About Me

Monday, February 11, 2008

Why Bad Thing Happened To Nice People?

I was driving to Harlesden today, pinjam kereta MB. Driving through Gunnersbury and Acton ditengah-tengah hari memanglah macam cilanat especially when you start thinking, aik..apasal ramainya orang atas jalanraya ni.This is like 11 to 12 o'clock day time. Tak kerja ke? You never know with British Citizen ni (with Hjh Leemah exception) nampak macho, tapi semuanya jobless. I have worked in the system long enough to know that ramainya yang declare tak larat nak bekerja and claim duit benefit (originated dari duit tax ku yang dipotong bulan-bulan)

Ada orang ni, tak kerja and claim benefit. Katanya, dia depressed and pasal tu tak boleh nak kerja. Bukan setakat depressed aje, sakit kaki lah, tangan tak kuat lah..tapi bila pegang botol wine and beer can, larat pulak kan?

Unmarried mother with kids....satu baby, £300 monthly. On the bus, you can see a young girl with twin pram with two of her children, obviously from a different source, satu kaler putih and satu lagi kaler tak berapa putih and tak berapa hitam. Popping out babies dah jadik cam lucrative business.During working hours, you may find these girls hanging out with their mates also with prams of babies....smoking ciggarettes, flashing mobiles, Ipod and of course, their babies.

Well, young girls with babies and fit looking man claiming to be ill that I saw on the road today is the least of my problem now.The thing is, jalanraya punyalah sibuk...and I was struggling to keep up, I have been at work since yesterday evening (dimana..adalah orang tu sempat YM I sebelum dia keluar melachorrrr) only managed to sleep for couple of hours and then started work again straightafter...by the time I was sitting passively in the car and doing nothing but changing the gear from 1 to 2,to 3 and to 2 and 1 again...bayang-bayang katil dah start memanggil.

The government have imposed a stricter law for the motorist....and I fully agree with the decision. Bagi padan muka mereka-mereka yang bawak kereta mengalahkan si Manal. You cannot drive on a bus lane, you cannot drive into the yellow box and all that farts parking regulations and kejap-kejap macam ni, kejap-kejap macam ni enough to make people like me yang sungguh berhemah ni menjadi lebih cautious.

Tetapi, malang itu sungguhlah berbau kentut.Consciously driving very slow, cars are queueing to get through this particular traffic lights.As I remember, I was approaching the lights and as I can see it, memang lah nya warna gadung, Lizs oiii. All vehicle was moving and so was I. Tau tau, I dah betul tengah-tengah that crossing zone, still queueing.I remember moving ahead a bit further where the car was 3 quarter passed the first line.I'm clearly blocking the road for the pedestrian. Tiba-tiba, daripada warna gadung..terus nya jadik kuning...ahhhh. I have to decide quick. If I stop right there, I'll be blocking people's way...I can't handle their dirty look. So I thought, I move quickly forward and for all I know, nya dah bertukar kaler merah as I passed across and tupp!!! Terus lampu flash keluar. Maka telah diconfirm kan dengan rasminya, kamek dah melanggar lampu merah.....tanpa tidak sengaja.

All the way to Harlesden, I keep thinking about saman yang bakal kuterima yang berjumlah £80.00 itu. Wah.......why this is happening. Why bad thing have to happen to nice people (nice apa benda nya...dok ngumpat sokmo, nilah bala tuhan bagi)

I have seen so many Paria-Pariammah kat Hounslow yang bawak kereta mengalahkan pelesit tapi tak pulak kena saman ke hapa.I have been so nice, I gave way, I am considerate and I don't deserved this.

2 years ago, I kena sama jugak dengan Community Police yang perasan macam police betul.I parked in the area where you can only park for 20 minutes. I may have exceed but not to the extend of berejam-jam. I pleaded to the Policeman, telling them what I do. I was with a patient with chronic mental issue and don't comprehend time management.Pun Police Community Celaka itu bolayan I.

Trust that I will come up with puaka remark bila hati dah panas...I said to that Community Policeman 'It is not a very community thing isn't it to give me ticket over something like this?'

