Weh..siapakah dia? Dia adalah psychiatrict nurse (CPN) for makcik Pakiam. Apakah kena mengena dia dalam kisah I dengan Makcik Pakiam ini? Banyak kena mengenanya...although I am assigned to work with Makcik Pakiam, si CPN ni adalah orang yang bertanggungjawab terhadap Makcik Pakiam dalam sepital ittew dan dengan dia lah aku kena buat janji sebelum bertemujanji dengan Makcik Pakiam.Dan dia ni...macam siyallll perangainya!!!!
I really hate to think that one's profession can assume one's personality.But selalunya nurse-nurse yang jaga OG, selalunya gils-gils gak. Tak gils pun, perangai macam orang gils. Iskk..jahat mulut I. Before, ni set-set orang yang tak kenal I lah ni, yang selalu ingat kerja I ni meng 'analyse' orang, padahal taknak ke tanya diri sendiri tu, kau tu lawa ke, popular ke or interesting sungguh ke untuk aku berminat? Blah lah lu. It is just sad and bad that we Social Worker are assigned to pick up the bad pieces is people's life.Kena gunakan kekuasaan sendiri bila seseorang tu dah tak ada capacity nak menjaga hal ehwal dirinya sendiri.
Si CPN ni, I have resigned to calling him Robert Mugabe (he is Zimbabwean you...) dah dua kali menyakitkan hati I.Just because kau ada nursing qualifications, kau memandang rendah betul kat kami-kami yang although takde lah belajar cara-cara memegang syringe or menebuk rectum to insert diazepam, tapi kami taulah bila masa seswai/tak seswai seseorang tu patut di sedate.
My meeting with Makcik Pakiam the other day wasn't a fruitful one.Pasalnya, Makcik telah didadahkan oleh Robert Mugabe ini.Pasalnya? Nurse-nurse kat secure unit tu dah terjumpalah spliff ganja dalam ward Makcik Pakiam ni. So kononlah nya sebagai pembasmi anti dadah, si Nurse ittew telah merampas dadah tu dengan rakus nya.Okaylah...saya terima itu adalah regulation hospital, no illegal substance is allowed but, dah tau Makcik Pakiam ni berpenyakit and pulak tu ada appoinment dengan aku, perlu ke nak dipanaskan hatinya? Slow talk-slow talk dah lah...jumpa dadah, okay...lay down the rules, cakap dengan dia baik-baik.Takyah ugut, takyah buat drama rampasan dadah merbahaya depan-depan orang.Bila orang tu mengamuk bahan dia kena rampas, nak mudah kerja, kau bagi dia cucukan berapi tu ye? Siapa yang susah? Aku jugak.
When I saw Makcik Pakiam, she was already in a straight jacket, looking at me longingly...obviously under the influence of entah berapa mg Diazepam. I can understand if you decided to sedate someone bila dia datang acu pisau ke dengan kau, tapi kalau takat menjerit maki hamun main tolak-tolak, takkanlah sampai nak bagi ubat pelali kot? Ingat gajah liar ke?
I questioned Robert Mugabe's decision to allow her to be sedated.Robert Mugabe kata it was really necessary. I cakap kat Robert Mugabe, she was not dangerous.
'But she brought cannabis in, that's illegal. If she keeps doing that, she is going to have a relapse.'
'She is already on anti-psychotic, to have relapse after a few spliff is highly unlikely. Why can't you just segregate her for her to calm down.It is probably all her built up anxieties'
'I know what I am doing'
'I'm not saying you don't, but I'm just wondering why you have to sedate her just because of that.It is not like she is wielding knife'
'I don't appreciate your comment'
'I am in the capacity to give my opinion. I will be speaking to the Consultant about this'
'Suit yourself'
Ptuihh..suit yourself katanya kat I? Siaplah kau nanti. I spent 15 minutes alone with Makcik Pakiam. Nothing much to do dengan dia ala-ala Zombie mode tu. I got a closer look. To my horror, Makcik Pakiam body is full of scar and one very distinguish one under her chin. Ala-ala kena pisau githoo.
She is the same age as me. She was young, she was happy and she was sane.Thinking to what extent people can set out to ruin your life really scares me.And this is from the people who are suppose to be loving her the most.
I used to think my Ayahanda begitu kejam merotan I dengan kayu hockey (pasal I sepak my sister) but I don't think he will sampai hati to inflict such pain to me...and he will not force me to marry someone I don't love.
Amma, Appa...I lap you.
I really hate to think that one's profession can assume one's personality.But selalunya nurse-nurse yang jaga OG, selalunya gils-gils gak. Tak gils pun, perangai macam orang gils. Iskk..jahat mulut I. Before, ni set-set orang yang tak kenal I lah ni, yang selalu ingat kerja I ni meng 'analyse' orang, padahal taknak ke tanya diri sendiri tu, kau tu lawa ke, popular ke or interesting sungguh ke untuk aku berminat? Blah lah lu. It is just sad and bad that we Social Worker are assigned to pick up the bad pieces is people's life.Kena gunakan kekuasaan sendiri bila seseorang tu dah tak ada capacity nak menjaga hal ehwal dirinya sendiri.
