About Me

Thursday, March 11, 2010


More FB Disadvantage

Recently, I received a friend request. From a very familiar person....yakni adik ku, yang kurasa, memang sah lah kenkadang makan gaji buta berFB sokmo. Ni nak tanya, aren't Oil & Gas people suppose to be so high up they takde masa nak berFB-FB ni? Looking at my sister's online activity, rasanya idok la. Siap boleh masak-masak bagai.Me accepting her as a friend came after long thought. First she emailed me to check her FB profile, obviously ingat akak dia ngok sangat lah takde FB. Dia tak tahu, akak dia dah lama dah berFB, just tak kompang kat orang aje. So I said to her, my FB is private and its for friends only.So sebagai adik yang solehah lagi mithali, dia pun takdelah menanya lagi. Thing is, she is also friends with many of my friends (ye lah dah membesar dalam circle yang sama, mustik lah kenal orang yang sama kan? Lain lah mak lain..bapak lain..) so she popped out quite a lot as suggested friends. Recently, in one of my comments to my friend's status, which she also commented, I realised that, that commenting activity, inadvertantly showed up what a weird situation that is. We got FB and we are not friends and we KNOW each other. I was paranoid about what my friend (the status we jointly commented) thinks of us (of me)..like, kawan ajelah dengan adik kau tu. Bukannya orang lain pun. (See..I have started hearing voices ni) Then sebagai memahami dan menerima telepathy, my sister then directly send me a request, and I added her.....and 3 more siblings (my sister's existing friends). Tak kan aku nak ignore lak kan? Takut kecik ati lakkk.

Okaylah..I should stop being so uptight about my so called 'guarded privacy'...however the 'guarded privacy' still applies to some others. I ni memilih you all...kalau I tak pilih you tu, adalah sebab. Ada jugak dedolu yang I terpaksa kawan sebab ramai kawan I kawan dengan dia...kesudahnya, perangai semasing (termasuk lah perangai aku) semua cam cipan liar. So now ni, I usually ask around and sometime heeded after kawan bagi good recommendations.

And now...I realised that adding siblings as a friends is not always a good idea. We are not friends. There's certain things that you don't joke about casually with your siblings. Adik beradik I lain pesen sikit. We were moulded differently. I have a very tough exterior...mainly to cover the flaws. The others are more human.What can I say...I am a middle child. We have this set unspoken rules about being the complicated one.Today, I saw my newlywed brother's status and followed by comments made by his wife and friends. Not the sort of thing for kakak yang strict lagi kaki pukul to read. Pulak tu, kakak ni masih takde laki..bukan ke apa-apa suggestion yang mendatangkan makna perprojekan itu tak manis didiscuss depan akak kau ni? My sister in law, being the newly wed, of course lah akan menjawab laki nya dengan kata-kata manja and loving (read..gedik!!!) and I swear to god, kalaulah satu hari besok aku ber laki ke berchenta tak hengat, maka idok le orang lain akan nampak betapa agungnya..sucheee nya chenta ku. Sendiri tau dah lah kan? This sister in law of mine, dah le that day..ni belum nikah lagi ni...I saw her commenting of my sister's status (my sister tu pulak, boleh pulak pi bagitau kat kengkawan dia yang dia rasa loya and pening) and this SIL cakap lah...ohh, nanti boleh lah kita berpantang sesama ye..hikhikhik. Obviously, aku dah le menyampah dengan the thought of her laughing hikhikhik tu, bukan ke announcing yang kau akan berpantang sesama suggesting that itulah matlamat (di malam hari) kau lepas kau nikah dengan adik aku???!!!! Tak malu ke kat akak ni? Ke aku ake je yang emo macam sial? Hish..the unpretty sight of FB. Tu belum masuk lagi kes-kes laki bini communicating in FB..yang..sayang wat ape tuuuuu? nak muntah tak kau?

Can we consider our siblings our friends? Now that I see it, I would have despise them as a friends, dah le jadi adik-beradik pun payah nak suka kan? Ish.ish..ish. 3 days ago, my sister talked about some Malaysia reality program, yang honestly..if I am allowed honest opinion, that program is not worth energy even to discuss about. But I hated the fact that my nieces and nephews are expose to segala macam joke bangang..like LU PIKIR SENDIRI LAH...etc etc. How can you even laugh at that? I think Jangan Ketawa is superb compared to Senariokk, Cecipak ke hapa jadah tu. Ishhh! So, by making my feelings known to her about what I thought about the reality program and what sort of materials she exposed her children to maybe telah sedikit mengecikkan hatinya...although dia tak lah cakap.

So..I'm thinking of memotong kek sesama adik beradik ni.

Kecipanan Boss Yang Diluar Tabii

2,3 menjak ni (or semenjak azali) this Regional Director of mine has got into this habit of sending work emails yang berbau ugutan. Satu, dua kali...boleh lah tahan. Tapi kalau dah sepanjang masa pointing out the impossible and dengan tangan dan kaki yang ada dua, hati ni dah rasa nak mengunakan tangan dan kaki tu untuk men Jackie Chan dia aje.

I have made my feeling known about how her expectation is far fetch, considering that I have so many caseloads including kerja-kerja paksa-rela yang kena dibuat untuk menjaga reputasi (shiallll aje bunyik nya) so I said to her, I can't mix business and my human responsibility.Unlike her, I have a duty of care. Dia takde. Dia punya duty is to make money and to generate income to the council. I have to care about masalah kepala orang.It is not easy.

