About Me

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Emosi Yang Tidak Terkawal

Berikut adalah kejadian-kejadian dimana saya telah gagal melawan emosi.

Kejadian Pertama - Tesco Earl's Court
Ish...tak tahulah pulak semenjak dua-menjak ni segala cashier-mashier kat supermarket ke, Hypermarket hatta Sweet Shop kepunyaan sedara Datuk Shah Rukh Khan kat London ni dah start membelek-belek duit kertas kepunyaan paying customer didepan muka paying customer ittew sendiri.Aparraaa....Ada jugak 1,2 kali bila I singgah kedai beli Diet Coke and Makcik empunya (could be) kedai itu mula menyelak-menoropong duit kertas I. It has never bothered me that much until semalam, when I pergi Tesco to buy sokabar The Sun. (psstt..Kiah, aku bukan tengok Pg 3 ye...if you must know I only buy The Sun newspaper on Saturday only sebab aku suka baca TV Magazine nya..harap maklum). Because I only have one item to pay, I opted the main counter..ala...tempat display ciggarettes tu.This old bag, mula lah start belek-belek my £10 note.Politely I apologised for not having smaller change. Lagi aku apologised, lagi digasaknya belek-belek duit I.Tak cukup dengan raba-raba hujung,tepi,atas bawak duit tu...she took the trouble to walk back to the nearest illumination, place the money near to the light to double check.I look at her.Thought she would berpuas hati by now.No.She walk to the next counter and asked her colleague to double check.

Excuse me, is there a problem? -----------> I asked dengan muka yang macam puaka.
No, not at all, love. ---------------> Dia jawab dengan muka yang takde apa-apa.

I betul2 panas hati...walaupun takde kejadian bergaduh depan reporter or anyone menitiskan air mata, sepanjang hari jugak mood I telah bertukar dari Pope Benedict to Robert Mugabe.Not to mention how the woman made me feel like aku ni ketua sindiket pengeluaran wang palsu.I rasa nak cakap aje dengan pompuan tu, if lah aku ni ada kilang cetak duit and of course lah kalau dah kerja mencetak duit sure nya aku kaya-raya, does she really think that I am going to shop at that poxy TESCO?

Kejadian Kedua-Kat Opis
The Reading prodigy is back with his old tricks...as in muncul secara tiba-tiba kat area I bekerja, telling me he is in the area and ajak I keluar minum kopi.With the current weather, coffee invite sounds very appealing.I may not like the company very much but who will say no to Cafe Nero time-time kejap hujan kejap angin kuat ni.Pakcik tu takde consideration ke yang I ni makan gaji and working with company that does not belongs to my father? Dia tu tatau ke I bukan macam some people yang ada proclivity to tido kat opis pada waktu bekerja?

I have been very busy...sampaikan nak bebughak dengan Org Bayswater pun is a hit and miss. Tu tak termasuk janji-janji palsu yang ditabur kat not-so-desperate-hoswipe kat Hull ittew.I told him that it is a shame that I'm busy and he is available.So I wish him fun minum kopi sensorang and hoping that will all the luck (he needs it) dia akan jumpa Kelly Brooke lookalike.

I am now certain that he is a hermaphrodite.With his mood swings I am sure he is experiencing the mentruation cycle.Paling tidak pun...dia mesti penghidap Bipolar Manic Depression yang tengah mengalami mood yang macam celaka.Dia boleh naik angin you....he went on and on about people letting him down brokbrekbrokbrek.Lupa ke dia yang dia tu yang ajak aku keluar? Tu kira nasib baik lah I tak buat aksi-aksi pelachorr kelas atasan dealing with penniless punter.

Surprisingly, I diam saja and let him get on with it and this time, he has the honour of hanging up the phone.I think I can just brush that off as kes-kes meghoyan yang I selalu nampak dalam secure unit but I must have been suffering from a delayed reaction where after 5 hours kejadian serangan dilokasi pengambaran tu berlaku...hati I jadi panas sepanasnya and habis satu tub Hagen Daas I kerjakan.Talking about nak menguruskan badan lepas makan berkoyan kat KL.

Kejadian Ketiga
MB sekarang ni dah gila Facebook. Tu lah..padan muka.Dulu masa I dengan MB2 pujuk2 dia bukan account, dia kata buang masa lah, tak kuasa lah...macam-macam.Tapi bila segala kengkawan dia kat KL ada Facebook, maka dengan muka tak malunya dia suruh I create account untuk dia.I was stopping at her place pada satu hari yang malang and she asked to borrow my laptop, katanya dia nak check Facebook and MB2 is using her laptop.Unsuspectingly, I pun kasi lah..but at the same time charging my Ipod using the USB port.

