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Saturday, June 13, 2015

Parents Day

Hola uols....sekarang ni dah macam-macam kannn?

Mothers Day, Apak's Day...adik beradiks day....to the extremist, mulalah kata bab bab celebration ni adalah ngikut kapiaq gittew. Suka uols lah. Hidup ni sunyi tanpa sipencari masalah dan puak-puak yang suka menggoncang hidup tanpa tujuan.

While we yang masih ada makpak..or  if they're no longer around, masih nak bergigih menunjukkan kasih sayang and appreciation, I wonder....how those yang....mempunyai parents set-set laknat. Ops.

It's hard when everyone is expected to act a certain way on one day (like Hari Raya as well) and there's lots and lots of people who don't have good mums or dads, or don't have any dads, and it just rubs it in. Kan? 

This poem is written by a colleague of mine yang apaknya..entah kemana-mana. It strikes me on how everytime among us, kita disuruh menghadap makpak kita yang kunonnya menjanjikan ticket ke syurgawi. Tapi kalau kita dapat parents yang...kenkadang lupa yang kita ni adalah anak yang perlu dibela. 

They made us...not the other way around. I somehow understand when some people just can't bring themselves to think good things about their parents.

Girls yang jadi mangsa apaknya..baik terajang mahupun hamba seksual, come fathers day when rata-rata kita, thanks to pesbuk...ohh I lap yu dad...the word Dad to her boleh membuat dia rasa nak histeria!

I ada rasa sikit guilt pada apak I. Ye lah...I always almost gets what I want. But langit tu tak selalunya cerah. To maintain sanity eloklah dipikirkan benda yang baik2 saja.

Marilah kita memahami jiwa anak-anak yang menyampah kat apaknya tahap syaitonnn

The posters in shop windows order me to buy a card.
They tell me how to feel.     
They describe you like this:
You’re special,Number one dad...The best dad in the world.
They remark;
Thanks for being there.
There are cards for dads who like
Golf, gardening, DIY
There are cards with cartoons,motorbikes and racing cars.
Cards filled with sentimental slop and silly jokes.
These cards speak a shared language,
Between sender and sendee.
Dad, I love you.Dad, take it easy.Dad deserves a day off.
But where are the cards for un-special dads
For the worst dad in the world?
The ones who took a lifetime off
Where are the cards for the dads who failed?
Where are the cards for the dead dads,the rubbish dads, the missing dads
the violent dads?
The dads we don’t love, or can’t like.
I want a card that says
‘You fucked it up.’
Maybe then you’ll stop calling.

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