About Me

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Update I Lepas Raya Uolss.

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri kawan-kawan. Okay..I have been extremely busy. Separuh tipu and separuh betul. The productivity during Ramadhan adalah menyedihkan. Meaning, by the time I buka puasa, I get so tired and need to sleep. And get up again just for coffee, coke and biscuits. Ye, semekut aje yang boleh masuk nya dalam keadaan mega ngantuk macam tu.

But, Alhamdulillah. I think I managed 21 days of puasa. 6 days terlebur of natural causes, another 2 for work purposes and satu hari yang sangat panas and I had to telan Nurofen to ease my headache, lalu terus puasa sampai time berbuka. I justify that to Kiah. I kata, hari tu kira I puasa la jugak because I ate Nurofen and a gulp of water and nothing else.

Oh ye, fasting is one achievable thing of mine yang I gigih nak menunjuk kat orang. Because fasting is, naturally difficult for me, with my existing health condition. But bak kata Appa, tak pernah lagi dia dengar orang mati berpuasa dibulan Remdan ni, so kalau I larat, I puasa la. Gituh.

I got into discussion with this group-orang-pandai. You will be surprise of their knowledge of akhirat and duniawi. I pun rasa segan but hidup kan mesti menimba ilmu? Ilmu membuat popia basah pun kira ilmu baru jua. Resepi dah dapat dah..jalan ke kedai cina yang jual sengkuang tu aje yang belum. Malas.

In the discussion, we talked about the sanction Malaysian Religious Authority puts on Muslim who didn’t fast. To the extend pi hangkut orang tu dalam kereta mayat. Some food outlets and business proprietor announces that they will not be selling food to the Muslims…during the ‘questionable’ time.

Okay, this will be a long story. Let’s just do it in stages. I want to write about my Raya/Puasa experience, the Atheist and few other things.

Sembahyang Raya

Hands on heart, this is my 1st sembahyang raya in London since 1998. Masa student2 dulu every year I pi sembahyang sebab kaki-kaki nya ramai. Since kerja dan bermastautin, kaki masih ramai, it is just I don’t know who they are. So this year, I really want to make that extra effort. So I asked this male friend of mine, kat mana dia pergi sembahyang selalunya, so he said the previous year he did it at Regent’s Mosque but sebab dia pergi sembahyang pun bawak henbeg dan berlenggang lagi lemah gemalai dari I and MB1 put together, maka they mistaken him for a female and redirected him to the female section. He refused and insisted to pray at the male section and got standing next to one Pak Arab. He told me that his presence has made the Pak Arab so uncomfortable that the pak Arab keep staring at him and he can’t even perform his prayer properly noticing the Pak Arab lingering stare. So, this time no more katanya nak pi Regent mosque. I told him, next time you wear serban baru orang percaya. I asked blogger femes mana lagi tempat nak sembahyang, she said that we can go to Malaysian Embassy. Yes…hati I berbunga. Together me and him berpakat malam sebelum raya tu nak pergi Belgrave Square. Off I left my flat in my last year baju kurung, sensorang naik bas and tube. Gigihhhh. I texted my friend asking him to wait for me outside after sembahyang, yelah..kalau jumpa before sembahyang kang, batal lah pulak air sembahyang, kan?

On the tube, I saw 3 young boys in their baju Melayu. Looking very lost outside HPC tube station tatau arah mana…but biasalah orang Melayu, suka sesat jalan sebab malu bertanya. I smiled at them and noticed that they’re following me. Masih lagi tak nak tanya ‘akak’ ni. I toleh and wish them Selamat Hari Raya, maka tersipu2 masing2. So I slowed down. One of them asked, you boarding school ke kat sini? I jawab..tak lah. Another one asked, you budak post grad ye? Takkk. Datang bercuti ke kat London ni, yang sorang lagi tu pulak tanya. I smiled back and asked, you all kat sini student ye? They told me that they’re MARA boys and it is their 1st coming to 2nd year. Then I just jawab, had I kahwin after SPM and beranak a year after that, my son could have been the the same as you boys.

Disebabkan ‘akak’ kan jalan macam kingkong, maka cepat lah sampai kat High Commission tu. We were ushered in. I went into this room but I saw so many women sitting in the lounge area. Because they’re not in their telekung, I assumed that they can’t sembahyang (apasal kau datang? Tak ke buat sesak tu?) So in that room, I opted to pray at the very last line. Ye lah..’akak’ kan kaki, tangan & badan panjang. Kenalah cari slot yang selamat sikit untuk diri sendiri.

Childrens are ‘conventionally’ left with their mum. But some of the boys yang dok lalu lalang depan I tu yang cukup besar dan boleh disuruh ngikut bapak nya sembahyang tempat orang jantan. Tak. The Bapak decided that his sembahyang raya is so important and must not be interrupted and left the babies with mak nya. Poor Mak nya mana nak sembahyang, mana nak tegah anak jangan lalu lalang and another little baby in that car seat yang diletakkan disebalhnya masa dia sembahyang. Nak saja I tanya, dalam reramai pompuan tak sembahyang kat luar tu, takde ke yang nak volunteer menengok kan budak2 yang makpak nya nak sembahyang? Apalah salahnya, kan?

