My Lunch....In the end, I makan pakan tangan...and orang putih next to me pandang tak berkelip-kelipBeing physically unwell has never stopped me from mengumpat. See, I am a suitable candidate for general election. I like talking about people. The juicier the gossip the better. I can do long-distance call, kekononnya nak menanya khabar kengkawan yang hati gundah but pertanyaan khabar pun diselang-selikan dengan cerita-cerita berunsur gossip jugak.Ahh...that will make my day.
The weather has been crap since last Monday. Dengan angin kuatnya, hujan nya...although my company ada bad weather policy, Boss cakap, angin kuat pun kena kerja jugak.Well, that’s the agony of working in this field. Real wind can blows this and that ways...but another type of wind also capable of blowing so hard that although langit nak runtuh, Boss can still summon you to Opis. Celaka lu, Boss!!!
But today, I succumbed to the reality of life where when one that is over exhausted by work; one shall collapse in dire condition. So, I was in Croydon yesterday...almost the whole day (yes, Kak Teh...this is where that mad maniac rape the woman while she was dying) I was asked to handle an abuse case (kat sini, when I say abuse, bukannya kes cucuh tangan dengan puntung rokok okay?) One of my colleagues is a sign language expert and aku terpaksa hurung dia datang Croydon and this young lady (yang konon nya mangsa penderaan seksual) will only talk to me.
The Policeman who was supposed to record the statement didn’t turn up. Waste of the bloody journey.Hey...Twickenham to Croydon jauh tawww. Since aku dah tercongok-congok kat situ, The Manager of that unit asked me to look into the this P file (alaa...yang suka gasak budak-budak kecik tu laa) and this colleague of mine, do what she have to do with the BP (budak pekak) Tiba-tiba boss muncul....ahhh...I baru buat plan dengan my colleague ni, since kita dah ada kat Croydon, meh la kita pergi Uncle Lim’s stall kat Alders tu, makan mee kari. Boss telah mengacau daun.Big time. Last-last, Boss left a message for us both masuk meeting kat satu lagi unit kat Croydon tu.Boss bought us sandwich when what I had in my mind is Mee Kari.
With me travelling in the bad weather dengan baju tak tebal on Monday and with me again stuck in the car for almost 4 hours, also in bad weather after enduring meeting berejam yang boring, today I really feel like dying.
I slept at 9pm last night (pecah record) and woke up at 4.30am...and came sunlight with another crazy wind, I said...okay, that’s it. I demam.Let me call Boss to tell her that I’m coming a bit late. I slept again until 8am, still rasa cam pengsan.
At 9am, I was half ready, with jeans and T-shirt, I told MB that I demam and start making faces. She talked me into ambik sick leave, which I readily agreed after she promises to masak ayam cili and kacang panjang goreng.Talking about feeling nak mati tapi nafsu makan cam babi!!!
So here I am...ready to mengumpat.Who should I kutuk first?
As we all now know, Barisan Nasional kalah besar...I am so happy. So happy that I gleefully posted a message on my Facebook.
Pak Lah and my father are good friends (according to my father la...), they were both into MAYC during their heyday. While my father opted to serve his employer until he pencen, Pak Lah becomes the known politician. My father only has nice things to say about him and I think he still does, because my father is nice to his friends. When we talk about politics, all of us tried not to drop Pak Lah into the subject because we know that my father doesn’t like to be put in the spot light, talking about Pak Lah. So, since I tak boleh nak kutuk Pak Lah with my father...let me kutuk him with you.
While most of us wonder why he still bother, after been caught sleeping (with himself of course) and after been critised openly.Pak Lah can happily live with his pencen and his new wife. I believe that he is not as overzealous as Anwar who can happily command anak bini to contest for him. What can Dr Azizah and Nor Izzah do without Anwar? Talking about Keadilan, Anwar and Co is one with a new palace in Segambut and elsewhere while others have to make do with the ever expensive things.Anwar was once the group he now despises. He is no better than the rest. So, Anwar or Keadilan supporter, if you reading this...gasak lah hah!!! I never like Anwar or Keadilan...but I like the look of Sukma Darmawan...boleh? Until they can convince me what Keadilan are for and why is it better than anything else, I will still think that Keadilan is the epitome of disgruntled wannabe PM that was sent to jail.
So Pak Lah...refused to step down.Takde paksaan katanya.I saw this interview of the TPM yang macam takut-takut, ohoo....I will continue to support PM...(or else I pun takde harapan lah nak jadi PM nanti...) And Khairy Jamaluddin can bark at his maximum pitch only in Rembau. They (the kalah one) berani pulak keluar statement ‘the Malays who vote for the opposition must now take responsibility’. a plakkkk!!!! Are we obliged to vote for Barisan? See...10 or 12 years ago, if I’m asked to vote between Mohamad Rahmat and Razak Ahmad, or any DAP candidates, Mohamad Rahmat boleh blah and continue singing in RTM.
Both me and MB were joking about kena pakai purdah after when we balik Malaya pasni (see...Kiah, area kau area Keadilan ke,Pas ke or DAP?)
Pak Lah already passed his retirement age, while he is obviously unable to take anymore pressure, let the others take over. Leave the Rembau Boy only in Rembau. Rembau needs a new President. Malaysian doesn’t.
Anwar should rule Segambut only and Malaysian TV never should allow any pro-politics ads on TV.
PAS...I honestly do not know the connection between ibadah and politics. Parents told children don’t do this, don’t do that...don’t slander...stop the diatribe. Islam doesn’t permit that. But PAS allowed all this in their campaign.
Why oh why, we didn’t vote for that Nenek Kunci? Who did Nenek Kunci slander? Nenek Kunci spent all her hard-earned songket selling money...
Let’s just see if anything changes in the next 5 years...