About Me

Monday, January 21, 2008


Disebabkan I bukanlah penulis laman blog yang fofuler..(although..I quite like to feel that I am sometimes...kasilah aku chance syok sendiri naa?) I just don't feel the urge to update, given my latest circumstances.

When was my last post? Yepp...few days after Spice Girls concert. I'm bad at giving review sebab semuanya nanti berat sebelah. Orang kata tak best, aku kata...wuiyoooo!!! But I really have to give them 4 thumbs up...termasuklah ibu jari kaki. The fact is that,

a) Yes, individually, they all can sing but being a band, they sounded much much better as a group. I have always like Mel C. Walaupun suatu ketika dahulu dia debab dan bertatto sana-sini. If I am being honest, Baby Spice sounded better than the rest that night. Scarry live up to her name...dah le suara macam hon kapal tangki, Mel B danced provocatively thoroughout the night...sakit betul mata Makji ni memandang. Posh gets the most cheers and applaud. Ginger tak habis-habis girl power, girl power. Apa yang power pun tatau. And yess, masing-masing datang bawak anak and show them off to the audience while singing 'Mama'. Some years ago, creative people in Astro played this song and change the lyric to 'Mamak...teh ais satu.....Mamak toseyyyyy.....

b) They all sing live....takde pun miming. They dance pretty well too.

c) Nope. David Beckham is not there....I honestly can't see why he should, nanti takde orang nak tengok Spice Girl.

The Spice Girl concert ticket is a present from my partner. Lepas concert, we all bergaduh besar sangat sampai I keluar rumah tak balik-balik sampai sekarang...eh, tidak. I balik semalam...pasal dah takde baju. (Moral dari kejadian ini? Lain kali kalau nak lari, bungkus baju cukup-cukup tau) We only started talking 3,4 days ago.

My office mates pay for my ticket to see 'Mamma Mia'. All I can say is that, if you ever come to London, you must never miss this.It worth every penny.Money well spent...walaupun aku tak bayar habuk pun.

Walaupun hati gumbira dapat tengok Spice Girl & Mamma Mia, setan yang bermastautin dalam badan ku ini memanglah takleh duduk diam. I deliberately called Makji Eton during the show. Both Spice Girl & Mamma Mia. But bila I visit dia recently, rasa menyesal pulak buat menda-menda terkutuk tu. Tak baik sungguh I buat dia sengsara dalam kegigihan dia menternak arnab tu. But I'm sure he will soon return the favour...bila dia berhuha sakan kat Concert Celine Dion. Masa tu lah aku akan tahu langit tu tinggi ke rendah.

Today I read about that Judge/Lawyer, who was captured in that video clip hapa benda tu. Is this the new thing....buat video-video ni? What ticked me is when he claimed 'rupa macam saya, suara macam saya...tapi itu bukan saya'.

Without breaking confidentiality, couple of years ago, one of my patient that suffers from OCD plus dia ni adalah ngiow sikit-sikit. Besides her unfortunate illness, as a person she is blessed with sifat-sifat puaka semulajadi yang lain. Because of I work with this lot, it is not diificult to tell who is manipulative and how they use they 'disability' to get away with thing. One of which adalah satu keluarga berahak Italian ni...boleh tak nak bayar bill api air bagai atas sebab-sebab 'Oh...he have disability, he shouldn't pay'. Kepala hatuk hang....

This young lady, bless her soul...reported to us duit dia hilang. Ada orang curi dari bank dia katanya. The panel of investigation pun kenalah investigate, because she is living in care, people around her is so vulnerable. As much as we think the disabled is vulnerable to others, orang yang macam kita ni boleh sedap-sedap je jadi mangsa kena tuduh.Yang kadang-kadang jadi sakit hati tu, dah terang-terang sipuaka ni menipu pun tak boleh kena salahkan juga.Kunun nya la, the system have to protect the 'vulnerable' one. These are the type of people yang gi tempeleng the civillians pastu court bagi lepas pasal diminished responsibilities or temporary insanity. And orang macam aku ni lah yang bekerja cam nak mampus memprotect si celaka-celaka ni (hamboi mulut ku...kerja tak ikhlas kan aku ni?)

Cut the long story short (believe me, the investigation lasted 6 months with this lady changing her story every time we asked aboout her events recollections) after trips to banks and police station, thorough interviews plus reconstructions of events in the hope to jog her memory (more like to prove to the investigation panel yang si Haram Jadah ni menipu) we have to proposed to her Social Services to close the case, simply because there is no lead to follow and no evidence. I was the one who presented the report to her Care Management that time and remember reading all the investigations reports to the panel. This is what she answer every time we asked about the missing money...

