I was at Putrajaya today.
When I left Malaysia for good, Putrajaya belum exist lagi. But I sure have heard of Putrajaya Hospital because my sister telah beranak didalam lift nya.
Suddenly this time, rasa macam malas pulaklah nak bersidai pergi makan kat big-big shopping complex (plus takut lah peminat serbu...bongkak tak statement itu?)
Everything in the Big shopping complex is overcharged and overpriced and I wonder why people still want to pay.Kedekut kah I? Ada jugak sikit-sikit but kalau nak buat pricing pun berpatutan lah...bukan semua kita ni berketurunan Pilah & Co.
This friend of mine, aku paksa dia masak and invite we all ke rumah nya.I eat like a lembu lapar (so is she...) so kalau makan kat rumah orang, orang as in kawan-kawan, I can tambah and tambah.See, ni bukan kes tamak haloba or buruk makan ye.If you tak makan, the food will go to a waste.Food is expensive nowadays , make you wonder why...we plant the paddy, we grow sayur, we rear the ayam, lembu and kobau. We even ada perusahaan ternakan kobau pendek somewhere in N9. And things are still expensive.
My mother asked me, what do I eat on daily basis? I said..it depends la...but for sure I ate nasi once or twice in a fortnight.My mom said...eh, sana takde jual beras ke? Kesian nya....
(Eeyoo..boreh belambak..masak eh maleh...)
Of all the people, I adore the public transport.It's cheap, although I wish that it will be and get better.I don't know why orang nak sangat naik kereta kulu-kilir when there is a cheap option.Ada sorang Dental specialist ni kata...ohh, panaslah.I tak kuasa nak jalan kaki.True...it is hot, tapi ada ke orang suruh kau jalan kaki for 10km under the hot sun? Sekejap aje panas..takleh tahan ke? Susahlah bila semua dah jadi generation air-con ni.
Going over to Putrajaya from Subang Jaya is easy peasy...with the help of ever friendly signboard.Yang tak friendly nya drebar-drebar kereta yang lain.They made me feel like I am slow driver...but how can you accelerate bila driving in a shard curve? Dah terang2 kata..had laju 50kmph...you nak I laju camana lagi? Hari pun hujan...tak takut mati ke?
MB2 was pleased to see the monkeys when we passed Puchong...sukanya...ye lah, you can't see monkey waving happily in Middlesex.But on the way back, dia macam susah hati pulak because my friend told her that the monkeys are out of habitat now, since segala bukit kat Puchong tu nak kena buat rumah.
What can we do? I read somewhere yang memonyet kat Puchong tu ada ciri-ciri pencopet yang berjaya..curi mobile phone, curi baju..but can you blame them?
I doubt Puchong local council will entertain any calls for concern from a public spirited citizen. Hello Cik, apa tindakan majlis bandaran seterusnya demi menangani isu kekurangan rumah kos rendah monyet2 kat Puchong itu? Porrraaahhh!!!
I'm sure if you robohkan another more kuil-kuil, there will be truckloads of Ayappan, Muthu and all those MIC's will be walking all the up to Parlimen.But what about the monyet?
See, I ni pun bukanlah animal activis...although I quite like juga segala species ular dalam dunia ni pupus (sebab I takut ular) but how can the government easily allowed the developement at the expense of the helpless (although some might think they're naughty) creature?
Nevertheless....the trip to Putrajaya is worth all the toll money spent...thanks to our delayed speed, the host manage to salvage her nasi mentah and although I tersesat-sesat jalan sampai Ulu Klang on my way home (ada orang kata jala Putrajaya itu keras, pasal tu kau sesat!!!) there is no where else I rather be.
Shame on you Miss AA....hiksss! Larikkkkkkkkkkk.....
When I left Malaysia for good, Putrajaya belum exist lagi. But I sure have heard of Putrajaya Hospital because my sister telah beranak didalam lift nya.
Suddenly this time, rasa macam malas pulaklah nak bersidai pergi makan kat big-big shopping complex (plus takut lah peminat serbu...bongkak tak statement itu?)
Everything in the Big shopping complex is overcharged and overpriced and I wonder why people still want to pay.Kedekut kah I? Ada jugak sikit-sikit but kalau nak buat pricing pun berpatutan lah...bukan semua kita ni berketurunan Pilah & Co.
This friend of mine, aku paksa dia masak and invite we all ke rumah nya.I eat like a lembu lapar (so is she...) so kalau makan kat rumah orang, orang as in kawan-kawan, I can tambah and tambah.See, ni bukan kes tamak haloba or buruk makan ye.If you tak makan, the food will go to a waste.Food is expensive nowadays , make you wonder why...we plant the paddy, we grow sayur, we rear the ayam, lembu and kobau. We even ada perusahaan ternakan kobau pendek somewhere in N9. And things are still expensive.
My mother asked me, what do I eat on daily basis? I said..it depends la...but for sure I ate nasi once or twice in a fortnight.My mom said...eh, sana takde jual beras ke? Kesian nya....
(Eeyoo..boreh belambak..masak eh maleh...)