Berani kan I? (Bodoh more like) Bak kata MB, nasib baik kitak sik dihumban nya dalam lokap.Berani kitak....


Typhoon Sue said...

*pura-pura terperanjat*
eh makji, you ni nice ke?


ManaL said...


150kmh and above only on the hi-way tertentu laa....Cukop la kena saman skali pasal speeding at SPRINT hi-way!

I've passed that harlesden area coupla times before and definitely not somewhere i'd get stuck at. Even dalam bus pon i prayed jgn la ade penyangak laki mahupon wanita masok n buat hal mememik and all....tu blom lagi dgn menolak2 pram masing2 dlm bus....sickening i tell ya...Even my nigerian fren pon ngeri dgn depa species tak sedar diri...

Anonymous said...

(dimana..adalah orang tu sempat YM I sebelum dia keluar melachorrrr).........----> cam kenal je kan Orang tu kan makji kan.....hahahaha

Anonymous said...

aiyyooo.. org baik mcm kita ni mmg selalu kena cam tu kak hajah oii.. malam minggu baru2 ni iols & my sistas pi mencekik kat Gurney Drive di Penang nu haa.. dah crowded sgt iols parking le kat tepi jalan but dinchlah mengganggu trafik kat situ.. dapat parking ticket uols.. lahanat sungguh MPPP ni.. mlm minggu pun nk saman org ke? mentang2lah iols keta kecik je, yg keta besaq gedabak dok halang jln dinchlah disamannya piuler.. aiyyo sorry kak hajah iols meroyan di blog akak.. tp geram sgt nih! mujur RM20 je, dinchlah UK80 cm kak hajah tu.. hehehe

Unknown said...

Inniewlah hasil kununnya kebaikan benefit kera-jaan nih..last last, menjadikan yang malas makin malas dan yang suka berprojek, dapat banyak anak..haiyyooo matiker bastards??? **matilaa vicky polard!

Kann..with excpetion to me hoh?? Memang pun hat kita ni yang kuat kerja, yang lain dpt untung..manyak chateque punyer muka theyols!

take care uols!

p/s mujur M'sia ad-dinch benefit menefit culture ni hoh?? Kalau tak, sure bangkrap negara! dahlah anak sepuluh orang satu rumah! Hiks...

Anonymous said...

nasib kitaorg drive beskal je sekarang makji! hihi. bwk kete leklok nyah..

Anonymous said...

patutnya negara2 macam UK dgn NZ ni hapuskan je system benefit ni, baru manusia kat negara2 ni tahu langit tu tinggi ke rendah, bila pikir2kan memang sakit hati kan, duit gaji aku dipotongnya tiap bulan sampai banyak sekali, kalau dikumpulkan duit bayar tax tu boleh kami balik malaya tiap bulan gitu! ish geram, geram..eh sorrylah esah, i jadikan blog ni tempat lopehkan goram den pulak..hehehee..


OOD said...

errr... i tak pernah kena saman. I tak pernah memandu pon. But i AM nice.

Anonymous said...

I chances upon your blog by links and
how sexy u r if u r the woman on the photo inset. Hehehehehehe. Happy valentine.

Makji Esah said...

Sue, mistilaa...siapa lagi nak puji, melainkan diri sendiri ye tak?

Manal..ayo..that place, really akin to African dump kan? Tak kosser taw...tammmmmmmmmmmmmmm aje kiri kanan.

Lokmang..hah..siapalah org ittew kan..yang membuat cu chorrr tu..

CocoSpice, £80 boleh buat kenduri tau kat KL nun...

Lee...mmg bastards semasing nya pun...hamboiii mung...weekly heaven nampak gaya nya deh?

BM, hambek lah gambar beskal mung ittew..

Yatie..lopeh lah ghogham ..kang tak lopeh, tak buleh terberak pulak...

Odd, bilanya yang nak ambik drebing lesen ni?

Thanks Nyaman...I lah tu wanita suci ittew...