I'm talking about the snow.Yesterday we got this news flash yang hari ni akan turunlah salji yang berukuran 6 cm.Honestly, I never count on weather forecast,baik dari mana -mana pun lah, nak nak global warming cam sekarang ni.The weather forecast can misled you badly.Only 3 days ago,the sun shines like it were Summer time.I popped out to get me a sandwich.My office and the local sweet shop 5 to 7 minutes walk aje.Because of the temperature suam-suam kuku,I resigned to the idea that I may not need my thick jacket for that short walk.Apart from that,I was planning to berjogging-joigging ria so that my built in heater akan berfungsi secara automatic.So,like bangang, I pun berjogginglah ke kedai yang menjual sandwich tu.I was not in there long tapi sempatlah free read magazine-magazine atas rack tu.That Indian Lady pun tak kisah pasalnya, office I banyak betul bagi business kat kedai dia yang overprice itu.So,dia janganlah berani nak buat sarcastic remark kat I.nanti, tak merasa lah dia nak balik India naik first class India Air tiap-tiap tahun if we decided to boycott kedai dia...Tup Tup..bila I keluar dari kedai tu, temperature jatuh to -2.5 celcius,and I'm only wearing 2 pieces of not so thick shirt.My you know what that time can cut glass anytime dek keras nya.
So, when I heard the news about the snow yesterday,even though I tak tahu betul ke tidak snow akan turun, I dah start buat plan tak nak pergi office.The night before, I called them and buat arrangement that I will be working from home.Ye lah tu.This morning bila my alarm goes off,as my bed was next to the window,the moment I opened my eyes,I can see the snow streaming down from the sky.I was telling myself,alah..sat lagi bila dah terang...berhentilah tu.In the end, the snow terus turun tanpa henti until about 1pm.I was having the most difficult time walking to the nearest Mental Health Unit tadi..(ooppss..ada pulak panggilan emergency,and I kena dash off sekejap) As I am so used to pakai trainers,the boot that is suitable for snowy condition yang berat nya mengalahkan 3 bijik batu tela tu sungguhlah menyakitkan hati.I have no choice but to wear that boot sebabnya,kalau pakai trainers kang, haruslah bergolekan jatuh atas salji tu (by the way uolsss...not a nice sight okay...) Salji ni, nampak je putih suci gitu...tapi kalau dah berjuta orang berjalan atasnya,pastu bila dia start melting,maka akan berupa celaka lah ia.Habis kotor jeans I.Pulak tu...rimaslah pakai seluar yang basah-basah kat area kaki tu...hish..tak kuasa.
But,before Mak badak gi kerja tadi,sempatlah kami buat plan nak ambik gambar.Bukannya apa uolss...dah bertahun duduk sini,takde satu pun gambar main salji.So we thought,manalah tahu satu hari nanti nak balik KL for good, ada jugak satu gambar bermain salji gitu.Buat syarat lah konon-konon nya...plus,bolehlah menjadi eksyen factor for those who tak pernah tengok snow.But by the time dia balik kerja and I habis kerja,the snow began to turn into this dirty leak from the sky.Heran jugak....apsal cepat benar cair? Is it got to do with the fact yang kami ni berada di West London yang agak panas sikit dari borough-borough London yang lain? Bila I sampai rumah,yang tinggal atas jalan is the salt thingy yang ditabur oleh lori Majlis Perbandaran Richmond ni...well, they used salt to prevent major slippery.So,apa makna ambil gambar main garam? Buang masa kan?
But according to the MET office,the snow will come again tomorrow.Tah ye tah tidak.I don't know why I never appreciate the snow.Dua 3 menjak ni.Maybe pasal banyak leceh dari fun.I think if we all duduk area kampung-kampung tu lain lah kot,pasal snow-snow kat kampung-kampung tu well preserved gitu.Pastu, cantik aje mata memandang.But bila dah kat London ni,yang dah kelam kabut dek sesak nya,mata dah tak cantik memandang lagi dah...in fact, mata akan pedih dek ditikam dek snow-snow yang turun dari atas langit tu.That is what happening to me now.My head sakit dek sejuk yang terlampau...and my eye balls hurts so much.All for what? The half a day show case? Sungguh buang masa.
