About Me

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Update Takde Makna...

One of my many favourite past time in KL is to watch cerita melayu dengan MC. After many years, it is hard to keep up with who is who on the telly nevermind bangang nya storyline itu.

Sometime pre Valentine, adalah cerita Melayu with that girl who thinks she sounded stupid when she speaks Malay. Also with this guy yang kononnya is the bintang pelem pujaan Malaya yang sumpah demi Allah if you ask me, I will say, hensem lagi pelakon Drama Minggu Ini Mazlan Hassan yang agaknya dah tua berbaya Pakcik I dah pun...(anyone remembers him? alaa..ni set-set zaman ND Lala dulu laaa)

I cannot understand the storyline of a guy meet a girl, bumped into each other few times in one day, proving their point of serendepity, fate whatever. In the end, the guy decides to toss the coin and they should marry if the coin tossed into tepak sireh 3 times. Wehh..so bangang lah to me. Tu belum lagi with him so called terminal illness that made him batuk macam nak terkeluar jantung, even when he is suppose to be in ICU where bunch of nurses were deployed to restrained him. Sakit apalah macam tu tu? In the end, I moaned and complaint and MC said, lainkali you janganlah tengok. (---eleh, ada ke you nak bawak I keluar jenjalan pun? Tidakkkk lah sangat kan?)

So, Malaysia sekarang dah keluar fatwa and forbid the Muslims celebrating the V day. Well, loving gesture may lead to illicit sex, rationale nya. I suppose that they discover high volumes of abandoned babies 9 months after V day, therefore must haram kan perjumpaan bagi bunga and pegang tangan takut terpegang benda lain nanti. What is my say on this one? Well, the authority must exhaust all effort in pursuit to limiting social misconduct. Nak kata cadangan bodoh, tidak lah juga. Kadang2 nak dapat cadangan yang baik, kita kena buat macm-macam benda yang kita rasa perlu juga. I can only imagine that the deciding authority is the not-so-open minded bunch of people, tak pun tak mau mengakui adanya gajah depan mata. Ye lah, kalau orang nak kongkek, takyah tunggu V day..bawah hidung makbapak pun dia boleh buat juga. Semua orang ada nafsu and with all gismos, internet access yang melangkaui batas, apa yang budak-budak muda bernapsu kuda lagi inquisitive tu tak boleh tengok?

Nak dibagi condom ke after morning pills, you can imagine one saying..ohh, that will encourage pre marital sex even more. Nowadays, do we actually marry the first guy we have sex with? While we respect others and their values, ada jugak yang tak makan saman nya and ni lah dia yang tukang membuang bayi dah le situkang tabur baja nya pun dah lari.

Nak kata kurang agama...I'm sure makpak dah ajar and sekolah Malaysia sekarang punyalah strict ada macam-macam kelas budak-budak kena paksa attand, sampai budak-budak sekarang ni sama pulak turun balik kerja dengan makpak kann?

Zaman I dedolu, ada gak set-set yang singgah semak sebelum masuk kelas. Tah hapa yang diorang buat, tataulah. But I remember one cikgu openly tell them off in the assembly, what you people do is what your parents did to produce you. Mode sindir-sindir gitu.

At this time, when everyone is so advance, there is a little chance to make them see sense when all we can think of is how unfair it is to deprive us from our rights. Tak kisah lah kalau kita tahu what is right and what is wrong pun..janji kena lawan. We can have one side too extreme and we have another too millitant against the extreme.

So, what do the authority hope to achieve in nabbing the Valentiners?


starla said...

answer: dapat kurangkan gaji org kutip sampah supaya tak perlu kutip unwanted babies in the bins.

Anonymous said...

Any measures we take might work, or might not..Anywho, it's better than doing nothing...

Makji Esah said...

Starla..laa..gitu ke? Main campak kat tong sampah? ingatkan tinggal kat tempat-tempat org senang nampak...hehehe

Anon..so, you are one of them authorities then? That's my point exactly, exhausting all avenues, but surely we got to outsmart people, like..everyone have propensity to have sex but less educated abt the safe one. Moral is one thing, physical needs is another.So, if the moral combat is failing, target the health and safety issue lah kan?

Anonymous said...

oh health and safety issue, better ask mak leemah novotny dia handal bidang ittew! haha

ColourfulSock said...

Update yg tak ada makna sangat tu lah yg bermakna :P

Dan dak pi tengok dgn MC - Hantu Mak Limah balik rumah?

Makji Esah said...

Stoking Berwarna Warni, tak sempat...next trip balik janjinya...