Keesokan harinya on my way to work, bila I nak pasang Ipod, alangkah terperanjatnya I yang Ipod I dah kosong!!! It turned out that habis lelagu I telah di wiped out kan segala tak sengaja oleh MB.Ayoyo..kadawale...kadawale.I had to reset the whole thing again and resubmit all songs...and that caused me two sleepless nights.Menitik-nitik air mata I...mengenangkan habis lelagu yang I purchased from I-Tunes hilang begitu saja....I really cried sampai mata bengkak.Tak sangka begitu sekali hatiku terluka.


(Dengan ini dijuga..diharapkang Capt Lukman dapat lah mengantar kembali lagu mayang sari ittewww...sambil pose-pose berdoa selepas semayang ishtikarah mintak petunjuk perlukah aku kahwin dua)


Anonymous said...

Makji mak tau perasaan uols bila segala mala dlm ipod tu hilang!! Mak pon dah 2 kali jadi mcm tuh! Terus tetiba mak histeria kejap.. yela mak slalunye store over 1000 songs dlm tuh tetiba terwiped off semua...

Skrg mak dah hati2, mak slalu save lagu2 dlm laptop (bukan dlm itune, sbb itune tu slalu gila!) so klw lagu hilang mak still boleh recover balik... What is it with ipod really? always gv more hassle then peace of mind! Dulu mak guna philips takde pon problem hilang lagu taw.. *nangis..

Anonymous said...

wahai makji.. i suke dgn entri u kali ni :D

ManaL said...

And people have always thought i am british? either a paki-stani, gujju or arab...and never a far east?

Dont worry la makji...as annoying as it can be, let them do the checking and we smile at their "paranoia". Once they finish, u have the last laugh.

I am no iTunes ke ape person...bukak jer radio in my car and i am happy. Dulu suka gak download lagu2 ni but now, i listen to ape2 jer la...tak best ,switch to channel lain. Astro pon i let the hits tv n so on main lagu2...

Makji Esah said...

Makji..Ipod ni kadang2 gila juak...kadand2 nya pandei jammed..pastu, kamek kenak tunggu sampei battery abis, baru boleh restart...kamek nang sedey gilak, tapi nasib baik ada backup disc...selamatlah lagu2 yang kamek beli ya...tu lah kan..dulu masa pakai mp3 murahan, takde pulak pandai berperangai...cis kau Apple!!!

Hello RMC..wah..selama ni tak suka ke? Matillaaaa main paksa. Hahaha

Manal..that's the prob..I didn't laugh at all...I am so pissed to the bone.Kurang ajar punya pompuan TESCO.

Anonymous said...

Ermmmm hahaha i never come across orang2 yg nak check2 duit ni sebeb mek rasa muka mek ni BEKENG **garang** + pose2 diva, voleh? algi pung duitpounds yg mak tukar time jumpa uols tuh ada lagi u. Nampak sgt tak gi london lama doh kan....

Tapi ipod ni mak tingtong skit, anyhow utk makji tersayang, mek hantar SKRG jugak!! Mek tak nak masuk paper kat london ada pempuan gasak mak kes tak bagi lagu....hehehehehehehe

makji, tp ada satu persamaan, kenapa kita sinsentap sgt skrg uh??

Makji Esah said...

Aking..agak2 nya kita kena SAD (Seasonal Affected Disorder) kot...tapi kat sini hujan sokmo..maka kerna itulah kekanda Esah Abadi rasa nak nangis sokmo aje...tpt mung kat panas, panas tu ke mung pun bersentap-sentipz an?

[danial][ma] said...

hej! hjh.esah...ayoyo makji don't angry2 at iPod but angry2 at MB who did that...hehehehe...by the way i use apple lappie and no prob with iTunes until now...hehehehe...and makji keep eating chocolate to avoid mood swing...;-)

Anonymous said...


maybe kot apakah simptom SAD ittewww? Mengingati kekasih lama? hehehe kannnn ujang ke?? cess kat doha autumn in my heart skrg, sejuk2 gitu..... no more panasangggg leni sejuks you, tu ygmakin sayu kan...tak habis2 melayan hati yg lara hehehe