1. The first time, she reckoned that her support have taken it from her bank. When we asked, how can anybody else have access to your bank when you're the one with pin and the card, she jawab 'I don't know'.

2. I think this is during the 2nd interview, we show her the bank statement, evidencing that money was taken out at sekian-sekian time and card number and with her movement diaries shows that she was actually in that area, dia jawab 'Somebody that look like me, same name with my card have taken my money'. Eh...familar kan dengan kes Lingham tu...siapa tiru siapa hah?

3. In one interview, ada ka dia pi cakap...dia hilang ingatan pasal orang pukul dia. Cisssss.....selective memory defect sungguh kan?

4. Ni lagi kelasssss.....katanya dia melanggan pelacur. So duit nya konon dibawak lari oleh jantan brengsek itu la....(But I actually was thinking otherwise like..hoi..ada ke jantan yang lalu tengok muka kau tu? Jahat tak I?) Bila kita tanya mana dia dapat pelacur ni...kat phone booth ke or apa-apa ke, she jawab...masa dia dok berjalan-jalan kat tepi River Thames, pelacorrr jantan tu terus datang offer service...(apasal bila aku gi tepi sungai takde pun pelacor datang approach I? Tak chantekk ke I?)

Kesimpulannya, walaupun cerita I ni takde pun melibatkan orang-orang politik or Royal family, I can understand that some of us just don't have the capacity to lie because they simply just can't. They tried hard, obviously unconvincing pun. My patient is blessed with IQ below 70 and if she come up with benda tak masuk akal, you can excuse her limited intelligence.Si Lingham ni kunun nya bijak bestari gitu, awat la dia bangang gi bagi alasan tu? This is already 2008, people don't do Edry & Linda anymore.

While here you can understand banyak nya body double and people can actually make a living posing as a celebrity, siapalah nak jadi dead ringer Lingham tu?

Have a nice day you all.

p/s - Makji Eton, selamat nonton Suster Ngesot ya!!!! Buka mata batin mu.
p/s - Yatie, I've been wanting to say this for long now but deepest condolences to you and your family on your mom's passing. Semoga tabah.
p/s - All my fellow Capricorn, Happy Birthday
p/s - Kepada orang itu, kalau nak update blog, update je lah.Takyah lah nak buat-buat rajin kunun nya takut kena maki dengan aku...(plus I really think you should call Ustazah Munah)


Tigress said...

Dear Mak Aji,

Alright! U finally went to Mamma Mia. Dah cakap dah best giler, but u were - oh so sceptical- back in those days. And I agree with u on the "I might be drunk" Lingham case. If they can't bedazzle you with brilliance, they'll befuddle you with bullshit. And what a load it is, eh? And... cheer up, Mak Aji. Don't let anyone get u down. If anything, u're a whole lot above us lesser mortals who can only imagine with green, green eyes n face, that u actually went to the Spice Girls Concert!! Begitu membara rasanya...

Unknown said...

Gaduh sokmo laaa budok dua nih! ishhh ni nak kena marriage kounseling kot??? Meh biar mak ikat kaki tangan si F tuh, nak gak mak tengok dia menangis merayu rayu kat mak! Ke guane?????

l!zs said...

makji,jangan susah2 hati k..mari kita pergi konsert sheila majid pulak 1st feb ni...

Anonymous said...

terima kasih atas ucapan takziah you...

esah, kalau i lah keje macam you agaknya kan dah lama i pegi cekik manusia2 yg kunun2 tak siuman tu dan pandai pulak manipulate orang ;)


Anonymous said...

jealousnya makji dpt pi konsert spice girls tuuu..

kisah makji bergaduh sampai keluar rumah tu, mengingatkan kisah lampau ku di satu masa winter dulu.. i can still feel it makji, and i really feel for you too..*hugs*

tapi i punya kes takdak lah smpai 3,4 hari.. 2-3 hours je..*malu*.. i have no where to go, alone and it was damn cold outside, but looking back now, i'm just glad that i left him for good..

btw, i have been a silent reader, now only nak menyampuk..

Anonymous said...

wahhhhhhh ada janz offer service ker kat river thames tuh? sungai yang kita duk tengok angsa tuh kah? motif aritu kita duk lepak2 kat situh, takdok pun org approaching the runaway.............

Anonymous said...

Enjoy yr blog, klakar...and honest..! Hv a great weekend!