang buat hal pun budak2, membuat kacau sebab diorang tu boring?

When DSAI (ohh I really don't care if you don't like this) was sacked, he fronted REFORMASI. I think that is when all the things that involves aggression started. Opps, I might be wrong. We had Memali before. But PAS and UMNO, or can I say...religious Muslim and moderate Muslim have always have this longstanding kitidakpuasan hati about how the religion should be in practise?

Entahlah...we can have so many do's and don'ts...we can come out with so many fatwas asking people to do this and that. But sometimes we forgot that this is 'people' we are talking about...yang mempunyai kepala hotak mereka sendiri. Things that is right to us is not necessary right to them. Some like to vocalise their thoughts tanpa memikirkan orang lain punya hak yang sama.

Siapalah yang nak duduk kat tempat yang ada kekacauan, kan? Dan siapalah yang suka kat aksi ganas2 ni kan? Most people don't and some do. Ada orang rasa dengan cara kekerasanlah he/she can get their point across.

Some are just an avid fence sitters. Tak suka cari gaduh.

Everyone seems to have this idea in their head of what is right and knows best of how to manage people. I tell you, even doctors can't manage their own patient given 'power' and 'skill' yang diorang ada. Doc cakap jangan hisap rokok as you are in your last leg pun, ada yang tak nak dengar.

We can agree on something...see what approved by the majority and then exercise it. The minority can choose to defy and menerima akibatnya. Informed choices.

For government to say NO to those legit and reasonable request provokes even more suspicions. But government think they knows best.

I attended BERSIH for what it is. I got associated with all those violent acts. I have friends who openly called me, although not directly or personally..stupid and useless just because I attended BERSIH. Some even asked those who supported BERSIH to unfriend them in FB. I was more than happy to do that. Kawan apa yang tak nak menerima kelainan fikiran you, kan?

Let's just put perbezaan politik aside. People can't always like what you like..think the way you do. One can think that membuat penayangan henbeg via pesbuk is okay and the other can think, eleh...macam kau sorang aja ada henbeg.

There will be time and place where we will disagree. Terimalah kelainan orang itu walaupun dia salah (pada you) Acceptance shows maturity and probably will humble you. Plus I think acceptance will encourage you more to look at things differently and allow you to learn. We can be right after all. But you can't help others for making mistakes and stop them from thinking its right.

If I may say...I only attended BERSIH for my stance in disability rights. I am sorry that I don't support Anwar Ibrahim like you do and kalaulah betul dia dianiaya orang...maka Allah akan menyelamatkan dia. I really hope this is the last time I am discussing him. He is still my least favourite subject.

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