About Me

Friday, February 23, 2007

Mad World

I got this very interesting email from a friend today.Besides herself updates,she also attached this rather bizarre news from Malaysia.What she said in her email was 'you better come home and help the stupid people that running the system'.Hehehe...if I don't know any better, I would have thought that she is asking me to replace Pak Lah and his konco-konco.Well, I don't even cut to be Pak Lah aide,apatah lagi nak stand in as a PM,hancur lebur kot Malaysia tu.As it is I ni dah ada orang tegur thinking too liberal.Nanti orang sumpah masuk neraka ke hapa,habislah diri I yang comel ni.So,Pak Lah can keep his job without having to see me as his possible threat.

The news attachment is as follows;

Wanita gagal bunuh diri dipenjara dua bulan


PULAU PINANG 23 Feb. – Seorang wanita yang terlalu tertekan dengan masalah kerja dan kewangan hingga cuba membunuh diri dengan menyedut asap ekzos keretanya, dihukum penjara dua bulan oleh Mahkamah Majistret di sini setelah mengaku bersalah melakukan perbuatan itu.

Majistret Ainul Shaharin Mohamed memerintahkan hukuman terhadap Lee Saw Fong, 32, seorang ejen menjual kereta berkuat kuasa mulai tarikh dia ditangkap pada 21 Januari lalu.

Dia yang memakai blaus hitam dan berseluar jean biru kelihatan gelisah sambil menundukkan kepalanya ketika hukuman dibacakan kepadanya kira-kira pukul 11.30 pagi.

Mengikut pertuduhan, Saw Fong didakwa cuba membunuh diri dengan memasukkan satu paip getah ke dalam ekzos keretanya dan disambung ke dalam kenderaan itu melalui pintu belakang sambil enjin kereta dihidupkan.

Pintu dan tingkap kereta itu tertutup manakala hujung paip getah pula dihalakan ke muka wanita itu.

Dia didakwa melakukan kesalahan itu kira-kira pukul 8 malam, 20 Januari lalu di dalam kereta jenis Proton Saga di sebuah jalan mati di Jalan Puncak Bukit Mutiara, Tanjong Bungah di sini.

Pertuduhan itu dikemukakan oleh pegawai pendakwa, Asisten Supritendan Jafri Md. Zain mengikut Seksyen 309 Kanun Keseksaan. Seksyen itu memperuntukkan hukuman penjara setahun atau denda atau kedua-duanya jika sabit kesalahan.

Terdahulu, ketika mengemukakan rayuan, Saw Fong memohon hukumannya diringankan.


As a failed law student yang banyak betul menghabiskan duit MARA,I am no better at understanding government policy and procedure, regulations, constitutional laws and what not.Zilch knowledge.As much as I believe that we all should be rule by a good pedantic confederation,ye lah, terlampau lenient kang susah pulak, macam kat England ni,orang putih baik sangat dengan immigrant,dengan juvenile convict,dengan underprivillege people, sampaikan ramai betul anak-anak asylum seeker yang tak sabar-sabar nak mengebom tube station kat Central London tu,I think at some stage of making or execute decision, we should allow some essence of humanity and pedagogy.

I was asked to involved in a community work this week and dek kerana active nya ber 'community', making plenty community presence, maka my presence in my own blog tersangatlah terhadnya.Many of you must have read the recent gun fashion among the budak-budak especially kat South London.Lately ni banyaklah pulak yang dah mati ditembak.Semuanya budak-budak.I know for fact that mereka-mereka ni (yang mati kena tembak ni) bukanlah budak-budak pujaan Malaya gitu.Ni semuanya set-set setan yang terlepas kandang yang baru belajar mencarut and trading drugs.What they do is to smoke dope during the day and buat overtime merompak orang-orang balik kerja malam-malam.So,bila sekor-sekor keluar newspaper mati kena tembak,agaknya ramai betul manusia kat South London tu buat 'Thank You' party.So dek kerana this latest crisis, the board seems to think that there must be a huge psychological issues among this teenager that is making them vulnerable and as such, subjected them terjebak in the gangland culture tembak menembak dadah mendadah ni. Again, I ni dipaksa rela pergi bercakap dengan bebudak gangster ni.Haiyooo...takutnya,tuhan sajalah yang tahu. The experts seems to think that budak-budak muda ni in much need of a psychological help in correcting their cognitive ability to think positive. Memang betul. As I work in a unit full of adult with challenging behaviour, it is not hard to see that all their challenging front is nothing more than a protective clothes. Samalah kes nya dengan budak-budak gangster ni.

My point is, the authority is sensitive enough to detect the problem within the community and bersusah payah nak tolong eventhough kenkadang tu sampai nak tergadai nyawa nak tolong orang sangat.People here are so lucky.The help is everywhere.My thought are with that poor woman in that news.I can only suspect dia ni kaki judi and that could contributes to her financial worries and work related stress.Coming out owning up a dreadful mistakes is an embarassment to most people.She may feel that the world is closing in to her and the only way out is to forfeit her life.She tried,did not succeed and now, send to jail for punishment of her inability to cope with stress.How is that going to help?

Where is the goverment input? Here, we have the debt recovery helpline and this are the organisation that helps people putting their life back on track.Why must we punish orang yang patah hati? By mematahkan lagi hati nya kah?

While the government is so desperate to menyibuk hal orang lain to gain wider international publicity (menolong the Palestinian yang sama jahatnya dengan regime Zionis kat Israel tu) bukan ke lebih bagus channelkan all their intelligence untuk tolong orang yang mengundi mereka tu?

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