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Monday, June 25, 2012

Season Change...People Change

So kengkawan....mak dah balik melapor diri ke tempat kerja setelah dekat 2 minggu bergolek gelantangs kat rumah. Nak je rasanya ber chotti lagi...tapi dok kat rumah pun tak ber productivity but the good thing is, I banyak ngabiskan masa membaca buku. So kiranya, I ni kira dah sama level la dgn budak TKC tu.

So, now kita semua dah tahu yang abang Johnny Depp & Si Joe le Taxi tu dah pun berpisah. Ish..I lah punca nya uols...mintak mahap lah na. Bukan niat I nak mempuraks perandakan rumahtangga diorang tu. Yes, kesian jugak kat anak2 nya..but nak buat cemana kan? Orang kahwin lagikan bercerai....

So yes. I am for one kalau berchenta tu nak sampai mati...(memang orang tu dah mati) and pulak I tak reti nak beralih-alih angin ni. Kiah kata sebab I tak mahu diri I dicentahi. Entah la...betul lah kot. My logic mind will say, kalau hatiku sudah ada chenta, buat apa ku mahu mencari centa lagi. But reality is, orang pun macam kejap nak kejap tak nak kat I. Ni nampak dan rasa pada kasar nya. Dalam hati tak tau.

You know bila chenta tengah kuat bak container 40 footer, mulalah buat janji2 celaka like ----please don't ever leave me. Ohh..I will never leave you...sambung menyambung tapi maknanya tetap sama. Kau kata cinta, ku pun cinta, maka usah lah kita berpisah. Well, bercenta serupalah macam pilihanraya. Janji2 memang sedap dibuat.

But, kenapalah kita bodoh menbuat janji yang memang takkan kena tepat tu, walaupun berkempen jelajah janji ditepati sekali pun?

Kalau orang tu tak mati, dia berubah hati. Kalau hati tak berubah pun...at some stage, you get bored of your lover's presence dalam hidup you. This are case when ppl keep saying, sayanggg...bukan tak sayang...but sayang lain macam sikit. Enough to give yourself that permission to look for alternative.

So the perfect couple breaks up. Susah nak cakap...kalau kita nampak pada dasar laki bini tu macam bahagia je...semua dah ada, but tup2 one of them pulak rasa tak cukup.Once upon a time, I thought I was perfect. I wasn't the one who memintak attention and I thought I was nurturing the relationship to be the ideal one for me and the other half. Tak. One day, your other half can just tell you...this is not working. You may have seen the signs but looking back, the signs are just too many.

It is easy to say that, okay..things is not working and let's just...ohh you know, you pergi sana..I pergi sini.Pastu masih tetaplah nak buat statement nampak baik like...I still care about you. But no love. Love can just begone like that.

If we can be so openminded about this, then there shouldn't be a bitter divorce/separation etc etc. I read about Watie Elite's current hubs ex wife punya aduan. But of course reporter kenkadang ada jugak yang set2 batu api...pi pulak tanya ex bini orang tu soklan berupa apa perasaan akak etc etc. Tengah sakit ati, takkan lah dia nak nyanyi lagu Selamat Pengantin Baru lak kan? The ex wife, ohh, one bitter woman she is. Bitter because the ex left her and of course, not wanting to blame the love from the hubs is gone, she blames Watie. Mulalaaaaah mengungkits. I know his since he was young, kita susah senang bersama etc etc. pastu cakap, alah..dia tu bukannya hensem and tak berduit (err..you said this but kalau I lah, kalau dah laki tak hensem dan tak berduit dan dirampok pompuan lain---bukanke si perampok tu has done you great favour?) He is younger than you, maybe at some point in his life he loves the one that can 'mother' him and now, he wants an equal I lap yu Yu lap mi with someone else. Biaq la kann. Takyah lah nak declare kau nak bermusuhan pulak. Isk. Some jilted party suka benau bercakap banyak dan menjatuhkan air muka sendiri. Contoh nya si ex bini pak pulisi Gerak Khas tu. Kan ke tuhan dah tolong bagi lepas dari jantan tu, udah le nak meroyan dalam pesbuk kutuk gilpren baru orang tu and ungkit duit mas kahwin segala. Terimalah hakikat jantan yang dulunya berjanji setia nak jadi hero idaman Malaya pada you dah berubah jadik samseng Kg Dusun. People change..season change...(I sacrifice tomorrow just to have you here today....) Many years ago, somebody told me dia sayang kat . Pastu tetiba...tup! Hilang. Then after 17 years, nampak I kat pesbuk, jejak kasih and tetiba rasa, ohh masih sayang lagi. Went on a hellbent in pursuit. I never lost my feelings for this person..but of course in that 17 years, I need to get on with life.

We are in control of our feelings, if we want..we want. If we don't...we don't.

Nasib baik lah si Johnny dengan si Vanessa tu idoklah samdol nak membuat statement macam Lisdawati & lakinya..who declare that nothing can come between them not even the sun, moon and rain. Ye lah.

Kesimpulannya, if you want your relationship to work, then it will. Unless the other half is saying otherwise. Some of them stayed together because they are comfortable together, even chenta kurang pun. But that in itself is a manisfestation of yes, you still want to be together.

Some, belakang bini belakang laki sneak out and have an affair but still maintain a front together. Maybe they themselves know that although they like the grass on the other side, it may not be as greener as the one that they walking on now.

See, people are all in for taking risks, kan?

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