About Me

Thursday, February 15, 2007


Ni nak cerita sikitlah kat uolss ni...I'm not sure if its appropriate...yelah..I ni kan ada reputation bermulut lepas gitu.But then,we should by now know how to differentiate opinion,statement or just simply blatant words yang boleh terlepas dari mulut yang tak berpagar.
I attended my GP appointment last Wednesday.This is subsequent to my third blood test yang telah dihambik oleh the nurse 10 days or more before.The result is still the same that is my ESR is still high.Apa jadah ESR ni,the Doctor and Tuhan sajalah yang tahu.I asked but my brain and technical/medical term explanation selalunya tak gel.But I tau lah kenapa ESR tu tinggi and pasal apa.When they deliver my 3rd time blood test result,the GP pun start lah to fish for more information from me...and I pun bagitaulah my health condition lately ni.I told that GP yang I selalu kena cold...pastu ada temperature yang sekejap ada sekejap takde...yang cold tu pulak..boleh katakan since last October, macam ada contract aje dengan my body...datang pergi..datang pergi.Kalau free of cold pun seminggu aje, and then baliklah tersoksek-soksek...batuk-batuk.
That GP pun suruhlah I lay down kat katil kecik dia tu...and startlah dia meraba perut I.He was unsure if my spleen is swelling or that 'swell' just being a muscle...pasal katanya perut I bermuscle...bangga pun ada masa tu...I can't remember the last time I visit my LA Fitness, so bila that GP kata I ada tummy muscle,rasa nak terkentutlah dek banyaknya angin.Sebab dia pun tak so sure of his findings, dia pun issue I warrant untuk buat scan kat West Middlesex Hospital.So, maybe besok, I pergilah kot buat appointment.
Habis aje process perabaan itu,kami pun berchit chat lagi.I tell you, berminat pulak GP ni tak tanya I macam-macam because selalunya GP kat sini,consultation hour macam ala-ala speed dating tu...and the pesakit like me tak puas nak mengadu nak mintak sick leave bagai.I pun dengan rela hatinya volunteer the information to that GP, suggesting that I might be physically depressed.Pasalnya...banyak betul sympton yang ganjil like
a) No more Brain exercise reading. When was the last time I baca my work text book? Emm..bila nak submit clinical papers that day.How I managed? That book is in between Lee Novotny's and Leez sexual sexcapade. There is a genuine psychological damages issues berselang selikan upacara gymrama kat Ciksit & Sauna & Central Station. I have to be honest, it was more giggling at their beautifully written sexperience rather than mendalami masalah kekehelan otak some promiscuous junkie (mulut jahatnyaaa...) Sekarang ni, my capacity of reading only limited to baca TV Magazine, tu pun pasal nak tahu apa jadi kat that Australian Daily Soap yang I ikut.I read blogs too and that should not be classify as a brain exercise reading.I think (if you agree), there is what people will classify as reading for pleasure and reading for slaughter.This is what lawyers use to say...I got to do some reading tonight so that I could slaughter them guts out tomorrow.I have to do a vast amount of slaughter read too,the reason is to protect me from being mangsa kekejaman pesakit-pesakit mental yang rata-ratanya sungguh bistari itu.Memang benar uolsss...ada orang dalam dunia ni yang hobby nya ialah menyakitkan hati...and there's only so much that you can take on the chin or with a pinch of salt.So, to protect your sanity is by having that onslaught of reasonable reflections to their not so reasonable shine.
b) Kemalasan yang terlampau.When I came back from work lately ni,my jeans and my jacket are dropped in one spot and get picked up again the next day for me to wear.I did not bother to sangkut at the hanger.Apart from the undergarments,socks and the shirts that is changeable on daily basis,the condition of my room is no better than the scene in the world war 2 epic.The fact that I duduk dengan Mak Badak yang sungguh obsess dengan kebersihan alam semulajadi doesn't change a thing.Last weekend, Mak Badak nombor 2 hoovered my room (elehh..itupun agaknya kena paksa, because dia punya tahap malas lagi diluar tabii) so, nampak lah bilik I berseri-seri sikit.Every single day I keep telling myself to kemas bilik,kemas bilik...and yang nyatanya,the ungkapan kemas bilik remained the words without any action.
c) Ke 'Takde mood' an yang sungguh menghairankan.Very hard to elaborate.Buat itu ini takde mood, mana perginya mood tu? South Africa kot?
d) Panas Dingin Suhu Badan ku yang tidak dapat dihuraikan dengan kata-kata (Chewaaaah..pandainya I cakap proper BM) For sure, the company yang produced LEMSIP ni dah kaya dek getting plenty business from me.When the temperature risen,one Lemsip max capsule on the go until finish course.Baiknya sekejap aje.I want to blame the weather...well, how can you have a normal body temperature bila kejap-kejap panas, pastu snow and pastu hujan.Lagi satu yang paling menyakitkan hati is that Mak Badak-Mak Badak yang berdua tu,hisrok...bukak tingkap..and then of courselah udara luar yang sejuk tu masuk dalam rumah kan? To accomodate to their smoking habit, aku yang menggigil kesejukan saban hari...pastu, tahu pulak rumah dah sejuk, dinaik kan pulak temperature central heating.I don't know where I get my sudden keberanian that day, I tegur Mak Badak nombor 2, bila I jumpa dia bergulung dalam duvet,pandai dia complaint sejuk,then I tell her, it is cold because you opened the window...(bongok..bongok..bongok..)
So, the GP bagilah kat I one set of questionnaire ni...tanya how I feel about things in general.He also put me through another blood test and suggest that I should go for HIV test.HIV test?!!! My automatic reaction to his suggestion ialah dengan tersenyum simpul and terus I jawab, it is not possible.I'm not sure if that gesture (senyum simpul) is the mixture of embarassment and terkejut.As I work closely with people that is affected by the virus,kira I ni adalah sikit knowledge.Junkies,promiscuous gay men having several unprotected sex and female with large number of partners (also having unprotected sex) I am not.To get suggestion to have such test is such a shock but at the same time, funnily (tak kelakar pun) kepala I yang twisted ni sungguh bangga yang GP ni perceived yang I ni sexually active kot...haiyooo...I bet the kucing and the anjing around my neighbourhood mengawan more than me.But yang nyatanya, I malu sungguh. But I guess, the GP just want to rule out the possibility and hopefully HIV does not trasmitted through telepathy,as I selalu anxious bila berkerja dengan they all yang affected ni.
And last night, I demam dengan teruknya.Ceri Beri.Berpeluh-peluh bagai.Sakit sungguh badan I and tidur atas futon yang lebih banyak kayu dari kekabu sungguh not helping.I dragged my feet this morning, bawak-bawak mandi and makan ubat lebihan Mak Badak nombor 2 masa dia demam that day.And before I went to work,I muntah lah dengan banyaknya...wuiyooo...but the sad thing is, now I'm still at work and feeling miserably weak.
Nasib baik I sempat telephone Goddess Sue Sue Fathimah yesterday ucapkan selamat jalan and by now, dah terbang dah kot.Dek sebabkan bilik yang semak tu,I don't know where my phone charger is and hari ni tadi...dalam keadaan battery yang hidup segan mati tak mahu, I retrived Miss Coco Chanel punya Valentine message.
I just hope I will be okay by tomorrow where we are all going to makan-makan.I have not been eating anything today as semua benda pun tak nak masuk.I hope all of you had a good Valentine, sambil makan bersama, raba-raba dan exchange janji-janji palsu..hehehe...at least lebih interestinglah daripada I yang demam sambil tengok bola ni.
Selamat uolsss.