Si CPN ni, I have resigned to calling him Robert Mugabe (he is Zimbabwean you...) dah dua kali menyakitkan hati I.Just because kau ada nursing qualifications, kau memandang rendah betul kat kami-kami yang although takde lah belajar cara-cara memegang syringe or menebuk rectum to insert diazepam, tapi kami taulah bila masa seswai/tak seswai seseorang tu patut di sedate.
My meeting with Makcik Pakiam the other day wasn't a fruitful one.Pasalnya, Makcik telah didadahkan oleh Robert Mugabe ini.Pasalnya? Nurse-nurse kat secure unit tu dah terjumpalah spliff ganja dalam ward Makcik Pakiam ni. So kononlah nya sebagai pembasmi anti dadah, si Nurse ittew telah merampas dadah tu dengan rakus nya.Okaylah...saya terima itu adalah regulation hospital, no illegal substance is allowed but, dah tau Makcik Pakiam ni berpenyakit and pulak tu ada appoinment dengan aku, perlu ke nak dipanaskan hatinya? Slow talk-slow talk dah lah...jumpa dadah, okay...lay down the rules, cakap dengan dia baik-baik.Takyah ugut, takyah buat drama rampasan dadah merbahaya depan-depan orang.Bila orang tu mengamuk bahan dia kena rampas, nak mudah kerja, kau bagi dia cucukan berapi tu ye? Siapa yang susah? Aku jugak.
When I saw Makcik Pakiam, she was already in a straight jacket, looking at me longingly...obviously under the influence of entah berapa mg Diazepam. I can understand if you decided to sedate someone bila dia datang acu pisau ke dengan kau, tapi kalau takat menjerit maki hamun main tolak-tolak, takkanlah sampai nak bagi ubat pelali kot? Ingat gajah liar ke?
I questioned Robert Mugabe's decision to allow her to be sedated.Robert Mugabe kata it was really necessary. I cakap kat Robert Mugabe, she was not dangerous.
'But she brought cannabis in, that's illegal. If she keeps doing that, she is going to have a relapse.'
'She is already on anti-psychotic, to have relapse after a few spliff is highly unlikely. Why can't you just segregate her for her to calm down.It is probably all her built up anxieties'
'I know what I am doing'
'I'm not saying you don't, but I'm just wondering why you have to sedate her just because of that.It is not like she is wielding knife'
'I don't appreciate your comment'
'I am in the capacity to give my opinion. I will be speaking to the Consultant about this'
'Suit yourself'
Ptuihh..suit yourself katanya kat I? Siaplah kau nanti. I spent 15 minutes alone with Makcik Pakiam. Nothing much to do dengan dia ala-ala Zombie mode tu. I got a closer look. To my horror, Makcik Pakiam body is full of scar and one very distinguish one under her chin. Ala-ala kena pisau githoo.
She is the same age as me. She was young, she was happy and she was sane.Thinking to what extent people can set out to ruin your life really scares me.And this is from the people who are suppose to be loving her the most.
I used to think my Ayahanda begitu kejam merotan I dengan kayu hockey (pasal I sepak my sister) but I don't think he will sampai hati to inflict such pain to me...and he will not force me to marry someone I don't love.
Amma, Appa...I lap you.
Ayoyo dey very sad story la ini....I also want to cry la
Now i began to wonder wud there be molestation or any sort of perverse act once they chose to sedate an emotionally disturbed person like Makcik Pakiam (MP)? CPN ni mcm menCHURIGAkan laaa....
macam syial aje alasan ar mugabe... i hope makcik pakiam is ok.
i hope your amma and apa can hear you saying you lap them to them :)
makcik pakiam ni mmg kesian la kisah dia kan, sedih gitu...
apa lagi Esah.. laksana kn tugasan mu ittew.. setelah mugabe sound ko camtu!!
it is really frightening how one could affect another person. dammit! i dah mcm psycho dimentalkan oleh boipren ku ittew yg setelah dkt 2 thn bersame tp x penah admit i ni gipren dia and so gedik pegi melayan rakan rumah ku yg mmg psycho(axiety disorder) ittew. last2 nye i yg jd giler x tentu pasal sbb mengadap kedua2 mangkuks itu dan terpaksa jugak meneruskan hidup dgn cemerlang disbbkan expectation mak, ayah di kg. owh! feel like hurting myself mcm makcik pakiam tp kesian plak kat mak i yg penat2 melahirkan i dgn sempurna. owh, hajah esah.. help me! been stupid for not dumping him masa dia tgh tergolek2 kesusahan d germany dulu. owh.. stupidsss! :(
isy... isy... kesiannya makcik pakiam nih!
anyhow, awak punya most significant phrase was, "She is the same age as me. She was young..."
jasmani jalil, singapura
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