About Me

Wednesday, November 05, 2008


While everybody I know tengah sibuk-sibuk nak tau/berdoa supaya that Barrack Obama menang election malam tadi,I spent a good 3 hours google'ing 'Abby-Norman-Norman-Abby'.

See, sebagai gossip columnist yang berwibawa (cewwwahh) I will need to look from more than one source.Sometime yang bukan reporter lebih tahu dari reporter-reporter berbayar ni...

I am not aware of anymore stupid husband since Awie.Bad enough you dah tipu bini you, bila dah tertangkap tu janganlah menambah drama dengan mengata bini awak macam-macam pulak kan, Kiah?

I am not blessed with any type of premonitory instinct.So memanglah I ni akan bernasib malang kalau tertipu.Being a tipah-tertipu myself, especially takdir tuhan (yes Norman, this is the right context) yang nak menunjukkan kebenaran, where I bumped into my ex and his so called soon-to-be divorced missus kat dalam klinik.Hah...dah le takde langsung tanda-tanda yang menunjukkan they all tu diambang perceraian seperti yang di war-warkan oleh my ex, the missus boleh mengandung lagi pulak tu...talk about 'I don't love my wife'. How can you 'do' your wife and not loving her?

Mind you that is incident kedua I menangkap my ex.But it was my kebodohan jugaklah to allow the second one.I think we women cepat lembut hati if the lover come up with excuses like

a) I'm an idiot,it is you that I really want...

b) It was a mistake...bad,bad one. Don't leave me...I can't live without you...

c) Anything similar lah like the above...ah,you men must know how to come up with more kan?

On the newspaper yesterday...Norman tanpa segan-silliew nya announce...walaupun dah menitis ayaq mata bila diconfront oleh Abby (what does that tell you? Men can always resort to become a waterbag when need to...)

'Saya tak dapat menolak takdir kalau saya terpaksa kahwin dengan Memey' (I really hate the spelling, by the way)

'Abby adalah pembakar semangat and Memey adalah penyelamat' (what does it mean?)

'Tolonglah memahami saya....' (walaupun saya nak kahwin sorang lagi) ------->macam celaka!!!

'Saya tak mahu bercerai..tak mahu anak-anak menjadi mangsa kejahilan kami berdua' (you yang ada affair, bini sendiri pulak dipanggil nya jahil)
You can't be serious...kata masih sayang isteri, tapi pi cakap pasal nak kawin lagi? Pastu gi puji/puja pulak gf baru dalam sokabar...aiyyoo!!!

I know quite few people who had/having extramarital affair.Some are the people who sought support from my department and some are just acquaintances. I think it is just normal for some people to feel that after a while, they want a different things in their life.Some are brave enough to leave the current partner and start a new life with someone else.Some are just trapped with their own anxiety...of course bila dah ada anak, harta sepencarian etc, you really don't want to be bogged down with extra problems.Tahan ajelah.The life is bearable for now.

Sebagai seorang wanita yang tak bergantung sepenuhnya pada kepada orang lain...I really take pity to those yang terpaksa memendam perasaan.I think I am so done with memendam perasaan...kadang-kadang kita ni taknak cakap apa-apa sebab kononnya masa tu masih chenta...and you really aim to be the best thing in his life, hoping that dia bolehlah kompang kat kengkawan nya yang gf I sungguhlah sporting, tak cemburu buta (walaupun perangaiku macam celaka)

But no.That will not happen in a million years.The compliment I had wish only came after we were no longer available to each other.Apa lah salah nya masa bercinta tu puja-puji I sikit...berbaloi gak rasa nya memendam perasaan tu...

The children will find his/her way to grow up, of course with your guidance.What we should know is that to be the guidance, we are not necessarily required to be with the father.Orang takut bercerai sebab takut anak-anak merana.(Funny enough, masa dia dok menjamu mata and selera berpoya-poya an dengan pompuan lain, tak pulak dia pikir pasal anak-anak dia.) Of course lah if you tak berenti berpropaganda against each other or bergaduh depan reporter, the child will surely merana.

