About Me

Friday, May 20, 2011

Banyak Chenta & Banyak Gila

This guy is having an affair with a girl he knows long, long time ago. Gilpren lama katanya..but dia also kata dia kena kahwin dengan bininya sekarang atas arahan keluarga. Okay..fair enough. We still live with strong beliefs that, kalau kita melawan kata makpak kita, maka tak berkatlah hidup kita nanti. Well, betapa selfishnya makpak kita tu kan...nak kita ikut kehendak mereka bab-bab jodoh ni. Just because diorang suka, kita kena ikut suka jugak ke? Pastu kalau kita tak nak karang, mulalah kata...berkat hidup kalau kahwin dengan jodoh pilihan makpak. Makpak ke akan hidup sekali dengan orang yang mereka jodoh kan tu?

Well, that is another story la. But just because you tak kahwin sebab chenta, you ada excuse besar untuk beronggeng dengan kekasih lama you? Yang kekasih lama tu pun...can't you not see what is happening? Takk...kita pun nak ikut bermusuh dengan bini kekasih kita tu. Hek illa...doh doh doh!

People tend to excuse what blatantly is wrong doing, when they are so blinded by love. Laki/bini kita orang ambik...and kita lupa pulak, yang kena ambik tu pun sebenarnya rela diambik dan kita bermusuh la dengan sipencuri laki/bini kita tu. Some even excuse the affair they're having with their ex, err ada tau yang macam ni. Nak kata dia salah, dia rasa dia betul. Kadang-kadang, kita pun rasa dia betul but bila kita pikir balik, apa ada hasilnya pada kita, adakah perbuatan kita tu betul?

Perempuan yang sorang ni adalah sedara saya. Dia adalah sangat lawa dijaman mudanya. Dia taklah tua sangat pun, just dia sudah disambar oleh jejaka hensem ini sampaikan dia tak sempat nak hambik SPM.Pun pilihan keluarga...macam Camelia kena kahwin dengan Ehsan. Ye la..mula-mula chenta lah kann...anak Gabenor, siapa yang tak nak. Hensem lak tu. Suami sedara saya ni bukanlah anak Gabenor, tapi dia anak orang berharta lah. Tapi ingat ye...datang dari keluarga berharta, tidaklah bermakna orang yang kita kahwini itu berharta jua. Lambat laun kalau tuan punya diri itu umpama biawak, family nya yang berharta jua akan naik menyampah...

Then this man (suami nya yang dari keluarga berharta tu) just jatuh terperosok pulak masuk satu kumpulan dakwah...dan sejak itu dia mula berfeeling orang alim gituh and terus dengan laju bak bas express kat Malaysia mengikut sunnah nabi, yakni mencari bini yang nombor 2. Cam siyalllll la sangat. Kerana chentakan suami, si isteri pi lah meminang bakal isteri no.2 dan mengikut rombongan lakinya pi kahwin dengan pompuan itu. Marah sungguh family isteri isteri pertama yakni sedara saya itu. Tapi apakan daya...kita aje yang marah, bini si tupai alim gatal tu tak marah pun. Pun begitu, the suami nya itu hanya pandai berbini tapi tak reti nak sara bini tapi masih tetappp menyombong macam Muammar Gaddafi. Life got so bad and from 2 household kena jadi satu, with 2 wife sharing a house dengan anak menciyak-ciyak....kalau dah laki tak bekerja, apalagi kerjanya kalau tak membuat anak kann? Dengar ceritanya, they have been asked to vacate the house (in fact, so many houses after that) sebab takleh nak bayar sewa because none of them are working. Bila ada sedara mara nak bantu, si suami can say..kalau you ambik bantuan maka jatuh talak. Ciss. If that were me, maka melompat-lompat I nak buat something so that the talak can jatuh maka aku boleh nyah dari hidup nya.

But the wife still.....sabar, sabar. Masih sayang kat suami baghal nya. Sampai semua sedara mara kata, kau peluk lah suami kau..hiduplah kau dalam batu (quoting what the suami said..ulat dalam batu boleh hidup) Iye? Habis tu, ulat dalam batu tu ada kena pakai whisper ke tiap-tiap bulan Bang oiii? Pampers anak? Nevermind pampers mak-mak kannn?

Gila chenta ke..bangang to the high heavens tu?

Yang hidup menahan hati kerna chenta pun ada jua...kekasih hati perangai cam puaka or getting involved with the impossible. It is always about two people...when one can't function properly, one need to make the honest decision. Despite the madness, we still have one very functional nerve in our brain that will tell us the awful truth. That's why when do something, we know when and where things aren't right.

Do the right thing while we still can. (Kiah, lawan lah or simbah lah Bapakmu dengan cuka getah...)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i married at 22 and now im 31 yrs old. it has not always been smooth sailing but i think its one of the best decisions ive made in my life.

we've grown up together , learn so much from and with each other.we try to be good muslims and when in doubt or stuck with a problem we try to solve them based on the Quran / hadith.

I think it helps a marriage greatly when 2 people understand the basics of the deen. Each will know their roles and responsibility and it leaves no room for ambiguity. A man who does not have the physical and financial means should not attempt a a monogomous relationship what more a polygamous one. And a wife who does not receive what is due to her has no blame to walk out of such an unproductive and unfair situation. If society does not 'judge' such a man , rest assuared that Allah surely will.

Nowadays there is so much bad rap about Islam and its teachings when in fact it is actually caused by fools who claim to carry the banner of Islam. God never made it lawful to be unjust. It's sad when the folly of men is depicted as the result of the Deen.

Polygamy is there for a reason. Do i object it? No because it was created by the One who created men. The one who understands the inner workings of not only his body but also of his psyche. Man are made polygamous by nature , and the law of polygamy is there to ensure that men takes responsibility for his actions as opposed to sowing wild oats and having children out of wedlock as well as leaving the women high and dry.

Is it something that I wish for myself? No , but I am open to this concept and possibility and i just pray that Allah gives both me and my hubby the strength to weather it should it ever happens.

Im very thankful that i married a guy who tries his best to be a good muslim and also tries to steer his wife in the right direction.

For me , life as a muslim wife to a muslim hubby in a household where Allah is worshipped is blissful.im allowed to grow emotionally and professionally , not obliged to contribute financially and basically just be who i want to be a so long as its not haraam. Yes i have to be obedient but its not blind obedience and submission.

My 2 cents worth anyways...

By the way , thanks for the great songs on your ipod. Good luck !