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Friday, May 25, 2012

Aksi Copy & Paste

I read an interesting article today in FB group page. I hope you will find it useful however I must ask that uou read with an open mind and respect the writer's view on this hence agree to disagree. Kita hanyalah manusia yang membuat kesalahan hari-hari...ye tak? I have said in my previous post that I'm into finding and knowing things...what we been taught could be different from what we understand. Tidak ada salahnya mencari kepastian. Sometimes, what I don't agree is the claim that only one interpretation claimed to be represent God's Word..ye lah, tukang2 buat fatwa haram sana haram sini cama dia tu His secretary lah pulak...

Okay. Read on.

Interesting...Al Azhar university in Cairo endorsed PhD thesis that finds hijab is not an Islamic requirement (fard).
(some notes fr this paper):
Al Azhar endorsed Sheikh Mustafa Mohamed Rashid's PhD thesis on Sharia and Law for which he obtained a grade of excellent, where he stated that hijab is not an Islamic requirement (fard), and that the interpretation (tafseer) of the verses (ayat) and the circumstances during which they appeared has led to the widespread misunderstanding about the so-called 'Islamic Hijab' denoting covering the head, of which there is absolutely no mention in the Quran.

Yet some have misconstrued the intent and correct interpretation of the Sharia, refusing the logic and sequence of its appearance, abandoning the proper methods of citing and interpreting of the verses (ayat), their historical background and reason for them. They have done so either intentionally, or with good intention but with lack of the essential analytical savvy.

This hijab issue imposed itself on the Islamic and non-Islamic psyche, and thus becoming the defining factor, meaning, and nature of the Islamic faith to non-Muslims, which led some non-Islamic nations to consider it a divisive political statement. In consequence to the resulting friction, some female students have been expelled from universities and jobs, only due to their adherence to this false belief, thereby attaching to Islam a non existent requirement.

So inconsistent and misguided have the proofs of the supporters of the hijab theory been, that it would sometimes take the form of khimar or jalabeeb, which distanced them from what they meant by head cover, which is indicative of their restrictive set of mind.

'Hijab' was mentioned in verse (ayah) 53 of al AHzab, where it signifies 'wall' or 'what prevents view' and it was in regards to pure "ummuhat al mo'mineen" where a "hajib" is to be placed between them and any men.

As for verse (ayah) 31 of Al Khimar - Sourrat al Noor, that is also a redundant claim, as the intent here is the cover of the breast and neck - the background here is the covering of the breast whose exposure is un-Islamic, and not what is now understood by hijab for the head.

And in regards to the historical background of verse (ayah) 59 of Sourrat al AHzab was to distinguish between the pure and the promiscuous whores and slaves.

Finally, in the mis-use of the Hadith about Asma'a, daughter of Abu Bakr, when she walked in on the prophet (pbuh)s gathering, and he ordered her to not expose her face or palms - this Hadith is not a binding Hadith, as it is one of al AHaad and not one of the consistent, or the connected confirmed.


DeLancrettLurpak said...

Sister in Islam pun perjuangkan benda yg sama kan? Am not sure, just asking kot la makji ada terbaca...

Anonymous said...

Boleh pastikan throught students kita di mesir sana ... Saya pakai tudung tapi saya tak rasa ianya satu kemestian ... Sbb nya rambut tu jauh kurang kepentingan nya kalau dibandingkan dgn lenggang lenggok jalan for example. Or keketatan pakaian seseorg wanita ... Or cara kita berurusan dgn org lelaki... Tapi dah lama research dan berfikir tapi tak berani nak meluahkan pendapat.. Thanks mak ji for sharing

Kak nony USA.. (Nama izuan bagi :)

Anonymous said...

I would normally stay away from topics like this. Islam is about practicality.

True, it is not stated anywhere in the Holy Quran about Hijab but it is clearly stated what Aurat is and that women should tutup Aurat. Meaning, pakai baldi, boots panjang, etc pun boleh.

My two cents ...

Makji Esah said...

Dr Lurpak, I sometimes feels that SIS punya vision is personal, but having said that..I think, when ppl do things..when ppl fight for things, it is all started with with personal belief first, kan?

Kak Nony USA...waaaaaheiii. Hal2 macam ni adalah sgt sensitive. Anything to do with Allah and Islam, people are quick to crucify you than to reason you out. Yes, like another comment stated, aurat is urged to be covered dalam Quran and, one of the aurat is rambut, amongst others. My sentiments untuk subject2 panah petir macam ni is to ask the imposter for this I mean, Pak Ji/Makji Ustaz Ustazah Suka Jerkah lantas menghukum orang macam dia tu ada speed dial Allah pulak dlm mobile phone dia...to take into account that kita semua manusia yang ada citarasa dan pilihan sendiri. Tengok lah approach macam mana...to ask the women to put on a tudung, you can ask them today but maybe hatinya akan terbuka besok tak pun 10 tahun lagi...ikut dia lah. Macam Sikh men..yang kena suruh pakai serban dek makpak nya, ada yg mau..ada yg tak mau..tak mau bukan bermakna menentang habis-habisan...but atas kemahuan sendiri.

I think, pls be judge org lain akan kata macam2, yes aurat is a must to cover but hounding people to do it dgn kata-kata ko masuk neraka etc etc, will not make them any tudung any faster.

Banyak benda yg kita org Islam tahu kita tak patut buat..tapi kita buat jugak...dipaksa2 tak akan kemana, lagi org akan cari jalan menentang or to proof you wrong, hence this article wriiten by Al Azhar scholar lagi.

People seems to suka benar target perempuan and aurat, and not other things that is required by Allah too.

Keliwontron said...