So, when I heard the news about the snow yesterday,even though I tak tahu betul ke tidak snow akan turun, I dah start buat plan tak nak pergi office.The night before, I called them and buat arrangement that I will be working from home.Ye lah tu.This morning bila my alarm goes off,as my bed was next to the window,the moment I opened my eyes,I can see the snow streaming down from the sky.I was telling myself,alah..sat lagi bila dah terang...berhentilah tu.In the end, the snow terus turun tanpa henti until about 1pm.I was having the most difficult time walking to the nearest Mental Health Unit tadi..(ooppss..ada pulak panggilan emergency,and I kena dash off sekejap) As I am so used to pakai trainers,the boot that is suitable for snowy condition yang berat nya mengalahkan 3 bijik batu tela tu sungguhlah menyakitkan hati.I have no choice but to wear that boot sebabnya,kalau pakai trainers kang, haruslah bergolekan jatuh atas salji tu (by the way uolsss...not a nice sight okay...) Salji ni, nampak je putih suci gitu...tapi kalau dah berjuta orang berjalan atasnya,pastu bila dia start melting,maka akan berupa celaka lah ia.Habis kotor jeans I.Pulak tu...rimaslah pakai seluar yang basah-basah kat area kaki tu...hish..tak kuasa.
But,before Mak badak gi kerja tadi,sempatlah kami buat plan nak ambik gambar.Bukannya apa uolss...dah bertahun duduk sini,takde satu pun gambar main salji.So we thought,manalah tahu satu hari nanti nak balik KL for good, ada jugak satu gambar bermain salji gitu.Buat syarat lah konon-konon nya...plus,bolehlah menjadi eksyen factor for those who tak pernah tengok snow.But by the time dia balik kerja and I habis kerja,the snow began to turn into this dirty leak from the sky.Heran jugak....apsal cepat benar cair? Is it got to do with the fact yang kami ni berada di West London yang agak panas sikit dari borough-borough London yang lain? Bila I sampai rumah,yang tinggal atas jalan is the salt thingy yang ditabur oleh lori Majlis Perbandaran Richmond ni...well, they used salt to prevent major slippery.So,apa makna ambil gambar main garam? Buang masa kan?
But according to the MET office,the snow will come again tomorrow.Tah ye tah tidak.I don't know why I never appreciate the snow.Dua 3 menjak ni.Maybe pasal banyak leceh dari fun.I think if we all duduk area kampung-kampung tu lain lah kot,pasal snow-snow kat kampung-kampung tu well preserved gitu.Pastu, cantik aje mata memandang.But bila dah kat London ni,yang dah kelam kabut dek sesak nya,mata dah tak cantik memandang lagi dah...in fact, mata akan pedih dek ditikam dek snow-snow yang turun dari atas langit tu.That is what happening to me now.My head sakit dek sejuk yang terlampau...and my eye balls hurts so much.All for what? The half a day show case? Sungguh buang masa.
Kann?? kalo mahu seno, elok sgt gi ke pergunungan Alps ataupun ke Finland...tu laaagi real punyer seno! kat sinniew entah hapa hapa
Yesss Makji! Mak pon agree sajork dgn uolls. Kalau kat countryside mesti chantek seno2nye. Kalau kat bandar haiyooo.. kejis taww. Berlecek2 pastu kang terpijak lak tahi hanjing yg dah sebati dgn lecak2 ittew!
It was snowy here in Dublin yesterday, tapi lite2 sajork. Mak rasa kan kalau kat southern part of Ireland ada kot seno tebal2 sket? Entah la. I just dont like it when it get too cold. Abes cerita hehehe...
p/s: Erkk Bella siapa Amin ittew?? Cuba sexplain sket??
Setelah uols semua (you, goddess selene, coco and lee) sexplain bahawa snow rintik-rintik ittew hanya membawa becak.. barulah ku tahu. Tapi cemana pun, aku masih jugak nak main snow.. tak kira! Hihihihihi
P/s: Goddess, sapakah ittew? tataw hihihi
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