About Me

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Rest In Peace, With Frozen Peas On Your Swollen Ego

Somebody said...if I have nothing better to do, I should hapdate. Well, to people around me, I may have appear like I did f*** all. Orang kata, I dok ber pesbuk all the time.

Ye lah..true. I am not as busy as I used to be. I used to bangkit at 5.30 am...mandi even dalam kesejukan winter, contrary to legend yang kami tak mandi during winter..ptuih! Do you know, mandi do make you feel warm? So, yes. We do mandi. Maybe tak sebanyak mandi orang kat Malaya ni...but we do wash...once a day, at least. I have no idea berapa kali pesakit OCD mandi.

I think I saw a comment somewhere kata, dia dah nak delete URL blog ni sebab, bila stress aje, I akan buat aksi terencat akal, yakni..memprivate blog I. Well, I hope by know you have done so. Seriously, I don't blog for you bebeh. I ni sombong orang nya. I don't write to get famous (nor to get lucky). I write for me...and for somebody else.

See, how pushy can we get sometimes, eh? When we think we are right and others not, we just want people to see and to hear how our way is the highway.

I can be pushy too. Especially when I am passionate about something. More, when I know I am right about something. But when  you are the minority, when everybody is saying this, this and this..as oppose to what you have in mind and belief, best to diam saja.

It is only normal, when you know about something...like, really knows it well, it automatically gives you the feelings that you know it all. Say you dah banyak asam garam dalam hal tu. Like, you dah pernah kahwin, pernah kena seksa dengan jantan, dengan mak mentua...and you rasa you lah orang nya yang patut bagi nasihat alam rumahtangga, as compared to orang yang tak pernah berumahtangga and orang yang tak pernah kena seksa.

Sekilas telinga capang jantan tu, you tahu dah dia tu kaki pompuan ka, kaki auta ka..yang tak boleh dibuat laki. Just because you dah ber pengalaman berlaki kan 18 jantan. Hek elehhh.

Tu bab jantan. Belum lagi masuk hal-hal keagamaan. You dah ikut ustaz kelakar tu on his nationwide road show. You ber guru sana, you berguru sini. Buku agama and quran you dah khatam, berapa kali nya tak terlawan. You listened to all the muftis, para cendiakawan agama tersohor.

And yes..with the knowledge, you feel that you can dispense ayat-ayat powerful, although memanglah nak diniat sebagai nasihat, but more than often...macam you pulak jatuhkan hukum.

Biasalah, the power of knowledge seems to give you everything. You see so many Allah punya secretary, penerima dan pentafsir wahyu pun ada. Pastu dgn konfiden nya cakap...Allah cakap ni, Allah cakap tu. Tapi cara dia cakap kat you macam Allah bisik kat dia jam jam tu jugak untuk pass kan kat you.

Sounds familiar?

Correct me if I am wrong, ayat-ayat suci dalam Quran tu is open to interpretations. I believe at the end of the day, judgement Allah adalah pada you. Ramai betul messenger sekarang. One messenger kata jangan dok ucap rest in peace. Orang kapiaq mmg semuanya masuk neraka. Habih tu, nak cakap menda, go to hell kah? Then one ustaz will say, niat tidak menghalalkan cara. Walaupun takdak niat nak bersekutu dgn orang kapiaq by wishing Merry Kissmess, cara itu tetap tak betul. Ustaz tu kata...

Yeppp...Ustaz tu yang kata. Kata Ustaz tu, Allah yang kata. You refer to the ayat yang diguna oleh ustaz tu, adalah tersangat grey interpretations nya. Well, pick your battles lah. Serupa macam orang dok jerit-jerit kata, Allah knows what is in my heart. What is the difference, kan? If you think and rasa you bersekutu dgn puak Constantine tu, dok lah dendiam bila dia mati dan bila dia beraya. Kalau you, especially if you're once upon a time 'them', takkan gamak you nak habaq kat sedara mara you, hoi kapir...go to hell and pi mampos lah celebrate birthday tuhan hang.

Okay, since you dah against Xmas sesangat, come 25th December, jangan mengada-ngada ambik cuti ye? Cuti tu kan cuti orang kapir? You don't want to bersekutu kan?

What else you can be pushy and self-righteous about? Penjagaan kucing can be one of them too. You pergi Vet ni, dia cakap okay, you got to do this, this and this. You nak jawab lelebih kang, kita ni..kepandaian setakat pi beli biskut kucing and sodok tahik kucing. One object is always different from another, however strikingly similar.

Like a psychiatrist, can dgn terrer nya cakap dan diagnose orang ni sakit cenggini dan cenggini. Another person may have different experience. Sepatutnya two should combine...then tengoklah macam mana.

You can rear a million and one cat. Kucing bersin sikit you tahu dah itu influenza tahap A ke, B ke or whatever. You know what is best for them cats. Biskut jenis apa etc etc. All based on the millions cats yang you dok bela. Armed with that millions times experience, you think you know what best for other people cats too. Because you know better and you care, mistakes should not occur.

Situation macam Dr Mahathir, giving ways to his successor...only to criticise him left right centre. You pilih dia sebab you dah percaya kat dia kan? Yes, you have millions times experience, so orang lain tak boleh salah lah eh?

Do we really know when to dispense our words of wisdom, if any?  Is it when we think we are so bagus? I work with a lot of people and it is very important for me to know when to tarik my hand brake with people sometimes. Yes, we can easily get carried away, under the pretence that we care...or is it we want to show that we are better?

We can pick either one.

In the end, it's all about human cues. Was it "don't tell us, we'll tell you"? Or was it "we have said it and now it is up to you". If it's the latter, then good. Leave it as that. There's no need to be pushy. It's best to be calm assertive.

There..I said it.

1 comment:

Cik Kiah said...

Ko ngata aku ye? Dah2 aku rasa elok ko kasik je cucu2 kita suh orang bela!