Anonymous said...

erkkk...tak sihat kah???

take a good rest k...hope u feel better by now...


keep smiling walaupun tgk cikyak..oopss...POMMMM !!!!

sam zahri said...

hidup uols mak rasakan begitu cepat dan deras.. thats y uols mcm stress and selalu sakit2 kot? rehat2 la uols ek.. mwah2

Unknown said...

Toloooooong!! Mak tak bersalah!!! :P

Han, u should take care of yourself! Of course u know this..like mak dosi cakap sebelum inniew, dahlah bebanan kerja banyak...your relationship ngan Frankie itttew dinch menolong pun! Mujur ado mak badak no.1 noh??? Kalau tak, mak rasa u ols pun akan terkehel jugak...hmmmm

U ols, pls take care and hope to see u ols soon... have a nice weekend

Anonymous said...

Hey Uolsss..
Thanks for the concern...ni tengah berusaha nak baik ni demi nak gi berpoya-poya malam nanti..

Anonymous said...

saya suka baca komen pasal awie... saya tau sedari tulis bukan utk kepuasan org, tapi saya suka membacanya...so, bila nak tulis pasal awie lagi? kalo tak silap hari tu diorang masuk court sbb hak jagaan anak, dan ex wife kononnya ada bawak lari/pinjam anak sehari...alaa..nak melepaskan rindu, terus awie kata dia kidnap anak dia...
baidewei...get well soon..

Makji Esah said...

Hi Mutalib,
Agaknya dok mengata Awie sesangatlah yang sampai sakit-sakit ni kot? Well, dengarnya dia pun dah bahagia..kang tulis lelebih, disaman pulak nanti..tau tau ajelah...orang-orang Melayu sekarang kan sensitive? I wish him well and you too, thanks for reading.Nanti bila dah sihat nanti, I akan sambunglah mengata-ngata ni..