No, apparently. While we were praying, in the silence of the prayer, suara pompuan2 yang berdarah **ki tu adalah sangat kuat sekali. Berborak.Ohh, I don’t even want to apologise for that, but kan dah tahu orang tengah sembahyang, apasal korang semua tak boleh diam? Mana respect? Tu belum lagi yang set2 pompuan yang datang bawak henbeg paling mahal dari beg sports direct tu. Dah tahu space sembahyang kita kecik, yang nak kau parking jugak beg guccik kau sebelah aku, apasal? Takleh ke taruk kat belakang sana?

Then of course, you will not miss the active Facebookers/Twitters segala, yang insist on taking photograph and busy uploading it. Dalam bilik sembahyang tu. Of all the places kan? Ohh, okaylah bagi chance. First time beraya di London and orang di Malaysia mesti tengok dan merasakan indahnya suasana bersembahyang Aidilfitri kat Belgrave Square tu.

Then after sembahyang. The group of girls on their mobile phone, you can see from afar what application they’re on and this, for goodness sake is during khutbah. So during khutbah, all I can see is bunch of girls constanly typing on their mobile and makcik2 outside ber brok brek an tak habis2.

I guessed it will inappropriate for me to start making remark on mothers with small screaming babies but only if they can think that there’s others to consider too and not yourself. Kalau I ada anak dan sibudak tu pulak set2 kalau menangis macam kena dera, I will not bother to go. Ye lah, karang susah pulak I or orang lain for that matter nak khusyuk kan?

But orang melayu. Cenggitu lah. Walaupun katanya mempunyai budibodybahasa yang tinggi, consideration kat orang adalah kurang dah berasa orang lain lah yang patut mempunyai perasaan belas kasihan kat dia...sebab dia beranak kecik.

My verdict? This will be my 1st and last at Malaysian High Comm. Tahun depan, if I tak balik Malaya, I akan cari tempat sembahyang yang orang2 yang datang tu betul2 nak sembahyang..bukan setakat nak datang menayang baju liplap, Samsung Galaxy etc etc or to do salam perantau ucapan.

When Feel That You Must Prove Your Point…

So this snobintelligent friend of mine has now declared that she is an Atheist openly…or to those who has access to her social networking account. Oohh..was I surprise? No. There are plenty of them. And there will be more soon if Malaysia and their Islamists bijak pandai tak menjalankan syiar Islam dengan betul. Maksud I, sejak bilanya Islam kata kita kena menghukum orang tak berpuasa? Dan sejak bila Islam kata kita mesti membuka aib orang? Well, sending those tak puasa on the hearse ride bukan ke membuka aib yang orang yang dihukum tu tak puasa?

I think konsep berdakwah macam dah salah lah kiranya...kan? Yes, kita wajib mengingat mengingati, menyebarkan dan mengajar benda2 baik. But it is also up to pendengar dakwah kita tu nak buat apa yang disuruh dan diingatkan. You can ask your grown up kids to sembahyang until your face turn blue and suruhan itu diselangselikan dengan pesanan penaja yang Allah maha etc etc., maka takutlah kepada Allah. That I think is all you can do. Tapi kerja2 menghukum ni, biarlah kita serahkan saja pada yang maha mengetahui ya?

So this Atheist and any other Muslim turned Atheist I come to know, not only has turned their back on Islam malah berasa perlu pulak nak memperlekeh-lekehkah Islam dan membesarkan ‘kejahatan’ Islam. Totally ignorant that yang jahat itu adalah orang. Ohh, for all I care, they can go and worship the jamban belakang rumah Wan Pilah I circa 1977-1980. The Atheist claimed that the Muslim like to impose their religion on others when they clearly know that there’s freedom in religion. Lupa pulak nak tengok kan, kalau takdak freedom, rasanya dapat ke sipuak2 Atheist tu jadi Atheist? So, they marah orang ajar them about agama but diorang tu okay pulak cakap orang yang beragama tu tak berpekdah. So, its okay pulak you impose your belief on others, kan?

So, the Atheist decide that his/her resentment towards religion, mainly Islam la..will not stop at just making remark and highlighting some points or quoting famous articles about how religion is restrictive way of life. Suka ati mak hang lah. The Muslim turned Atheist feels appropriate to become the Grinch during hari raya. Ridiculing everything and membuat statement2 macam lahanat, ohh I hope this day will be over soon. Siap buat statement lagi yang commenting on people appearance is bad manners. So, dia marah lah orang cakap dia gemuk. Tapi yang dia sokmo hapdate status dia kata sedara-mara dia takdak kerja lain datang collect duit raya, mengata orang tu tak pandai jaga anak etc etc, bukan bad manners pulak, kan?

Now, let go back to the burning issue…the Atheist and the fanatic Muslim, apa pekdah ke bercakap macam kau aje yang betul? These points that you’re making, is for whom exactly?

Well, I hope you’re happy…because you obviously not. Both of you.

Bersambung lagi dihari cuti nanti…


DeLancrettLurpak said...

Tu diahhhh...

Itu yang kita mahuuuu...

Update yg penuh semangat membara, i loike!

Makji Esah said...
