About Me

Monday, June 27, 2011

Kuning Itu Tidaklah Bersih Sangat Punn....Kan?

Before I returned, there was this big news about BERSIH. There is this huge majority of Malaysians who believe that our voting system is not as 'clean' as it should be. I for once, believe that. I grew up in a small town witnessing cash handouts to warrant a vote.

But siapalah yang tak BERSIH sebenarnya ni? Shall we point to the one who accepted handout and pangkah the party everyone think tak BERSIH?

It is best if I don't talk about Malaysian political scenario because I know noughts. But it is very apparent that all the so called pembangkang mahupung yang tidak bangkang adalah kaya dan raya.

Who is Anwar Ibrahim to call Mahathir a maha zalim when he mercilessly toppled Ghaffar Baba and calling him an old git? There are all practically the same, although I have slightly more admiration to Tun Mahathir.

Since the Cameronian took over, we saw many students rallying in the streets of London. The Police is there to make sure the civillian like me yang nak pi keja naik bus tube segala ni are safe.

What was observed during the reign of Party Tidollah and prodigal SIL is that MaLAYSIAN have better freedom in many things. That's a good signs albeit weak leader. They can blog about every single thing that crossed their mind.

We should speak up about things that we believe need to be put right....like membayar tol dengan banyak nya and kenapa ticket MAS sangat mahal padahal yang naik nya adalah orang Malaysia (tetappp ni ada kepentingan sendiri)

Tetapi, bersihkan lah diri kita dulu sebelum kita bersihkan orang lain.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Banyaknya Soalan...

Banyaknya persoalan.....

Soklan satu...Kiah, jikalau kita sedang holiday dengan yang tersayang, adakah kita patut menghapdate blog kita sekerap yang mungkin?

Soklan dua...mengapakah kita tidak memakai tali pinggang ketika memandu sedangkan kita tahu, airbag saja tidak mencukupi untuk memanjangkan sikit nyawa kita..dan bila kita ni semasa memandu adalah berfeeling Hamilton gamaknya, biarlah membawak keta kancil sekali pun...

Soklan 3....kalau ada orang volunteer nak bersihkan negara kita, kenapalak kita rasa takut kalau kita rasa kita dah bersih kan? Kasi la aje...

Soklan 4...apakah kebaikannya menayangkan cerita hantu, one after another dalam semua channel berbahasa melayu (hantu) dan pelakonnya yang menjadi hantu mahupun mak bomoh adalah serupa dengan cerita hantu yang baru habis tadi?

Soklan 5, adalah bas dan lori kontena 20ft dan 40ft boleh menggunakan lane laju di Lebuhraya KL-Seremban? Wehh....tu hari dah mati sampai dekat berpuluh orang, tidakkan kita belajar lagi?

Nanti saya sambunggg naaa....

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Malaysian Hospitality

I will have to endure another trip, so entry ini adalah ditulis dengan bahasa yang berpada-pada.

Often I say, going on MAS is only when it is awfully cheap....like below 500 pounds cheap. I am not related by blood or through marriage ties with MAS employees so relatives rates is not even an option. I do the domestic routes only because I can't stand AA sukatipakmaknekatuk dia meng alter timetable.

I asked MC, you perasan tak all the cabin crew semua stock-stock pakcik makcik? For someone who don't make up, I think I look far more better than our kakak kain ketat.

All in all, I still stand by what I have said all along. Dear MH, provided you're going extremely cheap to cater for the cheapskate traveller macam I or manalah tau tetiba ada pulak Chief Pilot ke leading steward ke (walaupun receeding hairline) nak kawin dgn I.....I think for now, biarlah I kayakan si Emir Arab tu ye?

MH1 is senyumlah kepada Pax seplastik-plastiknya......pastu bila kita mintak Diet Coke buat muka macam kita nak mintak sebulan gaji dia.

MH2 is served the food even when your pax is soundly asleep. Campak ajelah snack pack tu atas badan orang tu ye?

