In Facebook....orang hantar invitation to join MENENTANG PENGGUNAAN NAMA ALLAH OLEH GOLONGAN BUKAN ISLAM, orang kita pun...dengan semangat berkobar nya pun join.....
I must have at least 20 friends who joined this group...those that I knew for a fact, masa SRP chooses ART over Pengajian Agama Islam, masa mengaji sesama..Iqraq Bissmirabb...pun tak hafal-hafal and taleh naik Quran, and some....bila terperanjat ke or marah-marah would rather say..Jesus Christ than Ohh...pocot Mak kau babi (isk..aku lah ni)
I respected people strong view over what they think what is theirs and what is others.But I think, Malaysian always forget that they live in Malaysia, alongside Indians, Chinese and other races.Malays always forget that they infact do not originally owned Malaysia.
I looked up for this group and saw some familar names...Mukhriz Mahathir, Ridhuan Tee, to name a few. How hyprocritical of them.
I'm sure we will not condemn or reprimand our non-muslim friends when they say...can you pray to your ALLAH so that I pass my driving test?
I have a colleague who always mock me..bila I marah tahap gaban dengan patient I...this girl will echo..ya allah...everytime I said the same.
I do not think that Catholic publication intend to use 'ALLAH' in any deragatory shape or form.So why are we so insecure?
Islam is a faith and a way of life, like our own identity. Kita beridentity kalau orang bukan melayu nak pakai kain pelikat and baju melayu does not make us any lesser Melayu nor does being disrespect by the non malays.
Orang Cina and tak cina makan babi....also followed by melayu and Islam ada yang dengan selambanya makan babi gak...and the point I'm making is..Chinese don't own the Babi, so lantak lah sesapa nak makan pun.
It is good to know that Muslim is taking their faith and religions seriously, walaupun cara nak menunjuk tu tak berapa cerdik sangat.But whilst the Malay/Muslims think that it is cool to display/express their fanatical view....crime like bapak,abang,datuk rogol sedara pompuan masing-masing bertambah ramai...makan rasuah, maksiat etc,etc pun bertambah banyak.
Sesiapa yang masa lapang nya pi bakaq, baling batu kat churches, kuils etc,etc..semoga Allah bukaklah kepala hotak mu yang sempit ittew.
Makji Esah
(A a Muslim can be lorrrrr)
I must have at least 20 friends who joined this group...those that I knew for a fact, masa SRP chooses ART over Pengajian Agama Islam, masa mengaji sesama..Iqraq Bissmirabb...pun tak hafal-hafal and taleh naik Quran, and some....bila terperanjat ke or marah-marah would rather say..Jesus Christ than Ohh...pocot Mak kau babi (isk..aku lah ni)
I respected people strong view over what they think what is theirs and what is others.But I think, Malaysian always forget that they live in Malaysia, alongside Indians, Chinese and other races.Malays always forget that they infact do not originally owned Malaysia.
I looked up for this group and saw some familar names...Mukhriz Mahathir, Ridhuan Tee, to name a few. How hyprocritical of them.
I'm sure we will not condemn or reprimand our non-muslim friends when they say...can you pray to your ALLAH so that I pass my driving test?
I have a colleague who always mock me..bila I marah tahap gaban dengan patient I...this girl will echo..ya allah...everytime I said the same.
I do not think that Catholic publication intend to use 'ALLAH' in any deragatory shape or form.So why are we so insecure?
Islam is a faith and a way of life, like our own identity. Kita beridentity kalau orang bukan melayu nak pakai kain pelikat and baju melayu does not make us any lesser Melayu nor does being disrespect by the non malays.
Orang Cina and tak cina makan babi....also followed by melayu and Islam ada yang dengan selambanya makan babi gak...and the point I'm making is..Chinese don't own the Babi, so lantak lah sesapa nak makan pun.
It is good to know that Muslim is taking their faith and religions seriously, walaupun cara nak menunjuk tu tak berapa cerdik sangat.But whilst the Malay/Muslims think that it is cool to display/express their fanatical view....crime like bapak,abang,datuk rogol sedara pompuan masing-masing bertambah ramai...makan rasuah, maksiat etc,etc pun bertambah banyak.
Sesiapa yang masa lapang nya pi bakaq, baling batu kat churches, kuils etc,etc..semoga Allah bukaklah kepala hotak mu yang sempit ittew.
Makji Esah
(A a Muslim can be lorrrrr)
Apa apa yang kontroversi maka bergegak gempita lah orang kita kan?? Sah sah nampak sangat takde kerja lain... kalau fasal demonstrasi, memang orang kita no.1!
kenapa nak kena bakar church? hak tu i tak berapa faham...
church tu tak bersalah...