Since reunited dengan orang KL itu, dia pun dah tanya if tak nak ke balik KL for good.Ye lah...apa makna nak ada relationship via Yahoo Messenger kan? Lainlah kalau nak mengadu domba.YM kan ke famous untuk orang bercerita hal orang? Orang tu dah ada business and I pulak, walaupun takde business kat sini, tapi...tapi...nak ke aku pulang kepangkuan makcik-makcik Wok kat Paroi Jaya tu? What can I do? Jobwise...tak kan nak jadi cat sitter Kiah kot...melampaulah kan?

So today, I emailed my HR to enquire about role changing. I have now decided to menjadi V(ery) I(mportant) K(uli) and just checking with mortgage and what not, financially, what sort of £££ I'll be worse off. Tak apalah...banyak duit sangat pun nanti kerja dok nak balik KLLLLLLLL aje kan?

So today, I am going to stop caring about others.For at least 12 to 14 hours (sebelum cake Cafe World tu masak) and start caring about what really matters to me.


cik said...

Oh Mak Aji! Tak tau la berapa juta kali i akan muntah secara imaginasi setiap kali tgk org bercinta, laki bini dok bersembang kat FB. Macam dia sorang aje la yg ada laki.
Btw, all my siblings are in my list..tapi we have this so call unspoken rules : takde kirai citer dlm umah, sembang adik beradik, kau komen aku, aku komen kau bla bla bla. kdg2 tu ada la. dan yg penting kami tak makan FB, tido FB, bangun FB bla bli blu. Yg selalu jadi Poyo tu adalah mereka yg takde life- 24 jam dok depan FB. Haha.Mrasala komen box dah jadi mcm blog entry :P

Anonymous said...


My rule of thumb in FB-king is I dont befriend with my own laki, adik-beradik mahupun ipar duai. Cane nak kutuk laki kalau laki sendiri in our frenslist, ye tak..??
ps. I nyampah kalau laki bini bercengkerama dlm FB, like you wanna show the whole world how bahagianya idup you... I read once in a fren's FB, perbualan laki bini dalam kelambu yang lakinya bagi some sexctret code, yang bila kengkawan lain tanya 'wat does it mean by BJU'. si bini ngan bangganya tulis.. "Blow *ob U.. hik hik hik....

Desperate hsewife.

Typhoon Sue said...

LOL... a'ah, dgn adik beradik susahlah nak cakap sesuka ati. there are certain things u shouldn't say in front of family members, and things abt ur family members which u wouldn't want to hear. nasib baik aku punya sibling sorang je yg masuk fb. yg lain sumer buta IT..hahaha
so, klu aku nak mencarut ke hapa ke, akan ku gunapakai privacy setting tu betul2 supaya segala abang, cousin, niece and nephews tak nampak keperibadian aku yg tak le sesuci mana tu...haha

Anonymous said...

i rasa adik beradik tak seteruk bila your mertua dan segala ipar request friend kat fb... nak tak nak terpaksa accept jugak..

NenetPenne (NP) said...

bla dah add kakak, abang ipar, anak sedara, sepupu sepapat bagai...aku nak mencarut atau nak bercakap porno kat FB pun dah tak selesa... cettt....

Anonymous said...

Esah comel,

Memang susah nak kata la kalau dah ada family members in our fb. Nak cakap lebih kurang pon susah. Kadang2 ada masa kita nak berlawak lucah lebih2 dgn kawan2 pun susah...nak kena pikio pat lima kali jugak la. unless kalau adik beradik kita jenis tak kisah, open minded apa semua..senang cite..
tapi still kita rasa tak selesa kan..


FA said...

I ni takde lah active sgt dalam fb tapi i added most of my close family members,nak wat laawak bodoh ke nak maki hamun ke dalam fb i tarak hal and derang pun tak kisah sebab most of them pun otak merenggg macam I jugakk..hahah

DarcyDiaries said...

hi ya,
Totally in love with your writings.I don't know..it is simple yet honest.

Have a good day

farah said...

i ada 50++ relatives lam my FB frend list...memula tu mcm x nak je accept diorg...tp since FB pom dah UPgrade diorg nye application... x pening la nak pikir2 lg...

so, relatives yg agak x leh geng tu... yg x suka kita maki hamun lam FB ni...
di masukkan dlm satu kategori..
then mark them as "manusia yg xleh read my status. even nak comment at my wall pon x buleh"
and, LOCK diorg dr baca/komen at kita nye status...

so...senang x keje kita..? so, diorg2 ni xleh baca status2 kita...nak komen, apatal lagi...
and, otomatik diorg ni aggap kita... Xpenah online! konon x tau la..ape Cafe world..ape MYTOWN semua kan...

and, klu yg kita nyampah nak baca status dia tu...
senang jugak keje nye..
nak remove kan..takut depa terasa ati kan...
so, senang jer..
just HIDE dio tu..so, stiap status update dr diorg... x kan terpampang kat wall kita ni.. sapai la..kita tergerak ati nak UNHIDE balik...


aking said...

mak NEVERRRRRRRRRRRR accept adik beradik sbb..kalu aku add sorang, habis stau fam nok add aku...hahaha jahat tak aku?? jahat kanggggg

Unknown said...

siblings request?..thats nothing, pakmat had his children putting on requests to add them as friends..which caught me off-guard..:) and days of ruminating.,.whether I should or not..but I treat fb for what it is..something facial..without depth..handy at once a while letting them now our mental state..cheers..

nbns said...


Makji dah dilit wa keeee??? Wa adalah rakan tido FB sajorkkkk....takde masa nak berFB dah skang, kang tak pasal wa terbabit dlm aktiviti memasak atau bercucuk tanam tu...tak pasallll..

Anyway, i may get a new profile as pegawai imigresen ku sudah dpt mengesan FB ku yg comel ittew, dgn ucapan "tukar lah gambo".



p/s : skips wujud lagi tak?

nbns said...


Wat hepen tu reding prodiji??