Tak pernah lagi saya dengar org laki yg sexually stimulated tengok rambut perempuan . Food for thought hehe . HAdis2 yg cakap nampak sehelai rambut masuk neraka tu mmg tak logik .Anyway banyak lagi hadis2 yg tak logik dalam even SAhih Bukhari Muslim ...kener google sendiri carik . Maksud saya ...interpretasi Islam bukan berdasarkan logik alone tapi Tuhan bagi manusia akal utk berfikir takkan tak boleh pakai . Takkan nak suruh Mullah /Ustaz jer fikir utk kita sendiri . Pendek kata sendiri mau fikir jugak .

Anonymous said...

Makji I pun tak berani nak komen topic u ni secara berilmiah sebab I tak belajar syariah walaupun masa sekolah mcm bdk skolah agama. (I sbp). Anyway, bab yang menjatuhkan hukuman tu kan not just forisu tudung sahajo. Yang mengkafirkan parti politik org lain for example. Sepatutnya hanya Allah yang tahu beriman ke tidak orang tu kan. I suka baca I Am Muslim by dina zaman tu, ada bab2 salah teguran ni jugak. Isu2 agama ni sama penting jadi luaran dan dlmn ni mmg kene jaga lah kan. Asyik tgk isu tudung pun kes bertudung minum wine dpn bijik mata I ni pun sama penting nya. Blom lagi Hj COO satu company kwn I keje ni yang bg ceramah agama dlm meeting tp mkn pork belly n mabuk masa 'happy hour' jmpe client di pub sambil pegang peha GRO. I rasa yang penting tu pengisian you as a muslim. Carik ilmu byk2 dan beramal bkn carik kesalahan org dan hantam sama dia.

-pendapat semata2 by Micha-

sarukman said...

mak ji,

next time cakap je to those males yg perli2 pasal tudung on how Islam stresses the importance of having a full beard for Muslim, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6PAA-4vhkQ&feature=related, bukan mcm janggut abg pitbull

Makji Esah said...

Keliwontron...hence the tudung girl that got raped in a bus years ago kan?

Micha..my point exactly...:)

Sarukman, wahh abg PITBULL yg kuat mecarots tu ada janggut ke you?

Silver Fern said...

agree with Micha.. berilmu dan beramal.., bukan ada ilmu sikit terus menghentam.. Hanya Allah yang Maha Mengetahui.. :)

Zubaidah Arshad said...

Allah jadikan akal untuk kita berfikir dan Allah juga jadikan nabi dan rasul untuk mengajar manusia manusia yang takdak mukjizat macam kita ni untuk belajar. Takkan tu pun tak boleh guna akal untuk berfikir?
Ni siap cakap hadith bukhari dan muslim tak logik, siapa kah anda sebenarnya untuk mentidaklogikan perawi perawi hadith yang sahih? Anda dari sanad rasulullah ke? Kalau semua nak ikut logik akal, maka sesatlah kamu.
Saya agama tak ok angsung, mungkin teruk. Tapi saya tidak berani nak mengatakan sesuatu yang out of my capacity.
Melainkan kamu belajar agama, berguru dengan imam imam tersohor di tanah arab, dan kamu ada hak untuk bercakap.
Hak kamu untuk tidak menutup aurat, kerana dosa pahala itu di tangan Allah. Tetapi jangan sesekali hidup dengan logik akal, dan menolak sesuatu yang sahih. Takut terbatal iman.

Makji Esah said...

Silverfern...noted. :)

Cik ZA, is the question for me? If it is and I take it based on what you read, is more suitable to the writer that wrote the article. I must ask that you must not assume that those who actually choose to think beyond the boundary of thinking hence to question is sesat. Like you, and everyone else, there's a lot of things that is open to interpretations. Kalau kepercayaan kepada Allah kuat insya allah, tidak ada benda yg boleh membatalkan iman. Itu pendapat saya lah.

Zubaidah Arshad said...

Kak Hajah, it wasn't for you. I think you made it clear in your post before you copaste kan? So, you are saved from my rage.

Marah la kalau orang cakap Hadith Bukhari dan Muslim tu tak logik. Because logically, if you want everything to be logic, then it would be illogical la kan?

Sorry Kak Hajah, didnt mean to sound like a kooky boho. ops

Anonymous said...

And tell the believing women to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private parts and not expose their adornment except that which [necessarily] appears thereof and to wrap [a portion of] their headcovers over their chests and not expose their adornment except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands' fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers, their brothers' sons, their sisters' sons, their women, that which their right hands possess, or those male attendants having no physical desire, or children who are not yet aware of the private aspects of women. And let them not stamp their feet to make known what they conceal of their adornment. And turn to Allah in repentance, all of you, O believers, that you might succeed.
Surah An-Nuur Ayat 31

Makji Esah said...

Cik ZA, what's with the rage lah? One may understand the frustration of having their belief and understanding ridiculed, distorted and mocked, but that's the agony kan? Your rage can be interpret as defensive for some. If we believe what we believe then we may want to take up the responsibility to make others understand it...like Rasulullah succeed in 'melting' Abu Lahab.

Anonymous said...

Kan terang lagi bersuluh ayat quran yg di put forward anom 4:29am tu!

Anonymous said...

What's important about reading hadis and ayat2 Quran is context and the reason for the revelation or the mention of things in hadis ... Cultural context of Arabs at that time is very important to understand in order for us to understand the exact meaning of verses from the Quran and hadis - some hadis mmg tak boleh dipakai dlm context hidup kita sekrg ni ... Sbb tu kena ada scholar yg berfikiran kritis spt sheikh alazhar kita kat atas ni ..