About Me

Friday, May 27, 2016


Heyy uolsss.....

Uols anggaplah blog ni ala-ala rencangan Kilauan Emas ka, Gegar Vaganza ka..yang hanya hot dimasa-masa tertentu...sebab masa nak menulis kian ciput adanya. 

Anatara sebab kurangnya waktu ialah, waktu yang ada dibazirkan dengan menyeksa hati dan fikiran sendiri. I wish someone have warned me about Malaya selepas tahun 1998. Selepas kejatuhan Nuar Berahim, keluar masuk jail, Malaya menjadik semacam Timor Leste sebelum gencatan senjata. 

Entah lah uols. Nak dikutuk berlebihan, tu tempat tanah tumpah darah. So kita bersabar jelah ya.

So..what's not new to tell? 

Bebaru ni ada kawan call I. Kami ni tak lah rapat, harapkan like-like photo kat FB ja dan komen sesikit kat each others postings. Berjanji nak mengopi serupa janji BN dalam pilihanraya....you know, the promise and plan you made to get you by. To sit down for the actual coffee tuhan je lah yang tahu bila.

But she actually wanted to moan about this mutual frens of ours yang katanya telah mem bad mouth nya kat kengkawan sekeliling. See, I tell you..nak badmouth orang ni berlaku dimana-mana saja. To uols yang dok oversea toksah lah dok rasa baguih uols tak bermentaliti Malaya. Takyah lah nak buat statement iols tak kawan lah orang Malaya or komuniti Malaya sebab reja deme mem badmouth orang ja tak habis-habis.

You are actually one of them bad mouthers nya kenkadang...so, we cannot actually generalise geographical locations. Kalau you ada mulut yang yang masih berfungsi and you pulak tengah sakit hati dgn si polan dan sipolan, bila ada safe opportunity, sure punya you akan vent kemarahan you sepatah dua kata, ye tak?

Some people just cannot distinguish the difference between badmouthing and venting. This is when the pengambil kesempatan strikes. Let's see, I could have get very unhappy about A yang juga BFF I. Ada jugak perangai A yang menyakitkan hati and annoys the hell out of me. Of course I need to vent about it. I think if you are unhappy about something you vent. Venting about how you feel doesn't make you a hater. Sometimes a friendship is worth so much that kalau you nak confront kawan you tu risiko nya you bergaduh besar. So vent je lah dekat kengkawan you yang lain. The good kawan is your good listener and they will try to calm you down and going hellbent trying to make you see beautiful sights of your annoying BFF. But the kawan yang mengambil kesempatan could have just conveniently terlepas cakap kat your BFF yang you tengah sakit hati dgn dia. This are the babis in disguise. 

The pengambil kesempatan are like traitors....because macam happy pulak tengok orang bergaduh. 

Perhubungan manusia ada pasang surut nya. Ada hari kita okay, we swallow all the bad jokes, tease or even criticism melampau tapi membina. I have that moment too. Days that I feel okay about stuff. The next day, benda sikit pun boleh meletop dan bila dah meletop, benda yang kita dah tutup sebelah mata pun kita boleh lahar.

Kesudahnya, kawan I ni telah bergaduh berpatah arang dgn kawan kami yang disyaki mem badmouth nya. Sad thing was the badmouthing was true, so this friend of mine decide to confront the badmouther. It was all just venting business that went out the wrong way and of course, the pengambil kesempatan yang pergi menyampaikan. 

So I cakap dgn this friend, how significant is this friend to you? How much are you hurting? Of course la bila kecewa, semua keluar..how could she do this to me...I did this..I did this for her...blahblahblah. 

Here's what I learned...good friend will always be there to help, because that's what friends do. Good things is for you to remember. Well, ala-ala kalau nak buat jahat berlebihan pun kita kena ingat balik yang ada jugak budi orang tu kat kita. Disagreement can happens tak kira masa dan tempat. Just because you have accepted help you're expected not to disagree? Well, that's not going to happen. 

I have strings of bad luck and bad moments recently. I can't help to think ini balasan I ada tersakitkan hati orang. See, we don't always know. Maybe ada orang rasa teraniaya dengan perbuatan I...and dia tak nampak pulak contribution dia dalam masalah I dengan dia. 

There's time you think you've helped but others don't think it like that. Payah tau. You know when you tak dapat gaji, you rasa boss you dah aniaya hidup you. But part you tak buat kerja and apa yang disuruh, bab tu you lupa pulak. 

So moral dari cerita diatas..is know your boundaries. If you are between the two elephants, stay neutral. Let the elephants vent. Venting is allowed you know. Badmouth is not. If we wanted to end the friendship, we'd have just done it directly and straight away rather than complaining to other friend in private. 


Anonymous said...

Assalamualaikum Hajjah,

Terima kasih.


Cik Kiah said...

Hapdate bebanyak sikit boleh tak? I tgh gersang bahan bacaan.

Mak Piah said...

Kiahralydia .. awak tu bila nak hapdate.


Makji Esah said...

Zue, kasih mu diterima :)

Oii Kiah....kenapa kegersangan ko je yang dipikirin?

I second mak Piah, Kiah adalah Keji

Anonymous said...

Salam, alhamdulillah for yr posting. Yr writing never fail to make me smile. Have a blessed Ramadan-Nic

DinoHauz said...

Akhirnya setelah sekian lama mak esah update jugak. Terubat kerinduan di hati ini. Terima kasih mak esah