Not everyone think alike lah adik Hjh..people who burnt the churches are the ones that have a very Low in moral..disrespectful of others believe and what else?..The true face of the tukang bakar tu is known only to the self....
tahnye.. islam teaches its followers to respect other religions' place of worship.should these atttacks were done by muslims they do not represent muslims as a whole. lagilah org pandang muslim as terrorists. sedih aku lah.
alaahhh.. org malaysia pun nak gak glamer makji.. asik negara lain je perang.. org kite pun nak rasa gak riots.. baru le gempak sikit.. kekonon cool la tu..kang org balas balik gi letupkan mesejid kang, marah pulakkk.. sesungguhnya saya malu la dgn mereka2 ini..
aku dok tunggu entry ni since our last meeting...akhirnya keluar jgk, yg dok baling2 batu bakar gereja sgala tuh, meh dtg negara arab ni buat benda yg sama....mrasa kene didih kat pdg pasir
i think it's just political agenda. maybe si pembaling tu not even malaysian, or muslim, or malay yg cuma Islam pd nama...dia cuma org yg nak duit. Diupah by opposition or gov or other pihak2 berkepentingan to create havoc.
A lot of things happen in m'sia these days mesti ada konspirasi.
makji, imho somehow i think it is necessary (to MENENTANG PENGGUNAAN NAMA ALLAH OLEH GOLONGAN BUKAN ISLAM). sebabnye makji, some of these other religions are going a step further by publishing and distributing free copies of 'Holy Quran'. some verses were changed and buatnye the free copy sampai ke tangan org yg naif lagi ignorant, tak ke terpeleot akidahnye nanti? ni kisah benau ni makji.
- kaknam
sy setuju ngan cik tuan tanah..
LOL..I really hope you dont write abt this issue..but you did..hujah you dangkal...
...Next time klu ade issu2 agama, do everybody a favour...keep quite..coz u r not qualified and PLEASE LOOK AT YOURSELF FIRST IN THE MIRROR...
If u have nothing nice to say, dont say at all..Adios.
i think i agree lah with cik tuan tanah punya pandangan tu..
Masa kecik2 i pernah dapat satu brochure of sort yang title kat depan dia bunyi cam artikel agama Islam sbb pakai nama ALlah. So I read dgn niat nak mendalami lagi pengetahuan agama I. Masa tu form 2. But at the end, the article went on to say that "Isa Al-masih adalah anak Allah..." and "marilah sama2 mengikuti Isa Al-Masih". This is what we have to protect sebenarnya... penyalahgunaan nama Allah, which threatens the holiness of the name itself. Imagine the number of young people yg cetek pengetahuan agama, they will easily get confuse baca artikel tu thinking that they are following Islam sbb tuhan Allah is being mentioned only to be led astray tanpa sedar. Tanpa sedar!
Just as we are keen in berdakwah nak tarik orang masuk Islam, so are they and this is just one more cara halus they can use against us. Surely we care enough about our muslims brothers and sisters to protect their aqidah? Aqidah... the very basic foundation of being a muslim... therefore the most important.
Thank you very much Esah for this entry. I wish more ppl are like u and the world would be a much better place to live in. *hugs*
kontrol ji..kontrol...
- luak johol -
for me la kan...apa yg kita buat pada diri kita sendiri utk elakkan diri kita dari jatuh iman kita?
kita sibuk bising pasal org guna perkataan Allah, kita marah org jual brg tu brg nia da bentuk salib, propaganda org sana utk jatuhkan kita. Kita bising sana sini, piket sana sini, mogok sana sini. Tp apa yg kita buat utk diri kita sendiri?
Suppose to, dah tahu macam2 ancaman skrg ni, kita makinlah kuatkan iman kita, tambahkan ibadah kita, dekatkan diri kita pada Allah. Insyaallah apa jua ancaman dri pihak mn pun, kita masih kebal.
aqidah yessaz..tu yg kakak nak dengar, tp kan. kerje kiter bukan nak menjadi penjaga trademark nama Allah tu. Kita kena jaga hak org bukan islam jugak. jaga hak wanita, tp tu kat arab saudi tu drive pun x boleh napa xder org sebuk2? kat afghan pompuan kena bakar, baling asid. kadang2 akak rasa sedih sgt pasal org yg seagama dgn akak ni cetek sgt la konsep hidup atas lifestyle islam ni. hello..arak tu haram xnak pulak naik jadi beratus2 sebotol. alah..malaysia ni hanya drama semata2.. tak sabar akak nak kawin laki islam bosnia. sekurang2nya semayang tak tinggal, takla macam jantan2 kat ofis akak ni..jumaat je semayang.
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