If there is no longer love and compatibality, you might as well find your own happiness.I can't imagine coming home, tak bercakap, looking at each other and wondering 'why?'

BTW, if your husband would rather bagi tumpang keta to other pompuan than mengantar bininya yang sarat mengandung tu pi kerja...the obvious reason is that he is so desperate to be the popular one with the girl dia bagi tumpang whereas, there's no longer a desire to be popular with bini sendiri. (Not because he doesn't want to, it is because he think he's popular already with you) If I am the bini...although bagi tumpang keta tak bermakna mereka-mereka tu up to something bad, I will tell him that, fine. I can look after myself well walaupun I tengah memboyot and emotionally vulnerable.I'm sure, I can live by myself as well.And you will have more time to impress others who is only after a free ride from you.Thank god I don't have to sacrifice my time and my life to be popular...(sadiss..sadiss...)

Remind me not to write about Abby and Norman anymore.


Enche' Adykasyah said...

Kak Kiah.. gossip la pulak hal Aziz M. Osman.. Nak dgr u punya ulasan dan komen lagi..

Typhoon Sue said...

Ok. Ni aku nak remind ko le nih....
Don't write about Abby & Norman anymore!


ManaL said...

Which reminded me of that movie: Dreamgirls. Eddie Murphy played a soul singer who's been having affair with another singer yet kept his wife all along and never wud divorce due to that 'for better or worse, till death do us part' vows he made before God in the church when they got married. After like 10 years or so, his gf got fed up and dumped him. While both women continue to move on with their life good or bad, he went on overdosing himself with drugs soo much while hooking up with another poor black woman till one nite, he died in his bed, feeling sooo outta love.

My point here is: There is also a reason why God allows men to marry 4 wives yet they are held accountable for whatever consequences bearable or not. SAtu bini pon tak larat nak jaga, gatal nak add more. These fellas usually ended up having their days numbered. UNless his wife cheated on him or she was the one who called it off so she can marry some richer politician (hmmm...mcm kenal jer)...

Ada tambahan lagi makji, norman siap nak solat istikharah on whether he shud go on practising polygamy or not...time ni la laki2 jadi alim, segala hukum agama pasal kawen tau aja, but other than that??? hampeh!

l!zs said...

laa ingatkan dah habis ceta pasal abby n norman..hehe..me yang kat miri ni pun blur..dah la malas tengok tv,baca news pun tak jugak..menyampah la tengok norman tu..tak abis dgn drama airmata dia..

famil said...

Nah kisah Aziz M Osman..


Makji Esah said...

Ye lah..ye lah..move on..move on.

BTW, Famil, I would have google about him if I am THAT interested, don't you think?

Cik Kiah said...

I know mengenai bab laki pi bagi pompuan tumpang keta i should have consulted you earlier :)

Anonymous said...

memang betul hampeh nyer jantan... nangis kunun.... dasar ayaq mata boya darat!

Anonymous said...

mak oi hjh esah mmg very der caliber punya wartawangggg.hehehee,

anyway aku tersentap dari lamunan sekejap dgr lagu rossa tuh, suke betul pempuan ni buat aku emo-emo hahahaha

Makji Esah said...

Hah Cik Kiah..anothing thing you might want to consider telling your fren yang lakinya suka bagi pompuan tompang keta free tu..

a) Tinggalkan her undergarment dalam kereta
b) Tinggalkan botol susu/pampers dsbg.
c)That panic button thingy...yang boleh terus notify JAIS/JAWI if berlakunya perlakuan sumbang/sumbing

Anon...sesiapa pun boleh nangis sekarang ni...as well as mengangkat sumpah.

Lokmang...mmg bila aku dengar lagu Rossa tu teringat lah kat mung yang sama la mcm aku suka benar mencari penyakit mengingat kisah chenta lama takde hasil...kan?

Anonymous said...

AC punya kes pulak macamana? salah beliau kah juga?

Makji Esah said...

Am I suppose to know about AC, Talib?