About Me

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Thoughts....and talk.

With the bulan puasa and all, my motivation to hapdate ini blog adalah macam my bowel movement gak...well, tak nak menambah dosa kering-basah pun ada juga. Ye laa..hapdate blog kang nak cakap pasal orang...dalam cakap pasal hal sendiri pun ada gak termasuk cerita orang..and cakap pasal orang kang, kalau tak betul, berdosa pulak dengan orang tu kann?

Speaking of menambah dosa...I am so conscious yang dah ada ni pun tak berkurang-kurang...and the scale is still moving.So dok lah diam-diam kannn...dah le puasa 17 jam melemahkan segala organ badan. Iskk...

I had a chat with my friend today...quite interesting one. We were talking about ourselves. Dia cakap pasal dia...and I bagi opinion sikit and I cakap pasal I, dia pulak bagi opinion.

My fren ni I rasa a long standing series of ketakpuasan hati dgn life partner nya. Sometimes bila banyak sangat ketakpuasan hati, it is hard to be very specific dengan apa yang menjadi punca masalah 'tak puas hati' tu. I have always suspect yang she is not being very direct with him...possibly expecting that he knows what needed and wanted in a relationship.I also suspect that by the time she did talk..or blow her lid more like...what actually did came out is something so irrational even she herself can't comprehend and even wonder after that, apsal laa aku buat benda terencat akal gituh.

Well, ni lah masalahnya bila tak bercakap ye?

I have learned so much from my time with F..ohh yes, that so wishful thinking F..that two people need to talk to know what's the problem is.

We always fell into the habit of thinking that talk less is better. In some situation yes..especially bila kita dengan orang gila. Cakap banyak karang menyakitkan hati..because orang gila can never change, so why bother? To sustain a (work) relationship, we best keeping quiet and talk less. Bila dia tanya opinion, kita kasi. Kalau dia diam tu..maknanya dia okay...so kita pun berdoa lah dia akan okay sehingga bulan penuh balik.

With the husband...men are known to like to talk less because it saves them from lot's of bother. They can be selective bila dia nak cakap banyak...and they will talk more if the subject is about how to make him feel good or how to make life easier for him. But try drawing him to issue yang ada kena mengena dengan kebahagiaan bersama...when all that is lacking is pointing to him, dia akan membuat diam dan hidup dalam gua pala hotak nya.

MC doesn't talk (much) kalau dia bercakap pun..kalau hal yang dia suka..maka dia akan tersangat excited...and kalau dia rasa penat, dia akan diam dan tengok TV. Tak pun dia tidurrrrr.

I don't talk much too...but I made the point to talk about what is upsetting me. Dia dengar. It is coming to 2 years, ada lah jugak perubahan.

Bila orang tak bercakap or tak nak bercakap dengan kita, the best thing to do is to take control, sebab nanti yang merana nya kita. We must know what we want to achieve. Kalau kita tak dapat apa yang kita nak pun, at least we know we had made our point across.

My fren said that..well, banyaklah juga benda yang ada reflect nya pada I and my willingness to sacrifice kat MC. The thing is, between the two, there's only one willing party. Yang sorang lagi tu, nak kata tak willing, well..kalau dia tak willing..manakan ada you dan dia.

We expect so much or even hoping that our love one is just like us yang chenta-sepenuh-hati-dan-mati, we bound to get frustrated when what we give we didn't get (all) back. If we live hoping and expecting, we will be miserable waiting.

People always say, love yourself more...because if you have, you couldn't give a shit if others didn't.Sometimes when we do more its because we want something in it as well. Between me and MC, I traveled more...partly because I want to. There's time when I wish MC is just like me...but, sometimes I do wonder a free spirited person macam dia, kalau dah dok dihadap hari-hari, tak sesak napas kah?

LOve is about being attracted to, getting along well and able to tolerate one another.We may be attracted to biawak ladang gadong and get on...and boleh tahan hidup within close space. The person kenkadang perangai tidak lah lawa mana...tapi dia lah yang kita suka.

Some people just don't know how to change because to them..there's nothing need changing. If we feel strongly about it, we say it. Kalau takde perubahan, then kita buat lah perubahan. It is like, kalau kita syok kat ular yang suka mematuk, kita tahan aje la dgn perangai dia yang suka mematuk tu ye?

Selamat Hari Raya....:)


Anonymous said...

selamat hari raya..I hantr komen yg nk bunuh diri 1-2 thn lepas. Thanks

Makji Esah said...

glad u have 2nd thoughts...unless u r commenting from out of this world...

Unknown said...

selamat hari raya..
suka sangat baca blog ni.
banyak nasihat. banyak perkara yg hampir sama + boleh jadi pedoman. thanks..

Cik Kiah said...

Saya baru nak comment psl kisah kawan awak dgn awak tu...tgk2 awak dah comment dulu. Jom kita buat cerita psl awak, dia, adik bradik awak, adik bradik dia...

lindaoff said...

Benar dan nyata!