Of all the people, I adore the public transport.It's cheap, although I wish that it will be and get better.I don't know why orang nak sangat naik kereta kulu-kilir when there is a cheap option.Ada sorang Dental specialist ni kata...ohh, panaslah.I tak kuasa nak jalan kaki.True...it is hot, tapi ada ke orang suruh kau jalan kaki for 10km under the hot sun? Sekejap aje panas..takleh tahan ke? Susahlah bila semua dah jadi generation air-con ni.
Going over to Putrajaya from Subang Jaya is easy peasy...with the help of ever friendly signboard.Yang tak friendly nya drebar-drebar kereta yang lain.They made me feel like I am slow driver...but how can you accelerate bila driving in a shard curve? Dah terang2 kata..had laju 50kmph...you nak I laju camana lagi? Hari pun hujan...tak takut mati ke?
MB2 was pleased to see the monkeys when we passed Puchong...sukanya...ye lah, you can't see monkey waving happily in Middlesex.But on the way back, dia macam susah hati pulak because my friend told her that the monkeys are out of habitat now, since segala bukit kat Puchong tu nak kena buat rumah.
What can we do? I read somewhere yang memonyet kat Puchong tu ada ciri-ciri pencopet yang berjaya..curi mobile phone, curi baju..but can you blame them?
I doubt Puchong local council will entertain any calls for concern from a public spirited citizen. Hello Cik, apa tindakan majlis bandaran seterusnya demi menangani isu kekurangan rumah kos rendah monyet2 kat Puchong itu? Porrraaahhh!!!
I'm sure if you robohkan another more kuil-kuil, there will be truckloads of Ayappan, Muthu and all those MIC's will be walking all the up to Parlimen.But what about the monyet?
See, I ni pun bukanlah animal activis...although I quite like juga segala species ular dalam dunia ni pupus (sebab I takut ular) but how can the government easily allowed the developement at the expense of the helpless (although some might think they're naughty) creature?
Nevertheless....the trip to Putrajaya is worth all the toll money spent...thanks to our delayed speed, the host manage to salvage her nasi mentah and although I tersesat-sesat jalan sampai Ulu Klang on my way home (ada orang kata jala Putrajaya itu keras, pasal tu kau sesat!!!) there is no where else I rather be.
Shame on you Miss AA....hiksss! Larikkkkkkkkkkk.....
once, while driving down to cyberjaya (which is neighbour to putrajaya / dengkil just in case you think it's outerspace) there was a dead ular sawa across the highway.
let's not talk about dead monyets, pangolins, and other penghuni hutan berkaki empat yang lain yang menemui ajal mereka di highway putrajaya-cyberjaya itu.
PLooks like PLanet of the Ape is not so fiction after all innit and that monkeys in Jumanji the movie? dulu masa my 4th sis blaja in UIA gombak, bukan mobile jer, calculator and mirrors pon they love to nick from the girls hostels. Lupa lak nak tanya kalau kot2 they took some laptops sekali...
Dalam UKM saja i ade jumpa 3 species beruk ni. Ade beruk kelabu, beruk cekelat (bigger) and beruk ungka with white circles around their eyes and darker furs with longer tails too. Ade la besar budak2 3-5 thn.
Btw, waaahhh sampai jugak la yea ke putrajaya nun! Ape kisa cabut gigi?
Tidaaaakk!! Mak tak bersalah occay :) Tapi kan tetaplah rasa tak pueh hati dan dengki kuasa 10.
Okaylah, maybe we should organise a trip to my 'kampung' next year to see the orang utan yang berbau ittew. Kalau nak best lagi, lets go to Danum Valley. Got tiger leech besar jari hantu you know.. he he he
Mak Aji, oh pernah kudengar kisah org beranak dalam lif kat spital tu, akak u ropenye, yg beranak kat lif HKL bukan dia jugak ke? he he,
Anyway, kat UIA gombak nun slalu we all kena ambush ngan 'rakan2' yg berekor panjang tuh masa blajar dulu la. Tak tau le skarang.They all tu suka curik cermin, jgn tak taw, beauty conscious lah kirenye boruk2 tu. Tp I rasa dah mati la sumenye sebab tgk muka sendiri la tuh....
Bab guna public transport tu, cam sebijik kena kat batang hidung I hihihi...rumah I ni kiranya strategic place laa, lintas jalan jer dah LRT station, teksi berderet, bas putraliner pun ada, tapi tetap laa alasan kan. Bukannya apa, I takut make-up I cair laa opppsss.... larikkkk...
akakkk.. nak balik.. sini sojuk bonaa....
akak.. sini den makan kek melessian hall yang orang melessiannya gila babas nya ketwat melesbian. bonci bona den nenok ehk...
kek sini ari2 den makan nasik. cukup bulan nih den ghaso den bulah ganti guni boreh kat melessian hall tuh.
akak.. nanti datang umah den yo.. ala umah den sonang yo carik... kek whiteley kat bayswater yang berair2 tuh..
akak datang sini yo kito makan kek melessian hall tuh.
P/S: kak den kasik numbo tepon dalam e-mail. akak nyo number tepon ado tak??
hehehhe.. saya yg based at putrajaya pon tak pernah try naik public transport. kira u super teror la dah try semua tu.
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