About Me

Monday, July 28, 2008

Hot & Bothered....again!!!

You all...hari ni tadi, I bumped into Kak Katak!!!!!!!!!!

And because hari ni panas berdentum and so, I wore shorts to work (bukan yang skimpy punya tawww) but tah macam mana, bila I masuk opis aje, my colleague cakap, Makji, Dr So and So nak jumpa you pasal semalam....(apa jadik semalam? Ada orang dalam unit meroyan so I instructed my colleague to bagi si patient ni 2mg of Lorazepam sebelum satu rumah menjadik arwah)

I thought bila I dah email Boss pasal that incident (see...if you ever resorted to use PRN meds to de escalate tension, you got to report to Boss besar) and hal ni pun hal kecik, so takyah lah nak involve psychiatrist kan? Silap besar...the fact that patient ni, a female, her last meroyan season was about 4 years ago, so the high and mighty yakni Occ.Therapist, Psychiatrist and Psychologist terus gabra and demanded an urgent observation. Pundekkkk sungguh taw...

I dah buat plan nak bawak patient I jenjalan sambil menikmati matahari (dan aku juga bakal menikmati proses pengularan) and tup-tup...Makji Esah, please call Dr Sawanbiawak at West Middlesex. So I call her...apa ke kisah nya Makcik? Makcik Psycho tu plak (see this job does get to you at some point...this woman is a Consultant Psychiatrist, but I rasa OrangUtan Molly kat Sepilok punya rambut lagi kelasssssss dari dia, demanded an explanation in person and suruh I bawak patient tu masuk A&E. So I went to the hospital with my seluar katok to attend an emergency strategy meeting. You know, sometimes I menyampah kerja dengan orang putih ni, kadang2 benda kecik jadik besar...gajah depan mata yang ada tendency nak parang orang, they all bagi lepas pulak kan? So what...this female patient is in a funny mood yesterday so to calm her down, aku bagi ubat yang dah sahih-sahih si Makcik Psycho ni prescribed, so, apa masalah nya sampai nak panggil meeting2 lak ni?

I think it was my anxiety more than anything membuatkan I menjadi motormouth ber argument dengan Makcik Psycho and her team. I kan pakai short..tak pasal-pasal kena tegur pasal dress code.I cakap dengan Makcik Psycho...let's just allow nature some humanity here.The patient was behaving out of character, which I can safely assumed to be an act of frustration. She is not suicidal or homicidal or experiencing auditory hallucination...because she has high functioning autism, she cannot express her emotion like we do.And because of her behaviour can trigger episod-episod gila patient lain, I gave her a sedative which is authorised and legal.I will personall bring her to you if I think she is dangerous.....so podah!!!!!

Takde kerja lain org sepital ni nak section orang aje....dah tak cukup ke orang gila kat secure unit you?

So I left the board meeting and on my way out, I nampak Kak Katak.I'm not in the best mood ditambahlagi dengan I pakai short and Kak Katak pakai tudung ala-ala pompuan muslimah so I feel so tak tentu hala...

Kak katak said she lost my number as her mobile phone dah hilang and that she really need to talk to me. Like orang Malaysia yang lain that always assume that kita ni free sokmo, she pulled me away 'jom kita cakap kat sana..'pointing at the cafe...

I stopped and look at her, bukan I tak nak, I have to go somewhere and it is not a good time. I only have 2 minutes to catch that bloody bus yang operate every hour from the sepital, so if I miss that, I am going to be hellllllllllllllllllllllllllllll late. Mengamuk patient I nanti....they all tu mana suka nak tunggu-tunggu.

I cakap kat Kak Katak....sambil lari-lari anak...I'll call you...sambil buat hand sign phones4U. Ingatkan dia nak cakap..okay..I wait for your call, nak tau apa katanya?


_____________________________ jawab I dalam hati (please fill in the blank)


Unknown said...

uols cakap "katak rabik!" Oops!

ManaL said...

That katak: Orang tengah kerja, still tak paham2 kan? kalau dia tengah rushing sana sini and some fren asks her to stop over and talk about something, she wud act the same or even more pathetic kalah boss. Pelik dia ni....nak cakap sgt carik kawan lain la...tak pon call la msia, mesti ade kawan katak dia boleh croak as long as they want. Ke dia takde kawan? katak betong ala2....

[danial][ma] said...

hej! Hjh.esah...why not you give her Gordon Brown's phone number...hehehe...and better you save your precious time and life from her...run for your life...:-)

Anonymous said...

eh eh apo masaelah dio tu? apo kono eh dongan dio tu esah? dulu kat TKC dia org tak ajar ke cara2 bersosial dgn orang?


lost said...

i fill in the blank, k!


captainlukman said...


Jawapan saya: "la.....baru taw ke?"

Anonymous said...

i rasa baik u call dan jelaskan kat dia elok2..

Dina said...

ni sah2 melayu yg tak paham bahasa sendiri ni...time org tgh kejar masa time tulah dia nak ckp something....

My answer is : "Pegi mampus la kau".

:: cheezzy cheese :: said...

aku if psal cite kak katak ni, mmg aku folo laa..

jwpan mak nok, "mampos la ko kat situ!!!"

umm ruman said...

lawak arrr.....