About Me

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Agony Makji

To those who sent private emails asking for advice, I am sorry I can't be any help. Laptop I sakit kuat, bertambah sakit lagi bila PC World decided to hire a Customer Service yang berkerak telinga nya, sampaikan nombor phone I pun salah salin. After few days I called, katanya no work had taken place, nak tunggu confirmation itu ini. So, dah dekat 2 minggu I tanpa PC, nak harapkan PC office yang dikontrol oleh HQ, kang habislah rahsia ku terbukak.

I do not know what is happening around me anymore, apart from my menu for tonight or whether or not, I still have socks to wear. Too busy to know or to care about anything else.I was told that we now have a new PM. Eh, boleh ke jadik PM after case Puncak Alam tu? And Khairy Jamaluddin is the new Ketua Pemuda? Not that I care but I anticipate bila I balik kampung nanti, my cousins yang konon nya orang kuat orang Rembau tu akan menjobo lah macam nak rak.

But who cares? Bad people is everywhere and they get away with things. It is good to bless with muka penyapu, say what you have to say and act like nothing happen.

You really got to have a gut like a battler to see through all this...masalah rumahtangga, cinta tak berbalas, politikus etc etc.Orang mengata, orang mengambik kesempatan...and laki yang tak pandai nak appreciate bini. I am not good at giving advice, but hidup ni kenkadang tak boleh jugak nak kena dengar cakap orang or cakap hati sendiri.You really have to be thinking smart although we cannot always get a clever result, but we got to choose what works.

Given my past form, I can be a bit of a battler and a bolter. I do not know why people opted to stay in a relationship for the sake of their children, as children may always have their parents (unless kau bunuh bapaknya)

The expert mostly would suggest, if there's a betrayal, provided if you can move past it, please please do not attempt to stay in a relationship with you in two minds.You're likely to get suggestions like, run away from this sign of trouble. If you stay, there's a chance that you might completely withdrawn from your partner emotionally and physically. In the end, one party want to be friends (a masterstroke of passive-aggresive). Seriously, you really can't be friends with someone you don't like. I tried...how I should listen to me...(eh, ni problem lain lak ni)

With people that have hurt you, there will be nothing friendly about being friends.Before you can laugh at his/her stupid joke and now, you may even struggle to talk politely.They loves you...katanya, but not in the way they used to. In the end it become, they're there-but not there.

From experience, being a battler can really change you. It has kept me silent and alone. It is you against the world (as in the kawan-kawan yang dari azali tak berkenan dengan your choice of a partner) You keep thinking, yes...he is worth loving and what if he comes out of this and love me again? (Yeah...they will jilat pasir when they promise you this) You're absolutely in denial, but sometimes denial is a good strategy. It gives you time to weigh what you really want. The spurned person should stay steady and listens carefully.

If your laki happens to have extra money set-set Datuk K, yes, you would have preferred the wealth for security anak-anaklah konon nya. You might then hoping that your relationship will work out, right up to the end. When is the end? Kalau laki you ada heart problem, at least you know you can count on ular plastik, but kalau jantan bangsa puaka setan nirrojim lambat mati? Can you really be living in a situation so toxic?

Emotion often clouds the decision making process, same as it clouded everything in your head. There's always a risk of us regretting the decision we made. Battlers usually craving for connection and if they stop trying and hoping and make a drastic exit, they are facing a lifetime of regret, blaming themselves for not trying harder or give the siamang the 2nd chance.

Men usually regret splitting up (ni adalah kata-kata penjilat pasir yang berkaliber sebelum dia mati) He said that the practical male brain will want to cut and run bila bermasalah but down the line (or after tersedar dari lamunan yang pompuan yang dia dok gila-gila tu, adalah species yang sama dengan dotdotdot) he finds that the grass is more emphatically not greener.

When you relationship hits serious problems, it has to be re negotiated if it's to work again, which is difficult bila laki kita tu bangsa yang lebih rela cakap dengan kawan se opis dari you sendiri. Lama-lama, your built up anger has become so corrosive, sometime you feel nak cakap pun tak guna.

So, buatlah keputusan dengan sebijaknya. Jangan ikut sangat cakap hati or suara-suara paranoid schidzophrenia diri sendiri yang selalu rasa orang mengata or benci kat you.We always want to come across the good one, so benda-benda bangang tu janganlah nak diikutkan sangat.

I hope this is a good advice.

P/s Celakalah kamu yang mengata aku ittew dan membuat demand. Kau tu pun bilalah nak hupdate nya?


NotSoSilentReader said...

That is an amazing read.

Thank you.

ManaL said...

Wa nampak datuk K heret bini dia datuk ct terus kua hotel tak kasi sgt peminat kiri kanan nak amik gambar dgn siti. Point here is, marrying a rich older man aint always rosy. Harosss la ade org kechiwa dgn statement ku ini?

Well said, lagi la dgn basing on ur experience, makji. Tambah satu lagi, berdoa la byk pada ilahi for kekuatan diri.

Crowy said...

Terima kasih atas posting ini. Sangat bermakna untuk saya yang memerlukan. I've been following ur blog for quite some times. From ur writing, I can tell that u r a great person. Keep writing, Makji.

Makji Esah said...

Thanks you all.

Crowy, great person? Ramailah yang muntah nanti...

Anonymous said...

muntah cirit


captlukman said...

Tu dia terus update noh!! hhehehe..well crowy she's a great person:D**Ni takda sentiment nak bodek ni**

Joyah Sempoi said...

makji mmg sentiasa besh...