MH3 is don't bother checking on the pax. Love up kakak tudung can facebook on her Iphone all that 13 hours.

MH4 is orang putih is heaven on earth. Treat them right. Let them have a reclined seat all the time sehingga susah orang belakang nak makan.

MH5 is avoid making eye contact with pax. It will guarantee you a restful shift.

MH6 is, nobody forced you to work so why giving us the look like you have knife behind your neck? Please lah.....go pencen voluntarily.

MH7 is a national carrier aircraft, bukannya academy polis ye. So tak payah la nak berfeeling pengawas sekolah ke polis traffic pulak.


Monday, June 13, 2011

Love Me......(for my imperfections)

Believe me, there is at least 2 unpublished post before this posting. It is going to come out soon but Kiah and Ani (not their real name) dah buat gertakan emosi yang yo yo an...maka, in between kerjaku yang menimbun, ku hapdate jua.

I really don't have good stories to tell. Nak cakap hal ehwal semasa, nanti ada yang fakta lari lintang pukang. I hardly see people and there goes any source of gossips. Lagipun, apalah sangat gossip yang ada kat sini? I don't know any laki orang yang ada affair dibelakang bininya walhal bininya dok lah promote ke mithalian lakinya dalam blog (oopssss!!!)

Nak cakap hal-hal agama macam Bob Lokman tu? Hal agama kan tersangat sensitive...I ni dah le kena tuduh kaki tonggang segala, so apalah credential yang ada yang pi bagi nasihat-nasihat kat orang? Saying that, I dah banyak tengok orang yang dok berdakwah secara online ni...after quoting sabda Rasulullah SAW...a minute after, terus caci maki orang. Tidak kah itu bertentangan dengan kelembutan Rasulullah tu dalam berdakwah? And tidak kah kita tahu lagi yang manusia ni...memang senantiasa melakukan kesalahan????

Kiah bukan nama sebenar, as you all can see in my chatbox atas tu, dah ugut nak mogok lapar. Her mogok lapar is as good as lentent abstinence...so I think, until I come out with something...she would most probably bermogok laparkan her thoughts for more expensive bags yang boleh menjamu satu perkampungan (anak) orang asli.

I have been..and still am, very busy tahap dewa dewi ni.Kerja makin banyak dan nafsu kerja makin kurang. My mind is always somewhere else. I no longer bringing work home (sebab ada orang lain dalam rumah) and resolution after bulan 4 tu hari...memang tak nak dah bawak balik balik kerja ke rumah lagi. Rumah adalah untuk tido, tengok TV dan masak meggi.

I am now, much to Kiah annoyance...very much in love and much to many,many people disapproval too, doing silly things for love.

Often we say, we don't know what become of us when we are badly struck. Silly things that we do and why we do it. We become cruel too..at a point when love blinded our heart.

But are we really silly and blind? Semua orang lah cakap camtu...buta lah..jadi bodoh lah. Nak kata kena bomoh takdelah jugak kann...and I'm not referring to some Lombok genuine cases where some kena calit minyak or kena asap sampai yang rupawan macam Angelina Jolie pun boleh syok mati dengan yang serupa Acappan tu. Errkkk...

We make silly choices. There's plenty of good options but nak jugakkkkk yang menyeksa jiwa raga. All this for unexplained happiness your chenta have the effect on you.

Walaupun chenta itu kadang2 tak perfect e.g. takde pun nak kasik kita birthday present...bunga jangan harap lah kan??? Or bila kita cakap kat dia..I rasa nak makan Nasik Briyani and dia jawab...eh, jauh lah tempat tu...(boleh camtu?) tetapi kerana chenta, kita menutup mata saja.

Dan kita buatlah statement menyedaphati berbunyi...Love, for their imperfections.

So my friends....nama sebenar and nama tipu....please love me for my imperfections ye? Udah-udah lah ngutuk aku. Tak baik tau.....
